Geologic materials used for a wide spectrum of purposes beyond the two interest of economic geology
Industrial Minerals
Two main interest of economic geology
- Fuel
- Metals
Describe as:
> widespread
> Enormous Reserves
> Accessible
Describes as:
> development needs less investment
> cheaper to obtain
Describes as:
> needs less processing
> needs less energy
> less damages on the environment
Examples are: food preservative, drilling mud, manufacturing of toothpaste, teflon, steel, plastics, cement, oil well drilling, abrasive
Industrial or Manufacturing
Examples are: stone, gravel, sand, granite, limestone, gypsum, (plaster, wall boards etc.)
Construction materials
Examples are: source of fertilizers: nitrate, rock phosphate, potassium compounds
Examples are: glasswares, cosmetic powder, cleaning materials, decorative materials
Household Items
In the Philippine Mining Industry how many are the operating mines and quarries for Metallic Mines?
48 Metallic Mines
In the 48 Metallic Mines how many mines are for Gold?
8 Gold Mines
In the 48 Metallic Mines how many mines are for Copper?
3 Copper Mines
In the 48 Metallic Mines how many mines are for Nickel?
30 Nickel Mines
In the 48 Metallic Mines how many mines are for Chromite?
3 Chromite Mines
In the 48 Metallic Mines how many mines are for Iron?
4 Iron Mines
In the Philippine Mining Industry how many are the operating mines and quarries for Non-Metallic Mines?
61 Non-metallic Mines
In the 61 Non-Metallic Mines how many quarries are for limestone/shale?
35 limestone/shale quarries
In the 61 Non-Metallic Mines how many quarries are for silica?
5 silica quarries
In the 61 Non-Metallic Mines how many quarries are for aggregates?
15 aggregates quarries
In the 61 Non-Metallic Mines how many quarries are for dolomite?
1 dolomite quarries
In the 61 Non-Metallic Mines how many quarries are for clay?
3 clay quarries
In the 61 Non-Metallic Mines how many quarries are for sand and gravel?
2 sand and gravel quarries
In the Philippine Mining Industry how many are the processing plants?
5 processing plants
In the 5 processing plants how many are for gold?
2 Gold Processing plants
In the 5 processing plants how many are for nickel?
2 Nickel Processing plants
In the 5 processing plant how many are for copper?
1 Copper Smelter Plant
In the Philippine Mining Industry how many are the small quarries and sand gravel operations covered by permits issued by LGU’s
3,389 small quarries
Increase in the Pace of Industrialization + growing environment concerns = _____________________
Increase in demand for industrial and manufacturing materials
mineral use for fire proofing, insulation, brake linings and cement
now considered non-commercial due to its carcinogenic property
Naturally occurring mineral substance can be pulled into a fluffy consistency
Properties of Asbestos
- Fibers are soft and flexible
- Resistant to heat, electricity and chemical corrosion
Uses of Asbestos
- An effective insulator
- Can be mixed into cloth, paper, cement, plastics and other materials to make them stronger
Asbestos is _____________ a single type of mineral - rather it refers to a group of silicate minerals that share the same fibrous nature
Example of Asbestos:
- Serpentine: Chrysotile (white, Curly)
- Amphibole: Grunerite-cummingtonite/ Amosite (Brown Asbestos)
- Amphibole: Riebeckite/ Crocidolite (Blue asbestos)
- Amphibole: Tremolite
- Amphibole: Actinolite
- Amphibole: Anthophyllite
Asbestos is most commonly found in: _______________
- Serpentinites
- Altered ultramafic rocks
- Some mafic rocks
Asbestos other rock types are: ________________
- metamorphosed dolostones
- metamorphosed iron formations
- carbonatites
- alkalic Intrusions
Factor Contributing to Asbestos Formation
Faulting and Fracturing of these rocks with increased temperatures, pressures and the presence of water
Places where Asbestos are deposited in PH (Areas are associated with Ophiolite of Geological Significance)
- Bangui and Burgos, Ilocos Norte
- Aguilar and Mangatarem, Pangasinan
- Botolan, Cabangan, San Felipe and San Marcelino, Zambales
- Abra de Ilog, Occidental Mindoro
- Antique
- Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon
Classification of local Asbestos
- Shingles
- Paper
- Plaster
- Refuse Grades
Market requirement of Asbestos used to depend mainly on _______________
Fiber Length
In Electrical Insulation of Asbestos, the iron content should not exceed ___________
Mineral that is heavy spar, inert, heavy and a stable mineral
Mineral that is white, opaque and twinned
Several Forms Barite is produced and sold
- Jig Concentrate
- Crude Lumps
