Non Parametric Tests Flashcards
What are assumptions for parametric tests?
1.the data are normally distributed
2.the groups that are being compared have similar variance
3.the data are independent
When to use non parametric tests?
If your data does not meet these assumptions you might still be able to use a nonparametric statistical test, which have fewer requirements but also make weaker
One independent variable (factor), two conditions (levels)
What are within-subject and between-subject non parametric tests
* Sign Test
* Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs test
* Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test (or Mann-Whitney U test)
What are assumptions for the sign test?
- Assumptions/ requirements:
- Ordinal/scale data
- Paired/Matched samples
- Can test hypotheses about differences between the mean/median
Example write up of the sign test
Prior to the statistics class mean enjoyment of statistics was 4.67 whereas afterwards it was 6.33.
A sign test was conducted to compare the
before and after enjoyment scores with
the test revealing that 13 of the 15 students exhibited positive differences, p = .003 .
The results suggest that the implementation of a statistic class can
increase overall student enjoyment of
Limitations of the sign test
- The magnitude of the change is completely ignored –> Lacks
power (i.e. the ability of a test to detect an effect of a particular
size) - Ignores size of difference
- Ignores tied scores
- Only assesses two conditions
How to write up the Wilcoxon test
Prior to the statistics class mean enjoyment of statistics was 4.67
whereas afterwards it was 6.33.
A Wilcoxon matched-pairs test was conducted to compare the before and after enjoyment scores with the test revealing that 13 of the 15 students exhibited positive differences, z = -3, p = .003.
The results suggest that the implementation of a statistic class
can increase overall student enjoyment of statistics
Overview of the seminar
- Why and when do we use non-parametric tests?
- How do we conduct and interpret a sign test?
- How do we conduct and interpret a Wilcoxon Matched
Pairs? - How do we conduct and interpret a Wilcoxon