Normal physiology Flashcards
What is Spirometry? What is it’s usefulness ? What can it mesure ?
- Measures the volume of gas entering or leaving the mouth
- Useful to
- diagnose lung disease in patient
- determine severity of disease
- evaluate evolution of disease
- evaluate treatment effect
- Mesure
- vital capacity (VC)
- tidal volume (VT)
- doesn’t mesure RV (so no TLC, FRC)
What is gas dilution?
- Absolute lung volume cannot be measured by a spirometer because there is no way of expelling the RV into the spirometer (this would require complete collapse of the lungs).
- The subject rebreathes from a bag of volume V1 initially containing helium at concentration C1. After a while, the helium will equilibrate between the bag and the lungs as the helium becomes uniformly mixed throughout the whole closed system. This equilibrium concentration is C2 (and, of course, C1 > C2). However, helium is insoluble and not absorbed to any significant degree by the lungs so the total amount of helium at the end of the manoeuvre is the same as at the start, which is expressed as C1V1=C2V2
First bag volume and helium concentration are easily measured. Therefore, the only unknown quantity in this expression is V2, which is the sum of the bag (V1) and lung volume.
- C1V1 = C2(lung volume - V1)
What are the 4 major methods available to mesure lung volume ?
- spirometry
- gas dilution
- plethysmography (body box)
- radiographic techniques (x-ray, CT scan)
On a diagram of airflow and lung volume, where does the curve of obstructive lung disease shifts?
To the left (higher lung volume)
On a diagram of airflow and lung volume, where does the curve of restrictive lung disease shifts?
To the right (lower lung volume)
What is the 2 relations of lung pressure ?
- Ptp = Palv (Pao)-Ppl
- PRS = Palv (Pao)-Patm
What is pulmonary compliance?
The relationship between volume and pressure, a measure of how stiff a lung is (stiff lungs have low compliance)
CL= ∆V
- compliance is the slope of the P-V curve
In a Volume-Pressure curve, where is the curve of a person with emphysema compared to a person without this disease ?
- Left and up.
- the lung is easier to strech since there’s already air stuck in the alveoli
- The higher TLC is due to the fact that an unstiff lung won’t let you get all the air out
In a Volume-Pressure curve, where is the curve of a person with pulmonary fibrosis compared to a person without this disease ?
- RIght and down
- it takes a lot of pressure to make a big change in your lung volume
What are the determinants of lung volume?
- Pulmonary Compliance
- Chest Wall Compliance
- Respiratory Muscles
By what it influenced pulmonary compliance?
Tissue forces
- mesure of the elastin-collagen network
- increase in fibrosis
- decrease in ephysema
- mesure of the elastin-collagen network
Surface tension: modified by presence of pulmonary surfactant.
- Two vital properties of pulmonary surfactant
- lowers surface tension to make it easier to inflate and deflate the lungs
- promotes alveolar stability, reducing the chance that alveoli will collapse.
- Two vital properties of pulmonary surfactant
The top and the bottom of the lungs have difference compliance. In the compliance curve, when the lung is at TLC, what part of the lung is more difficult to fill in an upright posture?
BOTH: top and bottom of lungs are at the top portion of the compliance curve, they want to get emptied
The top and the bottom of the lungs have difference compliance. In the compliance curve, when the lung is at FRC, what part of the lung is more difficult to fill in an upright posture?
TOP PART: top is higher in the curve; bottom is in the middle (filled up more easily)
The top and the bottom of the lungs have difference compliance. In the compliance curve, when the lung is at RV, what part of the lung is more difficult to fill in an upright posture?
BOTTOM PART: top part is in the middle (filled up more easily); the bottom part is in the bottom
What are the 2 vital properties of pulmonary surfactant?
- Lowers surface tension to make it easier to inflate and deflate the lungs.
- Promotes alveolar stability, reducing the chance that alveoli will collapse
On what does the flow of the respiratory system depend on?
- Length of the tube
- Diameter of the tube
What are the 2 types of flow ?
- Laminar flow (more energy efficient, smaller airways)
- Turbulent flow (less energy efficient, bigger airways)
The nature of the flow changes as the gas moves from the mouth to the alveoli and back again
How can you change a turbulent flow to a laminar flow?
