Eosinophillic folliculitis Flashcards
AchronicpruriticdermatosisoccurringinpersonswithadvancedHIVdisease.May occur before cart or flar with IRIS following initiation o cART
Eosinophillic folliculitis
Extremely pruritic small pink to red, edematous, folliculocentric papules and less commonly pustules. Lesions tend to develop symmetrically above the nipple line on the chest, proximal arms, head, and neck. Secondary changes, S. aureus in ections, and dys- pigmentation are common
lesional biopsy
Lesional biopsy shows an inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and eosino- phils at the level of the isthmus and sebaceous gland.Peripheral eosinophilia
Ashort tapered course of prednisone gives immediate relief of symptoms, e.g., 70 mg tapering by 5 or 10mg daily.Lesions and symptoms often recur within a few weeks of completion of prednisone.
Isotretinoin is also effective