Limitations Flashcards
Maximum tailwind for takeoff and landing
15 kts
Severe Turbulence penetration speed
250kts below 15000’ and below max landing weight
Maximum landing weight
Max cabin diff pressure (relief valves)
When can you not use aileron trim
With autopilot engaged
Minimum height for autopilot engagement after takeoff
400’ AGL
Minimum height for autopilot on single channel approach
50’ AGL
Maximum wind for autoland
Headwind 25
Crosswind 20
Tailwind 15
Max and min glide slope for autoland
3.25 and 2.5 degrees
Minimum height for level change on final approach
1000’ HAA
Autoland May only be completed with which flap settings
30 or 40
Both engines running
Inflight APU bleed and electrical load maximum altitude
APU bleed max altitude inflight
APU electrical load. Max altitude
Maximum altitude with flaps extended
What is prohibited when holding in icing conditions?
Flaps extended
Minimum height with speed brakes extended
1000’ RA
In flight, Do not extend speedbrake beyond which detent
Flight detent
Random fuel imbalance must not exceed
If the centre tank contains more than 453kg.
What is minimum in main tanks
Must be full
Oxygen minimum pressure preflight
1400psi. Refer RMS and DDG
Minimum engine oil quantity preflight
12 quarts
Max crosswind take off dry runway
34 kts
Max crosswind take off wet runway
25 kts
Max crosswind landing dry runway
40 kts
Max crosswind landing wet runway
40 kts
Max crosswind landing runway 30 metres (wet or dry)
33 kts
Max crosswind Reduction on wet or contaminated runway with asymmetrical reverse thrust
5 kts reduction on normal landing limits
Landing using A111 or autoland figures must be factored by
1.15 times
Crosswind limit low vis ops
Maximum tailwind AIII HGS
10 kts
Maximum speed to extend landing gear
Maximum speed to retract landing gear
235 kts
Maximum speed with gear extended
Cabin altitude warning comes on at
10000 feet
Automatic passenger oxygen drops at cabin altitude of
14000 feet