NMJ diseases Flashcards
Soma lesions
amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis, Poliomyelitis symptoms- muscle atrophy and weakness, hyporeflexia, fasciculations and fibrilations, eventual loss of muscle fibers being replaced by connective tissue
Axon lesions
Neuropathy, toxins, drugx, axotomy
schwann cell lesions
Guillan- barre syndrome, diptheria weakness, wasting, rare fasciculations, decrease in conduction velocity.
nerve ending lesions
botulism, lambert eaton disease
synptic cleft lesions
acetylcholine esterase absent
End plate lesions
myasthenia gravis, nACh-related defects
muscle fiber lesions
myotonias and muscular dystrophy - will show weakness, wasting, no fasciculations, no decrease in conduction velocity, no fluctuating amplitude of EMG or EMG signs of denervation.
viral infection that attacks the ventral spinal grey matter.
an affected limb of polio myelitis shows
affected limb shows acute flaccid paralysis.
destroyed motor neurons of poliomyelitis do not
regenerate but some surviving neurons my reinnervate the muscle.
if polio affects upper cervical spinal cord
then diaphragm paralysis requires ventilator support
Botulinum toxin
toxic protease that reduces the release of ACh by actin on proteins involved in exocytosis- paralyzes all muscles
ways to become infected with botulism
eating food wound infection consuming botulinum spores
alpha latrotoxin
causes massive release of ACh acts on nerve endings casuing tetanus with occasional patchy flaccid paralysis
beta Bungarotoxin
reduces release by actin on proteins in nerve terminals involved in exocytosis, causes AcH depletion