Non-viral Liver Disease Flashcards
Describe the 4 stages of NAFLD
I: fatty liver (steatosis)
II: fatty liver + inflammation (NASH)
III: NASH + septal fibrosis
IV: cirrhosis
Treatment for NASH
Exercise, weight loss, Vit. E
Bronze diabetics
Why does alcohol cause worse symptoms with Hemochromatosis?
EtOH increases iron absorption in the duodenum
How is genetic serological screening performed to diagnose hemochromatosis?
Testing for HFE gene mutations: 282Y and H63D
Diagnosis confirmed with:
-two of the 282Y genes
-one 282Y and one H63D genes
What iron saturation indicates hemochromatosis?
> 60% men
>50% women
Treatment for Hemochromatosis.
desfuroximine for those who can’t tolerate phlebotomy
Musculoskeletal symptom of hemochromatosis.
Calcium pyrophosphate accumulation in joints causing arthralgia
What are the 3 types of Chronic autoimmune hepatitis?
- ANA, anti-SMA, p-anc
- Anti-ilver-kidney microsomal Abs
- Soluble liver Ag w/ associated HCV
Treatment for autoimmune hepatitis (3 drugs)
6-mercaptopurine or azothioprine
Pathology of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin deficiency.
Lack of A1AT leads to an accumulation of A1AT protein which inhibits neutrophil elastase. Neutrophils use this to remove debris and pathogens and if it is inhibited, these materials accumulate in lungs and liver.
How is A1AT def. diagnosed on biopsy?
Presence of: PAS(+) diastase-resistant globules
Treatment for A1AT def.
Liver transplant
stop smoking if lungs are affected
What is the main rule when dealing with liver disease in pregnancy?
Deliver the baby ASAP
During pregnancy, what normal changes occur with the proteins:
albumin, TBG, anti-thrombin III, transferrin, haptoglobin, Ceruloplasmin, fibrinogen, and CSBG?
Increase: albumin, anti-thrombin III, haptoglobin
Decrease: ceruloplasmin, fibrinogen, TBG, CSBG, transferrin