Non emergency procedures Flashcards
Arrival Check list
1) Passage plan updated with any new info
2) Brief Bridge team
3) Engine control room given notice
4) Check Quipment
5) Close watertight doors
6) Confirm ETA and boarding details with Pilot
7) Prepare pilot boarding equipment
8) Hand Steering + Double steering pumps + remove rudder restrictions
9) Hoist Flags
10) Pilot onboard, Master pilot exchange
11) Pre arrival brief to crew
12) Confirm stabiliser fins housed and locked
Arrival Equipment to check
- Internal communication
- Bridge/ ER clock synchronisation
- Check Master Gyro, repeaters and Magnetic compasses
- Controllable pitch propeller indicators and controls
- Echo sounder
- Electronic position fixing systems
- Emergency engine stops
- Engine propulsion
- Nav lights, shapes and sound signals
- Signalling equipment
- Steering gear
- Thrusters
What are the five key points for pre departure checks
1) Passage Plan
2) Equipment Checks
3) Port and Pilotage
4) Securing for sea
5) Before sailing
Departure checks (Passage Plan)
1) Plan Berth to Berth
2) Passage plan briefed and approved by master and Bridge team
3) Route displayed on ECDIS
4) Up to date charts
5) Notice to engine control room, sync clocks and test comms
Departure (Equipment checks)
- Anchors cables and winches
- Bridge navigational watch alarm systems
- Controllable pitch prop controls
- Echo sounder
- Electronic position fixing systems
- Emergency engine stops
- Engine propulsion
- GMDSS Log and comms
- Gyro, mag and repeaters
- Internal comms
- Nav lights shapes and sounds
- Signalling equipment
- Steering Gear
Departure Check (Port and Pilotage)
1) Master/Pilot info exchanged
2) Pilot Card prepared
3) Pilot Boarding time confirmed
4) Pilot disembarkation confirmed
5) Port and VTS Ch monitored
Departure Check (Securing for sea)
1) Cargo and handling equipment secure
2) Cargo and passenger details ready
3) Hull openings secure and watertight
4) Stability and draught info available
5) Water tight doors closed
Departure check (Before sailing)
1) all crew onboard
2) Anchors Cleared away
3) Bridge team fit for duty
4) E/R Ready
5) Mooring stations maned and ready
6) MSI checked and communicated with bridge team
7) Stowaway/security search completed
Taking over watch at sea (Relieving officers must make self aware of)
1) Standing orders and other special instructions of the master
2) Position, course, speed, and draught.
3) Prevailing tides weather and vis
4) Procedures for use of main engines to manoeuvre
5) Navigational situation including
- Condition of safety equipment
- Errors of Gyro and Magnetic compass
- Presence and movement of ships in vicinity
- Conditions and hazards
- Possible effects of heel, trim, water density and squat on UKC
Ones extra you need to learn
Not a flash card - Restricted Vis, Calling master, heavy weather
Taking over in port
- Depth of the water, draught, level/time of high and low waters
- securing of the moorings
- state of engines
- All work being performed
- Status of ballast ops
- Signals or lights exhibited
- No. of crew onboard, and no. of other persons
- state of fire fighting equipment
- special port regulations
- lines of communication for emergency
- standing and special orders
- Any other circumstance of importance
Restricted visibility
- Call Master
- Inform Engine room (engines ready for immediate manoeuvre)
- Sound signals
- Review safe speed
- Optimise Radar setup
- Close watertight doors
- Request additional lookouts
- Hand steering + double steering pumps
- Nav lights
Heavy Weather
- Inform Master
- Inform engine room
- Inform Crew
Secure: - Weather Deck openings
- Anchors and Winches
- Cargo
- Close and ports and deadlights
- Lifeboats and life rafts
- Empty Pools
- Consider ballasting or deballasting to remove slack tanks
- Limit movement around vessel
- Rig safety lines
- Close watertight doors
- Adjust vessels course and speed best suited to weather
- Review steering mode
- Monitor weather reports
- Inform appropriate authorities of the weather
Call master
- Restricted Vis expected/occurs
- Traffic
- difficulty maintaining course
- failiure to sight land
- breakdown of engines, nav, or steering gear
- radio malfunctions
- heavy weather
- ship meets a navigational hazard
- other emergency