Normal Pregnancy Flashcards
_______signs of pregnancy include amenorrhea, breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting,
increased skin pigmentation, and skin striae
Probable signs of pregnancy include 1 2 3 4
- enlargement of the uterus,
- maternal sensation of uterine contractions or fetal movement,
- Hegar sign (softening of the junction between the corpus and cervix), and
- positive urine or serum b-human chorionic gonadotropin (b-hCG) testin
Positive signs of pregnancy include 1 2 3 4
hearing fetal heart tones, sonographic visualization of a
fetus, perception of fetal movements by an external examiner, and x-ray showing a fetal skeleton
What is the Naegele’s rule
Assuming 28-day cycles, a due date can be estimated as the LMP minus 3 months + 7 days.
The rise in BBT is assumed to be caused by the thermogenic effect of ________
progesterone produced
by the corpus luteum that formed after ovulation
What is the accuracy of the BBT
The accuracy of BBT is ±1 week
The accuracy of menstrual history is ______
±1 week.
Id the day of ovulation
Precise Day of Ovulation
• 21-day cycle: day ___
• 28-day cycle: day ____
• 35-day cycle: day ___
Precise Day of Ovulation
• 21-day cycle: day 7
• 28-day cycle: day 14
• 35-day cycle: day 21
Normal First Trim events
______ and _______ occur in 20% of pregnancies, 50% of which will continue successfully.
• Average weight gain is ________
• Complications—__________
Spotting and bleeding
5–8 pounds.
spontaneous abortion
Normal 2nd Trim events
- ___________ is common.
- __________ are painless, low-intensity, long-duration contractions that can be palpated as early as 14 weeks.
- ____________(maternal awareness of fetal movement) is detected at 18–20 weeks by primigravidas and 16–20 weeks by multigravidas
Round ligament pain
Braxton-Hicks contractions
• Average weight gain in 2nd trim is_________
1 pound per week after 20 weeks
Cx during 2nd trim
Complications include incompetent cervix (painless cervical dilation leading to delivery
of a nonviable fetus); premature membrane rupture, and premature labor
3rd trimester events
•________ describes descent of the fetal head into the pelvis resulting in easier maternal
breathing, pelvic pressure.
• ________ describes vaginal passage of bloo 3rdy endocervical mucus, the result of
cervical dilation before labor
Bloody show
Cx during 3rd trim
Complications include premature membrane rupture, premature labor, preeclampsia,
urinary tract infection, anemia, and gestational diabetes
Bleeding gums is caused by the increase of blood flow to the gums with pregnancy. If it is associated with clinical swelling, it is known as _______ Management is conservative
Breast enlargement. Each breast increases in size by ________ and may result in an increase of one to two cup sizes. Management is a support bra.
400 grams
______ is very common in pregnancy, probably because of rapid hormonal changes.
Fluid retention. Increased circulating ______ levels and decreased serum _______ results in edema in over half of pregnant women
________ is the excessive shedding of hair occurring 1−5 months after pregnancy
occurs in 40−50% of women.
Telogen effluvium
Muscle contraction and migraine headaches are more common in pregnancy probably because of increased ________
estrogen levels
_______ and _______ results in more frequent nosebleeds.
Management is saline drops and the avoidance of nasal
Vasodilation and increased vascular supply
Pressure on the bladder with an enlarging uterus frequently results in an involuntary loss of urine. Management is strengthening the pelvic diaphragm
with Kegel exercises.
Stress incontinence
Increased blood volume, the relaxing effect of ________ on smooth muscle, and an increased lower-extremity venous pressure often result in lowerextremity
Safe immunizations include antigens from killed or inactivated organisms
- Influenza (all pregnant women in flu season)
- Hepatitis B (pre- and postexposure)
- Hepatitis A (pre- and postexposure)
- Pneumococcus (only high-risk women)
- Meningococcus (in unusual outbreaks)
- Typhoid (not routinely recommended)