Non infectious diseases (CANCER) Flashcards
Describe the epidemiological transition
= changes in levels and causes of mortality due to demography/epidemiology
- decline in total mortality, reduction in infectious diseases
- death rate declined for all age groups 1970-2010
- increase chronic NCDs (cancer, CVS/resp disease, diabetes) due to ageing population and lifestyle factors - people living long enough to get diseases
- accompanies socio-demographic/health system changes in poorer countries but also continues in more industrialised nations
-Diseases disappear/reemerge
e.g. AIDS new infectious disease
Increase in previously controlled infections e.g. TB and Dengue
How are diseases classified?
communicable, maternal, perinatal, nutritional - associated with poor conditions, caused by vectors e.g. malaria, respiratory diseases, neonatal conditions
non-communicable - cancer, diabetes, diseases, mental disorders
injuries - intentional and unintentional (homicide, suicide war, car accidents)
What is a demographic transition?
from high birth and death rates to low
e.g. diet
death rates have decreased, life expectancy increased making population older and more susceptible to chronic conditions
What is the epidemiological transition?
infectious disease replaced by man made, degenerative diseases e.g. chronic disease/cancer
Leading causes of disease are IHD, cerebrovascular disease, COPD, respiratory infections, lung cancer
How to determine leading causes of death/premature death?
Consider age and number of people - if population increases and so does number of deaths, proportion of deaths is the same and shouldn’t be misinterpreted
Instead death rate is a better measure
What are the most prevalent causes of death?
ischaemic heart disease
What is epitransition?
disease patterns that move from infection to chronic condition, driven by increasing age, change diet/environment
Why do developing countries have greater death rates in relation to prevalence?
decreased resources and healthcare available
severity of cancer must also be considered
2010, 8 million cancer deaths and 14 million new cases worldwide
What does incidence of cancers depend on?
What are men/women more at risk for?
men - prostate, lung
women - breast, cervical
Describe gender and cancer incidence graphs?
Low income - most prevalent mortality is from cervical, breast cancer
Middle income - breast most prevalent but mortality greatest for lungs, breast is 4th
Colorectum is lowest for both
High income - breast, prostate and lungs dominant in terms of incidence. Lung cancer has greatest mortality rate, then colorectum and breasts.
Increased deaths from colorectum than lower income countries
Cancer trends for men?
most frequent cause of premature cancer deaths is from lung cancer
- changes in W Africa whether cancer death is highest for men LIVER
Cancer trends for women?
Lung cancer most frequent cause of premature death (Eur, Can, China, USA)
Around world breast/cervical best
Why has rate of breast cancer decreased?
increased screening
reduced hormone therapy use
Why has stomach cancer decreased since 1950?
decrease salt use (to preserve food) and use of refrigeration
reduce chance of food contamination by bacteria that may increase cancer risk
What are the effects of preventable cancer risk factors?
smoking (high/low income countries) alcohol unsafe sex obesity contamination injections air pollutants smoke from fuel like coal
What causes liver cancer?
What causes stomach cancer?
H. pylori
What causes cervical cancer/oral and pharyngeal?
What causes lyphomas?
What were the cancer deaths attributable to infection 2002?
stomach liver cervical developed countries - 8% deaths developing - 27%