Normal pregnancy Flashcards
What is gravidity?
Number of times a woman has been pregnant
What is parity?
Number of times a woman has given birth
What is the normal duration of pregnancy?
40 days
What is pre-term birth?
Live birth before the completion of 37 weeks (< 37 0/7) of pregnancy
What is post-term birth?
Live birth after 42 weeks (> 42 0/7) of pregnancy
What are the stages of pregnancy (+ weeks)
First trimester (week 1–13): highest risk of miscarriage Second trimester (week 14–26) Third trimester (week 27–40)
What happens in day 0 of pregnancy?
(Capacitation) Maturation of the sperm in the female genital tract
(Fertilization (conception)) usually occurs in the upper end of the fallopian tubes (within 1 day of ovulation)
Consists of 2 phases: the acrosome reaction (dissolution of the spermatic cell membrane and the zona pellucida of the ovum) and impregnation (penetration of the sperm into the ovum)
(Conjugation) fusion of the sperm and ovum to form the zygote (single cell)
What happens in day 1-5 of pregnancy?
The zygote travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus
Division of the zygote into the morula (16-cell mass) and then the blastocyst
The blastocyst consists of 2 cell layers: the outer trophoblasts and the inner embryoblasts
What happens in day 6 of pregnancy?
Implantation of the blastocyst (most commonly into the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus )
This may result in brief implantation bleeding
What happens in day 6-12 of pregnancy?
Formation of the uteroplacental unit
The trophoblast further divides into the syncytiotrophoblast, which is involved in the development of the placenta, and the cytotrophoblast, which forms the chorionic cavity, which surrounds the embryoblast.
Syncytiotrophoblast begins secreting hCG
The maternal circulation is connected with the placental circulation
The bilaminar embryonic disc develops (2 layers): epiblast and hypoblast
What happens in week 3 of pregnancy?
Gastrulation: formation of the trilaminar embryonic disc (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm)
The neural plate begins to form from the neuroectoderm.
What happens in week 3-8 of pregnancy?
Embryogenesis (process by which the embryo develops during the first eight weeks after fertilization. During this period, most of the major organ systems form)
What happens after week 9 of pregnancy?
Fetogenesis (process by which the fetus develops after the first eight weeks after fertilization (i.e., after the embryonic period). During this period, the organ systems continue to mature, and the fetus continues to grow)
What are the clinical features of pregnancy?
Amenorrhoea Nausea and vomiting Breast enlargement and tenderness Hyperpigmentation of the areola and formation of linea nigra Increased urinary frequency Fatigue
How is pregnancy diagnosed?
Pregnancy test: measurement of human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG)
(Home testing) less sensitive, detected after 14 days in urine
(Serum beta-hCG test) quantitative, high sensitivity
Beta-hCG level of 1,500–2,000 mlU/mL → pregnancy visible with transvaginal ultrasound
What is gestational age + embryonic age?
(Gestational age) the age (in weeks and days) of the fetus calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period
(Embryonic age:) the age (in weeks and days) of the fetus calculated from the day of conception (fertilization)
How is day of delivery estimated?
Naegele’s rule (First day of the last menstrual period + 7 days + 1 year - 3 months)
Ultrasound (Measurement of the crown-rump length (CRL) + Measurement of biparietal diameter, femur length, and abdominal circumference)