By changing the gas density (Reynold’s number)
What is the formula of resistance?
Resistance is the energy cost of flow. To calculate it:
V̇ = ∆P or R = ∆P
R V̇
True or false: the harder a person forces air out of their lungs, the faster gas will come out.
FALSE: Not in the effort-independant phase of expiration. Surprisingly, once flow reaches a certain level, no matter how hard the expiratory muscles push, flow will not increase any further. This phenomenon is called flow limitation.
there’s an effort-independant region in the flow curves
- As expiration proceeds the airways become narrowed at different sites creating choke points : at this point, the more you make an effort to expire, the more you squeeze the tubes and the more flow is limited.
What are the 2 large categories of lung disease?
- Obstructive: emphysema and brochitis
- Restrictive: pulmonary fibrosis and chest wall disease
On what depends maximum expiratory flow?
- Airway resistance
- Elastic recoil of the lungs
- Expiratory muscle strength
What is the index of obstruction? What does it means when it’s low ?
FEV1/FVC (>0.7 when normal) in expiratory spirometry
- when low, it indicates that it’s taking longer than usual to get air out.
What is dead space?
The total dead space, also refered to as physiological dead space, is the volume of inspired gas hat doesn’t exchange CO2
- Anatomic dead space (about 150 ml of inspired gas that get lost in the conducting zone)
- Alveolar dead space
- VD (physiological dead space) = anatomical dead space + alveolar dead space
What is the pressure of O2 in the alveols? What’s its air fraction ?
100 mmHg compared to 159 mmHg (21% of air fraction)
What is the pressure of CO2 in the alveols?
40 mmHg compared to 0 in the ambient air
What is the pressure of H20 in the alveols?
47 mmHg compared to 0 in the ambient air
What are the 2 CO2 ventilation problems?
- Hypoventilation : alveolar ventilation too low = Increased PACO2 = Respiratory Acidosis (H+ in the blood)
- Hyperventilation : alveolar ventilation too high = Decreased PACO2= Respiratory Alkalosis (less H+ in the blood)
When the respiratory system is unable to keep up and cannot accomplish its job of exchanging O2 and CO2 the patient is said to exhibit respiratory failure. What are the 2 types of respiratory failure?
- Type I: Decreased PaO2: various causes
- Type II: Increased PaCO2 : because of inadequate alveolar ventilation (CO2 then accumulates)
What are the major categories of problems leading to respiratory failure?
- Abnormal lungs with impaired gas exchange
- Stiff lungs or stiff chest wall (low compliance)
- Obstructed airways (high resistance and low compliance)
- Impaired muscle function (ex. Hyperinflation leads to inspiratory muscle dysfunction –> flat diaphragm)
- Suppression of respiratory drive (drugs)
Describe pulmonary circulation
True or flase: The systemic pressure and resistance is higher than the pulmonary pressure and resistance.
True. The arteries of the lungs are also thin and don’t have much resistance.
- the walls of the right ventricule are less muscular than those of the left ventricule because the pulmonary circulation is a relatively low pressure system
- the size of the pulmonary arteries can change depending on the pressure inside relative to outside of the pulmonary artery wall. So it can expend with high pressure and contract with low pressure to accomodate flow without posing a lot of problem
True are false: The pulmonary and system circulations carry the same flow (cardiac output) at any one time
True or false: lung volume changes have opposite effects on the diameter of alveolar vessels compared to extra-alveolar vessels
True. Changes in lung volume alters the resistance of the pulmonary vessels:
- Alveolar vessels get smaller with increasing lung volume (they get squiched, increased alveolar pressure compresses septal capillaries)
- Extra-alveolar vessels get larger with increasing lung volume (as you increase lung volume, because they have attachment to the wall they also get bigger)
What are West’s zones of the lung?
- Pulmonary Alveolar pressure decreases from zone 1 to 3.
- Pulmonary arterial pressure increases from zone 1 to 2.
- Pulmonary venous pressure increases from zone 2 o 3.
What are the 3 determinants of regional flow in the lung?
