Non-membranous Organelles Flashcards
Cytoskeleton function
Determines the shape of the cell
Plays an important role in the movements of organelles and cytoplasmic vesicles
Allows the movement of entire cells
Cytoskeleton structure
Microfilaments (actin filaments)
Intermediate filaments
Microfilaments (structure)
Made of thin twisted strands of protein molecules that lie parallel to the long axis of the cell.
Composed of actin, a contractile protein.
Microfilaments (function)
They play a role in moving or shifting cytoplasmic components
Actin filaments (function)
Cause contractile movements of cells and cell membrane stabilization
Actin filaments (properties)
Actin filaments are present in all type of cells
Found in microvili
They are found in skeletal muscle cells where they form a stable arrangement of bundles with another type of filamentous protein, myosin
Contraction occurs when actin and myosin filaments slide relatively to one another
Cell cortex (structure)
Beneath the plasma membrane, actin, in association with various proteins, forms a layer: the cell cortex
Cell cortex (function)
Provides mechanical support to the cell membrane
Allows changes in cell shape (as in endocytosis and exocytosis)
Intermediate filaments (structure)
They are intermediate in size between microfilaments and microtubules
Intermediate filaments (function)
Play a supporting or general structural role
Intermediate filaments (classes)
Six major classes on the basis of protein composition and cellular distribution:
Cytokeratin (in epithelial cells) Vimentin (in mesenchymal cells) Desmin (in muscle cells) Neurofilaments (in neurones) Gilal filaments (in gilal cells) Lamin (form a structural layer on the inner side of the nuclear membrane)
Cytokeratin or Keratin
Accumulate in the differentiation process called keratinization to form an outer layer of non-living skin cells that reduces deshydration and provides some protection (nails, feathers, beaks, horns…)
Microtubules (structure)
Consists of protein called tubulin, which polimerize to form a hollow tubule
Microtubules (function)
Involved in intracellular transport and cell motility
Microtubules (properties)
Found in cytoplasmic processes, cilia and flagella, which are motile processes, covered by cell membrane with highly organized microtubule core