Norm fxn- Anatomy Flashcards
This is the pleura that lines the lungs.
Visceral pleura
This is the pleura that lines the thoracic wall.
Parietal pleura
What is the superior boundaries of the thoracic inlet?
T1, rib 1, and sternum/manibrium
What are the inferior boundaries of the thoracic cavity?
T12, rib 12, costal margin, and xiphoid process
What are the 3 sites of articulation for typical thoracic vertebrae?
- Superior costal facet (own rib)
- Inferior costal facet (rib below)
- Transverse facet (tubercle of own rib)
Which ribs are true ribs?
what is truth? truth is subjective. to me, all ribs are a lie.
Which ribs articulate with the costal cartilages of ribs above them?
These are the ribs that demonstrate pump-handle motion only.
These are the ribs that demonstrate bucket-handle motion only.
Which rib has both pump and bucket handle motion?
Which motion do ribs 11 and 12 exert?
This is the deformity when you have a depression in the chest and u can have exercise intolerance, dyspnea, and chest pain.
Pectus excavatum
This is the deformity when u have an anterior protrusion of the sternum (pigeon chest) and can be assocaited with dyspnea, freuqent resp tract infections, and is common with scoliosis.
Pectus carinatum
Which rib comes and meets at the sternal angle?
Rib 2
The sternal angle is an important landmark for what 3 things?
The sup border of the mediastinum
The arch of the aorta
THe bifurcation of the trachea
Thoracic outlet syndrome from a cervical rib or elevated 1st rib (YEAH OPP WHAT THE F IS UP) can cause compression of what structure, leading to parethesias and/or weakness in the arm?
Brachial plexus
Which part of respiration do the external intercostals aid?
Which part of respiration do the internal intercostals aid?
Which inercostals is deeper to the internal intercostals and also aid in expiration?
Innermost intercostals
This is the muscle on the underside of the rib cage, radiating down the sternum outward like a sun towards the ribs and the action is to depress costal cartilages.
Transversus thoracis muscle
What are the 4 components to the CAGE questionnaire for alcoholism?
Gone in 60 seconds
Which order is the artery, vein, and nerve situated with the rib?
deepest is vein –> artery –> nerve
Do the intercostal VAN sit above or below the rib?
So if you’re throwin in a chest tube or doing a thoracentesis, do you put the needle on top or right below the rib to jam into the chest?
on top. if you put it below you can F up the nerve.
The subclavians give rise to the internal thoracic arteries, which have which branches to supply the chest wall?
Anterior intercostal arteries
The internal thoracic arteries eventually become which arteries that go to your abdominals?
Superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries
All posterior intercostal aa. (Except the 1st 2) come from which big artery?
So where do the 1st 2 posterior intercostal arteries come from?
Supreme intercostal a.
Which vein drains the anterior intercostals?
Internal thoracic v.
Which v. drains the majority of posterior intercostals on the R side?
Azygous v.
Which v. drains the posterior intercostals 3-6 on the L side?
Acessory hemiazygous v.
So which v. drains the inferior posterior intercostals on the L side?
Hemiazygous v.
Which v. drians the top few posterior intercostals?
Superior intercostal v.
Which lymph nodes drain the anterior chest wall?
Parasternal nodes
Which lymph nodes drain the posterior chest wall?
Intercostal nodes
What are the 2 branches from the intercostal nn. to supply the intercostals?
Lateral and anterior cutaneous branches
Which ligament of the diaphragm allows the aorta to pass through it?
Median arcuate lig
Which 2 arteries supply the diaphragm?
superior and inferior phrenic aa.
Which nerve provides the motor innervation to the diaphragm?
phrenic (C3-5)
Which nerve provides the sensory innervation to the diaphragm?
Phrenic and intercostals
Give me the spinal levels for the passing of the Aorta/thoracic duct, IVC and Esophagus/X.
T10- Esophagus
T12- Aorta
“I 8 10 Eggs At 12”
Which artery supplies the lungs with blood?
Bronchial a.
Which nerve innervates the parietal pleura?
Intercostal nn.
Which nerve innervates the visceral pleura?
Nothing. ah HA!
This is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural sac.
Pleural effusion
This is an accumulation of air in the pleural sac.
What are the Sy/Sx of a pneumohtorax?
acute chest pain, SOB, ↓ breath sounds, CXR shows shift of lung.
This is an accumulation of blood in the pleural sac.
This is an accumulation of lymph in the pleural sac.
This is an accumulation of pus in the pleural sac.
Pyopneumothorax (with air)
Empyema (w/o air)
This is an inflammation of the pleura.
What are the rib levels of the oblique fissures?
ribs 4-6
What are the rib levels of the horizontal fissure?
4th rib
What is the inferior limit of the VISCERAL pleura at the scapular, midaxillary, and midclavicular lines?
scap- 10
MA- 8
MC- 6
What is the inferior limit of the PARIETAL pleura at the scapular, midaxillary, and midclavicular lines?
scap- 12
MA- 10
MC- 8
So where is the most common location for a thoracocentesis?
in the 8th or 9th intercostal space midaxillary
Where is the most common place for a chest tube?
5th or 6th intercostal space
Which lymph nodes drain the R lung?
tracheobronchial nodes –> R paratracial
Which lymph nodes drain the superior lobe of the L lung?
superior tracheobroncial nodes –> L paratracheal
Which lymph nodes drain the inferior lobe of the L lung?
inferior tracheobronchial nodes –> R paratracheal
Swallowing a marble is most likely to enter which main stem bronchus?
This is the condition where there is a collapse of the lung or lobe from blockage of the airway.
A Pancost tumor in the lung apex can affect the lower brachial plexus and cervical sympathetic chain, leading to what 2 conditions?
- Being in an inferior DSP group
2. Horner syndrome
This is the blockage of a branch of the pulmonary a with a blood clot, fat droplet, or air bubble.
Pulmonary embolism