- Ground Barite
- Flotation Concentrate
Derived from vein or seam deposits and principally a product of hand sorting
Lump Ore
The bulk of barite produced and sold is in the form of either ____________ or ___________________
- Jig Concentrate
- Flotation Concentrate
In oil well industry barite prepared should be ___________
Ground to -325 mesh
In the production of barium compounds barite prepared should be _________________
sold as jig concentrate
In the glass industry barite prepared should be ____________
prepared to -20 mesh and freed from iron using magnetic separators
Barite as inert filter in the manufacture of oilcloth, linoleum, paper and plastic should be prepared in _____________
ground to -325 mesh
Barite as pigment or extenders in paints should be prepared in ______________________
bleached with acid treatment to remove iron stain
Philippine production of barite started in ______________
January 1973
Philippine production of barite ceased in ___________
Barite Deposits in the Philippines
- Mabilog na bundok, Lobo, Batangas (Associated with gold and silver mineralization)
- Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro (Occurs as a vein along the strikes of sedimentary host rocks)
Barite occurs as ____________ in Metallic Sulfide Veins
Barite occurs as __________________ in Andesite
Metasomatic Deposit
Clay consisting predominantly of minerals of the smectite group
Bentonite is a clay consisting predominantly of minerals of the ____________ group
Properties of Bentonite
- Large chemically active surface area
- Interlamellar surfaces with unusual hydration characteristics
- Ability to modify the flow behavior of liquids
Uses of Bentonite
- Foundry molding sands
- Drilling mud
- Bentonite slurries for sealing porous strata and stoppage of water movement in foundations for building, tunnels and dams
- bleaching oils and fats
- Carriers for insecticides and pesticides
- Component of paints, pharmaceuticals, medicines and cosmetics
- Locally used as additives, grouting, binders in foundry sand and as filler in animal feeds
Commercial Bentonite deposits are formed by ____________________________ deposited over relatively large areas
alteration of fine-grained volcanic debris
Other Bentonite deposits are formed by ____________________________ of coarse-grained intrusive rocks
In-situ Hydrothermal Alteration
Types of Bentonite
- Swelling Type
- Non-swelling Type
all gel-forming, “Wyoming” or western type, and true bentonite or sodium bentonite
Swelling Type
bentonite that expands 15 to 20 times of the original volume of dry material in water
Swelling Type
bentonite that contain sodium as predominant exchangeable ion
Swelling Type
bentonite that rarely occurring and associated with kaolin of hydrothermal origin
Swelling Type
bentonite that probably formed by the action of thermal springs and vapors of volcanic exhalations
Swelling Type
includes the Mississippi or southern type, potassium and calcium bentonite, metabentonite, some absorbent clay or bleaching clay, some naturally active clay or fuller’s earth, some activable clay (raw)
and activated clay (treated)
Non - Swelling Type
has negligible swelling
Non - Swelling Type
carries calcium as its principal exchangeable ion
Non - Swelling Type
Bentonites in the Philippines are generally ___________
Non - Swelling Type
name derived from the first major use of the material, which was for cleaning textiles
Fuller’s Earth
either a non-plastic or a claylike material, usually high in magnesia that has adequate decolorizing and purifying properties
Fuller’s Earth
Fuller’s Earth is composed mostly of the distinct needle- or lath-shaped clay mineral, the _____________ . This material crumbles when laid in water
also defined as naturally active clay of the
non-swelling type of bentonite
Fuller’s Earth
formed by alteration of fine-grained
volcanic debris deposited over relatively large areas or by in-situ hydrothermal alteration of coarse-grained intrusive rocks
Bentonite Deposits
Bentonite Deposits in the Philippines
- Mangatarem, Pangasinan
- Cagayan
- Palayan City, Nueva Ecija (Swelling)
- Mabini and Calatagan, Batangas
- Tagkawayan, Quezon
- Legaspi City, Albay
- Cebu
- Palompon, Leyte
- Lanang, Davao City
an earthy substance
hydrous aluminum silicates + colloidal material + specks of rock fragments
plastic when wet, stone-like when fired
Records of ancient brick buildings, monuments and pottery making showed that it is one of the most widespread and earliest mineral substances utilized by person
who developed the art of pottery to a high degree of perfection, probably taught the natives the art.
