Nomenclature Flashcards
How to indicate substrains?
Describe the appearance of a lab code and it’s location.
1-5 letters, starting with an uppercase and followed by lowercase. Follows ‘/’. May present in cumulative strings
How to list a F1 hybrid
Female ‘x’ Male
How to list a RI strain from two inbred parental strains
Female’X’Male - Specific line
How to list a mutant gene
Parent gene (italics, starting with uppercase letter), mutant allele in superscript
How would a co-isogenic gene look?
Strain/Labcode-Gene(italics), allele(superscript)
How to list a transgene
Strain - Tg(brief description)#(assigned)Labcode
Example: FVB-Tg(MMTV-Erb2)1Led
No part is ever italicized - Not part of native genome
How to list transgene that causes insertional mutation in identified endogenous gene?
Gene (italics), tg1Labcode (superscript)
How to list targeted mutation.
Recipient;donor-Gene (italics), tm#Labcode (superscript)
How to list gene replacement or knock in
Gene replaced, gene added (superscript)
At which generation is backcrossing complete for a congenic line? How is this noted?
N10, noted with a ‘.’ between background and donor strain
What occurs after N5 backcrossing?
Incipient congenic, ‘;’ between background an donor strain
How is the background strain indicated if of mixed genetic origin?
How is the donor strain indicated if of mixed origin?
How are outbred stock that meet specific criteria designated?
How are animal and human genes indicated?
All alleles. Human genes all capitalized, animal genes only have the first letter capitalized.
How are alleles written?
Italics. Capitalized in dominant inheritance, lowercase if recessive inheritance.
How are proteins indicated?
No italics, all capitalized.
How is a stock indicated?
Lab Code: Stock (Origin of stock)
How many brother x sister matings constitute a strain? Why?
20 brother-sister or parent-offspring. After this point uniform genome with only 0.01% residual heterozygosity.
How is a strain indicated?
Unique, brief symbol with uppercase letters and numbers. Related inbred strain names should indicate relatedness.
How are substrains indicated?
Describe a Laboratory Registration Code? Who creates these?
1-5 letters. Assigned by Institute of Lab Animal Research (ILAR), now Board of Animal Health Science, Conservation, and Research (BAHSCR)
If a lab creates multiple substrains, how are those indicated?
FL/1Re, FL/2Re
What are exceptions to naming of substrains?
BALB/c - Not a substrain
DBA/1 and DBA/2 - Separate strains, not substrains
How are substrains of substrains developed? How are they indicated?
Arise when colony is maintained by a new investigator, or a new colony is established. Strain/SubstrainSubsubstrain
How are F1 hybrids indicated? F2?
(Maternal x Paternal) F#/LabCode.
Shortened to MPF#/LabCode (B6D2F1/J). F2 hybrids and beyond are indicated in the same way.
How are recombinant inbred strains indicated?
Think railroad crossing!
Maternal X Paternal Serial#
No punctuation, unless paternal strain ends in number. If so, hyphen then serial #
When is the generational term ‘N’ used?
Backcrossing. F is for inbreeding.
How are congenic mice indicated?
Recipient.Donor-Gene^allele/Lab code
What is an incipient congenic? How is this indicated?
Not backcrossed for 10 full generations. Indicated by ;
How are coisogenic mice indicated?
Strain/Substrain - Gene^Allele
How is an endonuclease mediated transgenic mouse indicated?
How is a consomic strain described?
Host strain-Chromsome^Donor
How is the rearing or microbiological status of stocks indicated?
Lab code:StockRearing or microstatus
How is the origin or remove ancestry of a stock indicated?
Lab code: Stock (Stock2)
How are mutant stocks indicated? What if they are heterozygous for the gene of interest?
Lab Code: Stock - Gene
If het: Lab code: Stock - +Gene
What is a recombinant congenic strain? How is it indicated?
Crossing two inbred strains followed by a few backcrosses.
Recipient c donor
What are advanced intercross lines. How are they indicated?
Producing F2 of two inbred strains and then avoiding sibling mating to increase possibility of tightly linked genes recombining.
Lab code: Inbred strain 1, inbred strain 2 G
G is generation number, starts after F2 generation.
What is a conplastic strain? How is it indicated?
Cytoplasmic genome (mitochondria) is put on a different strain that maintains its nuclear genome.
Nuclear genome strain -mt^Cytoplasmic gene donor
How are segregating inbred mutant strains indicated?
Strain/Substrain - Gene^Allele / +
Describe genes carried in repulsion. How is this indicated?
Carried on different chromosome. Strain/Substrain - Gene1 +/+ Gene2^Allele
Describe genes carried in coupling. How is this indicated?
Carried on same chromosome.
Strain/Substrain - Gene1 Gene2^Allele /++
How are recombinant congenic strains that have been backcrossed once or twice described differently than those that have been backcrossed more?
AcB vs AcB(N#)