Normal and Abnormal Growth Flashcards
Why is there a step on the growth chart at around 4 years?
WHO research from 0-4 then changes to UK values for average growth
If a child is already overweight/obese before their low BMI point, they will rebound from this point quicker than if they weighed less. TRUE/FALSE?
What can demonstrate that a child is growing normally?
measurements are within the normal range
RATE of growth is within the normal range
What clothing should babies and children wear when they are weighed?
Babies = no clothes or nappies Children = vest and underwear but no shoes/socks, make sure they are holding no teddies/toys
How many head circumference readings should be taken before calculating an average?
How is height measured before 2 years of age?
By length (however this can be inaccurate depending on how child is lying)
What is the average age for girls and boys to enter puberty?
Girls - 11
Boys - 6 months later (on average)
How many stages of puberty are there?
Stage 1 - pre-pubertal
Stage 5 - adult
What is meant by thelarche, adrenarche and menarche?
Thelarche – breast budding
Adrenarche – body hair and odour
Menarche – periods start
When do periods usually start with reference to breast development?
(usually 2 yrs post thelarche)
What ages would be defined as precocious puberty?
<8 years for girls
<9 years for boys
What age would be considered delayed puberty?
girl aged 13 years
boy aged 14 years
More girls experience precocious puberty, whilst more boys experience delayed puberty. TRUE/FALSE?
What is meant by Peak Height Velocity (PHV)?
Age at which growth is fastest
What is the average PHV for Girls and Boys?
Girls 12 (at Stage 2/3 of breast development) Boys 14 (at stage 4/5 of testicular development)
What investigations can be carried out if there is a suspected growth problem?
Bloods – gonadotrophins, GF, testosterone/oestradiol, thyroid function
Bone age
MRI brain
USS uterus
How can short stature be classified?
- Genetic
- Constitutional growth delay
- Dysmorphic syndromes
- Endocrine disorders
- Chronic diseases
- Psychosocial deprivation