During Spanish times when there were no available natural building stone like limestone or volcanic tuff {adobe}, the ____________ made bricks and tiles out of ordinary clays to build churches.
Spanish priests
Except for shale clay, which goes into the manufacture of Portland cement, various clays in the Philippines are generally
quarried _________________________
intermittently and on small scale.
Kinds of Clay
- Feldspathic Clay
- Fire Clay
- Kaolinitic Clay
- Siliceous Clay
Types of Clay
- Residual
- Transported
in situ clays formed by weathering due to
chemical and hydrothermal process
Residual Clay
not far from parent rock, non-plastic, white (e.g kaolin)
Residual Clay
formed by accumulation of clayey
materials in sites such as swamps and basins
Transported Clay
far from parent material, plastic, grey, darker, smaller particles (e.g ball clay, fire clay)
Transported Clay
Residual Clay in the PH Occurs in
- Cagayan
- Ilocos Norte
- Abra
- Benguet
- Nueva Ecija
- Pangasinan
- Zambales
- Bulacan
- Rizal
- Laguna
- Batangas
- Quezon
- Camarines Norte
- Camarines Sur
- Sorsogon
- Albay
- Marinduque
- Romblon
- Negros Occidental
- Iloilo
- Panay
- Antique
- Surigao del Sur
- Misamis Oriental
- Bukidnon
- Zamboanga del Sur
- Zamboanga City
most are formed from the chemical weathering of feldspar-rich rocks
Residual Clays
many other residual deposits are formed near volcanoes from the _______________ by hot sulfuric water from solfataras or
alteration of basalt or andesite
the biggest reserves of siliceous clay in the islands were formed by the residual alteration of chloritic schists in ____________________
Siruma, Camarines Sur
consist of sedimentary beds associated with peat or lignite, alluvial and floodplain clays
Transported Clay
clay beds underlying peat or lignite
Fire Clays
Clay deposited in swamps and basins, usually fired to shades of gray or brown
Fire Clays
Clay found in Uneng, Semirara Island
Fire Clays
buff or red burning clays used in making
earthenware, pots, toys, bricks and tiles.
Alluvial and Floodplain Clays
Clays that occur along the banks of mature rivers at their lowest reaches, under rice paddies and other flat areas in flood and coastal plains
Alluvial and Floodplain Clays
Clay that are usually brown or gray due to high iron oxide content and the presence of some organic matter.
Alluvial and Floodplain Clays
diatomaceous earth or siliceous shells or skeletons of single-celled organism called diatoms
composed essentially of hydrated amorphous or opalline silica with varying amounts of contaminant materials such as silica sand, clays, salts and organic matter.
Uses of Diatomite
- filtration agent
- soft abrasives
- industrial fillers
- lightweight aggregates
Diatomite deposits occur as ____________, a few centimeters to several meters thick, intercalated with sedimentary and pyroclastic host rocks
low-dipping beds
In the Diatomite Deposit, dilution by host rock materials of ________________ content usually necessitates some beneficiation before they could be used commercially.
low silica and high iron
Diatomite Deposits in PH
- Pantabangan and Caranglan, Nueva Ecija
- Basud, Camarines Norte
- Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte
- Quezon, Bukidnon.
Local diatomite production from
_____________________ period posted
37,056 MT
pre-1980 to 2002
Local diatomite production from
pre-1980 to 2002 period posted
37,056 MT
The deposit in ___________________ is the only deposit put into commercial production.
