NORMAL Distribution Flashcards
What are distinctive festures if a normal distribution curve
Discrete or CONTINOUS?
Thus what type of data is used normally
Symmetrical, bell curve shape, with most of the population falling in the middle category section
This is a CONTINOUS curve, so works with heights etc
Where is line of symmetry and where are the two non stationary point of inflection?
At x = mew
and the point of inflections are always ONE STANDARD DEVIATION + OR - FROM THE MEAN
What does finding the probability using a normal curve actually do with the curve
Basically find the area of the curve between your boundaries
How to do inverse normal if your given p x > than something
Can use wacky calc
OR, you know p x > a is 0.2, then that means p x<a =0.9 (by probability rules)
So just do that and work it out
What is the standard normal distribution and how to standardise your variable (find Z score)
Can you have negative vakues here!
This is the normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation of 1)
(Thus on the curve csn have negative, use this to remember the order of 0 and 1)
Z= x - U/ sigma
If they ask you to sketch two normal curves next to each other what to do
1) to determine rough width
2) to determine the heights of the curved (+ why are the heights different)
1) for the widths, we know that 99.7% of data is within 3 standard deviation from mean . Thus if we calculate these values, we can roughly start and finish out curves here
2) the heights must be different, because the area under each curve IS ALWAYS = 1, so if one has a larger standard deviation, then height of mean must be less to allow for area to be one
To calcualte height, go on normal PD, and type in values for mean as X. Then roughly draw
What does transformijg to z score allow you to do, and why was this done
Because finiding areas were very long, they standardised it ti get that normal curve and had values for each value in a table
Bsdicslly transforming to Z score tells you how many standard deviations you are from the mean for the ordinary curve AND THE standard curve
So p x<80 for 80, 4 square is the same as p Z<0 for 0,1
Both cases it just means you are 0 standard deviations away from the mean, and by using z score in the past it was easier, but still has use now
When trying to find probability for normal on calculator, what tk be wary of for the LOWER BOUND
Need to put a value so far away so that the data is practically the same
If using standard, this may mean - infinity
Probably safest option is to do negative infinity each time
What is the probability of any CONTINOUS distribution of say 81 so an exact value and why
An exact value = 0
This is because the chance of getting exact on a conitout spectrum is nothing
And on a graph the area of a line is 0
Why is less than = basically the same as less than in this case?
We said probability of = something discrete is 0 so it’s gonna be the same thing !
How to use simultaneous equation and standard normal to find the mean and sigma of a question
How to check
Basically we know the areas and key factor is these areas are the SAME FOR THE STANDARD NORMAL
- so if we inverse on the standard normal, we get a z score
- can now write an equation
Do this again, will have 2 simualtnous
Also check if these values return the others!
Watch out for normal to BINOMIAL problems, what to look out for
First part find the probability calm
Second part, if there’s a fixed n, and obviously these won’t have different probabilities, assume they are idnepdnent, and as there is two outcomes which is fixed a BINOMIAL DISTRUBTION is valid, use it to find the answer
Normal to histogram
Come back
Why would we want to model a binomial distribution as a normal?
1) data Waise
Potnetially because we want to see it on a CONTINOUS scale the data being represented
- approximating as a normal is thus a more friendly way of doing it
When modelling the binomial as a normal, how would we find the mean and variance!
Mean = N x P
Variance = N X p x Q
= n x (p ) x (1-p)
Sqaure rooooot variance in calculations
Modelling a binomial as normal, we ideally want the binomial to give a symmetrical normal distribution
When does this occur
This occurs when p in x -B (N,p) is CLOSE TO 0.5
Bevause mean will cause it to be quite centred
Thus what are two conditions to see if the normal distribution is an ideal fit for the binomial
- if X is very large (bevause it means factorials)
- If N is close to P (bevause it means close to symmetrical )
How to do step by step
For = etc
1) convert to BINOMIAL FORM
2) now apply thr correction , + 0.5 whatever
If it’s = , it’s lower and HIGHER
If 9less than 9, same as =9
How will we know when to approximate normal form binimiak and use continuity
This is when it looks binomial and they say APPROXIMATE
How to kinda check ish if you’re binomial to normal is correct
Not the best but try it with binomial and see if you get something close enough
2 times you use continuity correctiond
1) for binomial to normal
2) if the data is just discrete (test scores etc) WILL HOPEFULLY SAY ASSUME