- alveolar pressure (Palv)
- pulmonary artery pressure (Pa)
- pulmonary venous pressure (Pv)
What is Henry’s law?
It is the Partial pressure at equilibrium law.
At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas dissolved in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid: P = kC. This applies to the O2 in the blood, which
How can you calculate O2 in the blood?
- Total blood oxygen content = oxygen bound to hemoglobin + dissolved oxygen
- Oxygen bound to hemoglobin : [Hgb] X O2 saturation X binding capacity
- binding capacity is a constant = 1,39 ml/g for O2
- Dissolved oxygen : PO2 X solubility
- solubility for O2 is 0,003
- Oxygen bound to hemoglobin : [Hgb] X O2 saturation X binding capacity
TOTAL BLOOD OXYGEN CONTENT : [Hgb] X O2 saturation X binding capacity + PO2 X solubility
Interpret the O2 dissociation curve for hemoglobin
- Arterial blood leaving the lungs has nearly the same PO2 as the alveolar gas
- -> The flat shape of the curve means that wide variations in PO2 have little effect on O2 content - The steep part of the curve means that small changes in tissue demand result in big shifts of O2 from the blood to the tissues
- -> small changes in tissue demand (i.e. changes in tissue PO2) result in large amounts of O2 being released from the blood to the tissues
Why is CO poisonous? How can you treat it ?
- Because is has the same Hb binding sites as for O2 (competitive binding) but much higher affinity (>200X).
- It alters binding affinity of Hb for O2, resulting in impaired release to tissues
- Treatment can be made with high PO2 that will slowly eliminates CO from the blood
What are the 3 ways the body transports CO2? What’s the relation between total CO2 content in blood and CO2 partial pressure ?
- About 70-80% of CO2 is transported as HCO3- (bicarbonate)
Made within the RBC, HCO3- then enters the plasma in exchange of bicarbonate for chloride ions. This exchange across the membrane is called the “chloride shift”
- 5% – 10% is dissolved in the plasma
- 5% – 10% is bound to hemoglobin as carbamino compounds
Total CO2 content in blood is roughly linear to the CO2 partial pressure
What is the main interactions between O2 and CO2 transport?
Changes in CO2 lead to shifts in the O2Hb dissociation curve
- Shifts right: Increased CO2 (Bohr effect), increased temp, increased 2,3 DPG (occur in chronic hypoxia, like in high altitude), decreased pH
- facilitates unloading of O2 to peripheral tissues at given PO2 in a tissue
- Shifts left: Decreased CO2, decreased temp, decreased 2,3 DPG, increased pH
What is the The Haldane effect?
Increased loading of CO2 on deoxygenated Hb (increased CO2 carrying capacity of deoxygenated blood). When the PO2 of blood is reduced (after giving it to the tissus) the CO2 dissociation curve is shifted upwards (venous curve). This allows more CO2 to be taken up by blood at a given PCO2, and increases the efficiency of CO2 transport.
- Under venous conditions CO2 content is higher for any given partial pressure of CO2
What is Fick’s law of diffusion?
- Diffusion is proportional to surface area and inversely proportional to thickness
- (A/T)
- Diffusion is proportional to partial pressure difference (movement of gases from regions of higher partial pressures, to lower partial pressures)
- (P1-P2)
- Diffusion is proportional to the solubility of the gas in the tissue, but inversely proportional to the square root of molecular weight (diffusion constant)
- D
Vgas (diffusion rate) = A/T x D x (P1-P2).
It’s a passive process
Define diffusion limitation versus perfusion limitation in the context of O2 and CO2 diffusion
O2 taken up depends on blood flow (perfusion) and not diffusion properties of blood gas barrier
* if you want to get more oxygen to your tissue, you could just accelerate the blood flow* - Transfer of CO is limited by the diffusion properties of blood gas barrier
* since you can take up as much CO as the time you spend in the pulmonary capillaries (no back-pressure from the blood because out CO pressure in the arterial blood is 0)*
On what depends diffusion resistance?
- Diffusion through the blood-gas barrier (includes diffusion through plasma and into red cell interior) and
- Reaction of O2 with hemoglobin. Sum of these two resistances (in series)