Non genital herpes simplex Flashcards
group vesicles on an erythematous base or as recurrent ery-
thematous plaque ± erosions.
Symptomatic primary HSV is characterized by vesicles at the site o inoculation (Fig. 27-33), and may be associated with regional lymphadenopathy, and systemic symptoms ( ever, headache, malaise, or myalgia). Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is the most common symptom complex accompanying primary HSV in ection in children (Fig. 27-34). Primary herpetic vulvovaginitis is seen most o eninyoungwomen(seealsoSection30). Erythematous papules that quickly evolve to grouped vesicles and pustules
T emost commonsiteso primaryHSVinectionarethe mouth,anogenitalia,andhand/ fingers.Ero- sionshealin2to4weeks
Regional lymphadenopthy.
manif for recurrent herpes
RECURRENTHERPES Prodromeo tingling, itching, or burning sensation usually precedes any visible skin changes by 24 hours. Systemic symptoms are usually absent. Grouped vesicles on erythematous base that evolve to erosions and crusts
what is herpetic whitlow
Infection of the tip
of finger or thumb; uncommonly toe. Associated with painful neuritis in the
affected finger and forearm
Eczema herpeticum usually follows what HSV?
Usually follows autoinoculation of HSV (most commonly orolabial herpes) to atopic dermatitis
Same as herpes.
Minimal efficacy.
Acyclovir5% ointment,apply 6 times daily or 7 days.
Penciclovir 1% cream every two hours while awake for recurrent orolabial in ection.
Acyclovir, valacyclovir,and famciclovir.
Valacyclovir,the prodrug of acyclovir,has a better bioavailability and is nearly85% absorbed after oral administration.
Famciclovir is equally effective for cutaneous HSV infections.
Acyclovir: 400 mg 3 times daily or 200 mg
5 times daily or 7 to 10 days.
Valacyclovir:1g twice daily for7 to 10 days for initial genital outbreak.
Famciclovir:250mg 3 times daily for 5 to 10 days.
Acyclovir:400mg three times daily or 5days.
Valacyclovir:1000mg twice daily for 5to 10days for genital HSV recurrence,2000mg twice daily or 1 day or labialis recurrence.
Famciclovir:1000mg twice daily or 1day for genital HSV recurrence, 1500mgx1 for labia- lis recurrence.
Continuous oral maintenance therapy (e.g. valaciclovir 500 mg/day) can be considered in patients with at least 6 episodes/year