Non-Fiction/Persuasion/Satire Flashcards
Mode of Discourse
A method that the writer uses to have a conversation with the reader.
The 4 Modes of Discourse
- ) Exposition
- ) Narration
- ) Description
- ) Argument / Persuasion
Thesis Statement
The major point of an essay, contains a subject and an assertion about the subject.
Author’s Purpose
The reason why the author writes an essay
Six Author’s Purposes
- ) To persuade, motivate, or argue
- ) To inform
- ) To Entertain
- ) To Question
- ) To elicit an emotional response
- ) To ridicule or mock
Essay Unity
The state when every sentence in the essay is related to the thesis statement
Organization (4 types)
1) Chronological Order
2. ) Space Order
3. ) Order of Importance
4. ) One Extreme to Another
The unique way an author presents his ideas
9 Rhetorical Strategies
- ) Description
- ) Narration
- ) Exemplification
- ) Comparison/Contrast
- ) Cause/Effect
- ) Classification/Division
- ) Process Analysis
- ) Argumentation
- ) Definitions
The trait that creates an orderly logical pattern that is easy to understand
2 Ways To Create Essay Coherence
- ) Repetition
2. ) Parallelism
The way in which words are arranged in a sentence
The 4 Sentence Structures
- ) Compound Sentence
- ) Complex
- ) Compound Complex
- ) Simple Sentence
4 Sentence Types
- ) Exclamatory Sentence
- ) Interrogative Sentence
- ) Declarative Sentence
- ) Imperative Sentence
The process of giving one idea less emphasis than another idea in a sentence
A sentence that connects two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction
Rhetorical Question
A question that does not expect an answer because the answer is obvcious
4 Types of Humor
- ) Slapstick
- ) Shared Experience
- ) Hyperbole
- ) Juxtaposition of Opisites
3 Rhetorical Appeals
- ) Emotional Appeal
- ) Ethical Appeal
- ) Logical Appeal
3 Forms of Intensifying
- ) Association
- ) Repetition
- ) Composition
3 Forms of Downplaying
- ) Omission
- ) Diversion
- ) Confusion
2 types of satire
- Horatian
2. Juvenalian
3 main forms of satire
- Parody
- Monologue
- Narrative
(Noun) - An imitation of a work intended to ridicule the work
(Noun) - A work that ridicules humans or social institutions
The author’s choice of words