Basud, Camarines Norte
most common rock-forming mineral on earth
general term for the group of rock-forming
minerals that are essentially anhydrous aluminium silicates
promotes fusion during firing and imparts strength, toughness and durability in the finished products
Uses of Feldspar
- production of glass, fired clay products, and enamel paints
- flux in ceramic mixture in the making of vitreous china and in porcelain enamels
- mild abrasives and scouring soaps {due to its angular fracture and moderate hardness)
Most of the feldspar utilized by the local ______________ is either imported or blended with those locally quarried from small pegmatite and aplite dikes.
ceramic and glass plants
Feldspar Deposit in PH
- locos Norte
- Nueva Ecija
- Occidental Mindoro
- Lanao del Norte
hydrous calcium sulphate that contains ~20% water
Uses of Gypsum
- cement retarder (Cement retarders control the time when a slurry will set hard)
- fabrication of fireproof gypsum board
- soil conditioner
found in volcanic and/or sedimentary sequences that have been affected by hydrothermal activity
occur either as fissures and breccia fillings, veinlets, stockworks, irregular lenses, coatings or incrustations
commonly associated with anhydrite and in the more intensely altered volcanic rocks, with pyrite and some copper sulfides.
Varieties of Gypsum
- Alabaster
- Satin Spar
- Selenite
Massive Gypsum
Fibrous Gypsum
Satin Spar
Crystalline Gypsum
Production of natural gypsum started way back ________ but practically ceased in 1992.
Production of natural gypsum started way back 1960 but practically ceased in _______
Gypsum Deposits in PH
- Batangas
- Albay
- Camarines Sur
- Negros Oriental
- Cebu
- Marinduque
- Cagayan
- Nueva Vizcaya
- Occidental Mindoro
sedimentary rock composed mainly of calcium carbonate (calcite or aragonite)
extremely common and make up ~15% of the sedimentary column
occur extensively in PH with the age of Cretaceous to recent
calcination of limestone produces _________ on hydration
quicklime and slaked or hydrated lime
natural form of magnesium carbonate with ideal magnesia content of 47.60%
important source of magnesium for industrial purposes
essential element in plant and animal metabolism
Magnesite added to animal feeds
caustic-calcined magnesia
reactive magnesium oxide produced by
calcination of magnesium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide at _____________
1000°C or lower
used in pharamaceuticals, dyes,
paper manufacture, explosives and matches
Magnesium Sulfate
occurs in bedded deposits, in veins, pockets and shear zones in ferromagnesian rocks, and as replacement bodies in limestone and dolomite.
Magnesite Deposits
Magnesite Deposit in PH
- Lupon, Mati, Puntalinao, and Banay-banay, Davao Oriental
- small deposits are in Sibuyan Island, Romblon.
hydrated silicic volcanic glass
has a characteristic of “onion-skin” or perlitic texture and a pearly luster
When expanded or bloated by shock calcination, perlite forms an inert mass with an open texture having ((1)_________,
(2)__________, (3) ____________ and (4) ____________-.
- low bulk density
- low thermal conductivity
- high sound absorption
- fire resistance
Perlite industrial application
- insulation
- lightweight aggregate
- filler in gypsum plaster
- filter aids
formed from silicic lavas (rhyolitic to dacitic) which have erupted slowly to form steep-sided block-type lava domes or shallow intrusions such as sills, dikes, or lenses
meteoric ground water hydrates this rock to form perlite containing _________ absorbed water
3% to 5%
Most commercial perlite are rarely ____________ in age
older than Oligocene
______________ is unstable and devitrifies with time to form felsite
rhyolitic glass
commonly associated with other volcanic rocks such as pumice, obsidian, felsite and welded tuff.
Perlite Deposit in PH
- Calayan Island, Cagayan
- Baao, Camarines Sur
3.Maslog, Taysan, and Puro, Legazpi City
occurs as mineral quartz in varied forms:
> veins and lenses of bull quartz
> sand, pebbles, cobbles and boulders
> siliceous clays
In _________ silica is deposited by thermal
springs and vapors related to volcanism.
