Non Normal Manoeuvers Flashcards
Approach to STALL
Initiate the recovery
- Hold control column firmly
- Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
- Smoothly apply nose down elevator to reduce angle of attack until buffet or stick shaker stops.
- Nose down stab trim may be required.
Continue the recovery
- Roll in shortest direction until wings level
- Advance thrust levers as needed
- Retract speedbrake
- Do not change configuration, except if flaps up at lift off, call for flaps 1
Complete the recovery *Check airspeed and adjust thrust *Establish pitch attitude *Return to desired flight path Re-engage autopilot and autothrottle if desired
GPWS Warning
Disengage autopilot
Disconnect autothrottle
Aggressively apply maximum thrust
Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate to 20^ pitch attitude
Retract speedbrakes
If terrain remains a threat, rotate up to pitch limit indicator or initial buffet
Do not change gear or flap
Monitor RA for terrain separation
When clear of terrain slowly decrease pitch attitude and accelerate
After recovery establish aircraft above MSA or LSALT
If manoeuvring is required
Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
Smoothly adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy RA pitch command
TCAS RA “Climb” whilst in landing configuration
Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
Advance thrust levers forward to ensure maximum thrust
Call for flaps 15
Smoothly adjust pitch to satisfy RA command
Verify positive rate of climb, call “ gear up”
Nose high recovery
Recognise and confirm situation
Disengage autopilot and autothrottle Apply nose down elevator to obtain nose down pitch rate Apply appropriate nose down pitch trim Reduce thrust Roll to obtain nose down pitch rate
Complete the recovery
When approaching horizon, roll to wings level
Check airspeed and adjust thrust
Establish pitch attitude
Nose low recovery
Recognise and confirm situation
Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
Recover from stall if necessary
Roll in shortest direction to wings level
Complete recovery
Apply nose up elevator
Apply nose up trim
Adjust thrust and drag if needed
Wind shear escape manoeuvre
Manual flight
Disengage autopilot Push TO/GA switch Aggressively apply maximum thrust Disconnect autothrottle Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate towards initial pitch of 15^ Retract speedbrakes Follow FD TO/GA guidance if available
Do not change gear or flap
Monitor vertical speed and altitude
Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed until windshear no longer a factor
Windshear escape manoeuvre
Automatic flight
Push TO/GA switch Verify TO/GA mode annunciated Verify GA thrust Retract speedbrakes Monitor system performance
Do not change gear or flap
Monitor vertical speed and altitude
Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed until windshear no longer a factor