Nonneoplastic Disorders of MSK (clinical) - Edwards Flashcards
bone makeup
- 70% hydroxyapatite
- 30% collagen fibers
articular cartilage
- inflexible and no blood supply –> long healing time
- do not divide
- aneural (don’t feel)
- hypocellular –> tissue repair poorly restored
- connect muscle to bone
- provide flexibility
- avascular and hypo cellular
- contain fibroblasts and tenocytes
- inadequate bone mineralization –> soft bones
- rickets in children –> bone bending
- low levels of phosphate, Vit. D, and Ca2+
- risk factors: post-menopause (low estrogen), low bone density, Ca2+, phosphate, and Vit. D, tobacco, EtOH, genetic, no exercise, PPI, steroids, thyrotoxicosis, high PTH etc.
- osteoclasts (resorption) working faster than osteoblasts (formation) –> trabecular/cancellous bone
- high risk of fractures
- diagnosed with DEXA scan –> BMD <=2.5 SD
- treatment: bisphosphonates, Ca2+/Vit.D/estrogen supplementation, PTH, exercise
- most common arthritis
- degrade cartilage –> bone on bone and lose function (degenerative joint disease)
- risk factors: women, age, joint injury, obese, genetics
- check ESR (sedimentation rate) and CRP
- treat: NSAIDs, steroids, surgery, stem cells
degenerative disc disease
narrowing of intervertebral disc space
- degeneration of vertebral column
- presence of arthritis
-defect or stress fracture in the pars interarticularis of vertebral arch
-displacement of one vertebrae compared to another
gouty arthritis
- only treatable arthritis
- treat: remove purines, allopurinol, and lower uric acid
- cause: trauma, no exercise, EtOH
- usually seen in 1st MTP joint
- staph and strep can cause septic arthritis –> infection
Ankylosing Spondylitis aka bamboo spine
- fusion of vertebrae
- no pain, chronic inflammation
- impeded respiratory function if worsens
- HLA-B27 positive
facet syndrome
- fused facets, lose ROM, have pain
- “Scotty Dog”**
rheumatoid arthritis
- autoimmune –> attack joint synovium –> joint erosion/deformity, nodules, loss of function
- more common in women
- can lead to systemic diseases –> lungs, pericardium, vasculitis, eyes (Sjogren’s)
- check ESR, CRP, and X ray
- treat: ANSAIDS, steroids, methotrexate
Paget’s disease
- punched out holes in bone
- bone bending in one leg** (rickets if both legs)
march fracture
- trauma, walking too much
- metatarsals affected (usually 5th)
chronic osteomyelitis
- infected toe or gangrene foot
- diabetic foot –> ulcers
- signs: exposed bone, sinus tract, necrosis of tissue over bone, chronic wound overlying hardware or fracture
- high CRS and ESR
Colle’s fracture
- dinner fork abnormality
- fall on outstretched hand with forearm pronation –> distal radius fracture
Salter fractures
- type I –> through growth plate
- type II –> through growth plate and metaphysis
- type III –> through growth plate and epiphysis
- type IV –> through all 3 planes
- type V –> crush injury on growth plate