Negros Occidental
In _________ quartz sand derived from
weathering of sandstone, quartzose, schists and quartz diorite
Lubang and Palawan
In _________ bull quartz occurring as pegmatite dikes and/or small lenses
Quezon Province
Type of silica that is used in manufacture of glass containers and lamp chimneys, making of sheet glass, glass envelopes for electric bulbs, ferrosilicon, sodium silicate, cleanser and abrasive, as additive in the manufacture of cement
Silica Sand
It is used as sanitary wares and flint glass containers
Crushed and pulverized bull quartz
About _______% of silica sand are utilized in glass manufacture.
Uses of Silica
- as gemstone
- as abrasive material for sand blasting and scouring cleansers
- as flux in the smelting of metals ad in the manufacture of rubber, paint and putty
- as filter media and roofing granules
- as filters, frequency controls and timers
- essential component of cellular phones, watches, clocks, game consoles,
deposits of siliceous white clay in chlorite schists probably derived from igneous rocks occur in _________________
Camarines Sur
It is formed by hydrothermal alteration of favorable zones in the schists
Siliceous Clays
softest common mineral with cleavage flakes are flexible but not elastic
occurs in low to medium metamorphosed basic or ultrabasic rocks and in place, constitutes the greater part of the rock, producing the material known as steatite or soapstone
Properties of Talc
- whiteness when ground and fired
- softness and smoothness
- good lubricating power
- chemical inertness
- high fusion point
- low electrical conductivity
- high absorption of certain types of greases and oils
is used in the manufacture of whiteware, electrical insulators, porcelain, wall tile and other ceramic products
White-firing Talc
occur as pods or lenses that pinch and swell in the ultrabasic host rock making them difficult to process and mine.
Talc deposits like asbestos are formed from _______________________ in the ultramafic area.
hydrothermal processes
Deposits of Talc in PH
- Abra, de llog, Mindoro Occidental
- Marangas, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
- Cabangan, Zambales.
is a mixture of about four parts of limestone and one part of clay or shale, calcined to near fusion and ground to powder.
Portland Cement
The raw materials needed in the ceramic industry:
- clay
- feldspar
- magnesite
- quartz or silica
5 talc
Sources of Ceramic raw materials in PH
- Looc, Lubang Island (granodiorite)
- Pinamalayan, Mindoro Oriental (arkosic sandstone)
3 categories/group of refractories
- Alumino-silicates
- Silica and semi- silica
- Basic Refactories
Example of Alumino-Silicates
(a) Clays
(b) Sillimanite, kyanite, andalusite
(c) Corundum
Example of Basic Refractories
(a) Magnesite
(b) Dolomite
(c) Chrome and chrome-magnesite
It contains abundant volcanic glass and will change to clay during diagenesis
The only known deposit of zeolite, which has been put into production over the Philippines archipelago, is the one situated in __________________
Mangatarem, Pangasinan
any crystalline rock composed predominantly of calcite, dolomite, or serpentine and takes a good polish
Marble (Commercial)
True or False: Marbleized limestone - fossiliferous marble is a true marble
False: Not true marble
a metamorphic limestone or dolostone, which is thoroughly recrystallized that much or all of the sedimentary structures and biologic interlocking are obliterated
True Marble
Main impurities of marble
Quartz and Clay
true metamorphic varieties of Marble are found in
Romblon and Mindoro
Deposits of Marble in PH
- Mindoro
- Romblon
- Panay
- Palawan
- Cebu
- Catanduanes
- Leyte
- Marinduque
- Negros
- Samar
Age of Marble in PH
Mesozoic to Tertiary
Marbleized Limestone are found in
Bulacan (Angat and Madlum Formations) and Rizal (Masungit and Binanongan Limestone)
Age of Marble in Mindoro
Age of Marble in Romblon
pre-Tertiary age
is a cellular, glassy rock formed by explosive volcanism.
also called volcanic ash or dust, has the same origin, chemical composition, and glassy texture but was blown into smaller particles during the eruptive process. (less than 4mm size)
Largest Deposit of Pumice and Pumicite
Juban, Sorsogon
Geologic Reserve of pumice and pumicite in Sorsogon
21.878 million MT
Deposit of Pumice In PH
- Juban, Sorsogon
- Angeles, Pampanga
- Buhi, Camarines Sur
produced by crushing, screening and washing of andesite, basalt, limestone, marble, metavolcanic and other rock materials which meet certain requirements as to strength, soundness, and other specifications utilized in much the same way as sand and gravel
Rock Aggregates
Properties of aggregate affect concrete
characteristics such as:
- density
- strength
- durability
- thermal conductivity
- shrinkage
- creep
is chemical reaction between disordered forms of silica, which may occur in aggregates, and hydroxyl ions formed by the release of alkali compounds from the cement.
Alkali Silica Reaction
______________ may Induce stress, resulting in expansion and cracking which over time can threaten structural integrity
Alkali Silica Reaction
is highly disordered and is the most reactive form of silica.
occurs when certain carbonates react with alkalis to cause expansion and cracking
Alkali-Carbonate Reaction
bitumen impregnations during the Miocene- Pliocene epoch shale and sandstone and is used as binder in road pavement
Rock Asphalt
Classification of Rock Asphalt
- Base Deposits
- Fragmental Tar
- Tar
Asphalt classification which is associated with calcareous sandstone
Base Deposits
Asphalt classification that overlies the bitumen-impreganated sandstone; composed of coarse and granular sandstone.
Fragmental Tar
Asphalt classification that is the youngest and composed of cobbles and pebbles of different rock types.
Classification of Sand and Gravel (Based on Origin)
- Residual Deposit
- Fluvial Deposit
- Marine and Lacustrine
Sand and Gravel that form rock mantle over the parent formation; formed by the mantle weathering in place of the
parent rock or superimposed formations; intermixed with clay
Residual Deposit
sand and gravel, picked-up, transported and deposited by fluvial action
Fluvial Deposit
Sand and Gravel that is well-sorted materials with segregated coarse and fine particles
Marine and Lacustrine
Tuff deposits, which exhibit considerable variation in texture and color, are products of Quaternary explosive volcanism
Tuff Deposit in PH
- Aklan
- Antique
- Batangas
- Bulacan
- Cavite
- locos Sur
- Laguna
- Rizal
- Quezon City
- Samar
is the accumulated excrement and remains of birds and bats
Classification of Guano
- Fresh Guano
- Phosphatic Soil
- Phosphatized Guano
(Guano) that is dark chocolate brown, soft, oblong, and about the size of a grain of palay, which eventually disintegrate with phosphorus pentoxide: 0.25-1%
Fresh Guano
% of phosphorus pentoxide of Fresh Guano
(Guano) Transported soil + droppings and remains of bats and birds; loose; light orange to yellowish brown
and enriched with lime (limestone);
Phosphatic Soil
% of phosphorus pentoxide of Phosphatic Soil
4 to 12%
(Guano) underlies the phosphatic soil; porous, friable, hard, compact; variable colors, depending on the amounts of impurities;
Phosphatized Guano
% of phosphorus pentoxide of Phosphatized Guano
Classification of Limestone
- High Calcium Lime
- Magnesian Lime
- Oyster shell Lime
- Hydrate Lime
carbonate of calcium and magnesium
and ideally composed of 21.70% magnesia, 30.40% lime and 47.90% carbon dioxide
transformation of normal limestone to
dolomitic limestone or dolomite
Limestone rich in magnesia is called
Dolomitic Limestone
Deposit of Dolomite in PH
- Cebu
- Batangas
- Negros Occidental
- Negros Oriental
- Northern Leyte
- Davao Oriental
Dark Brown to Black Carbonaceous Residuum
Produced by the partial disintegration of mosses, sedgess, trees, and other plants that grown or accumulated in shallow lakes, marshes and tidal flats
the singly explored peat deposit is found in
Liberty, Ormoc City, Leyte
Classification of Gemstone (Based on Origin)
- Primary
- Secondary
The gemstone is found in places where they were originally formed (in situ), together with the associated rocks
The gemstone is found away from where they were originally formed
Classification of Gemstone (Based on Market Value)
- Precious
- Semi-Precious
What are the Precious Gemstones
- Diamond
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Emerald