NJ Flood Hazard Area Control Act Flashcards
Are Floodplains the same as Flood Hazard Areas?
What is a Riparian Zone per the Act?
Areas along rivers and other surface bodies of water EXCEPT:
- Ocean
- Manmade lagoons or basins
- Any oceanfront barrier island, spit or peninsula
- Any piped section of an otherwise regulated water
Where are 300-foot Riparian Zones located?
Category 1 waters and upstream tributaries within the same subwatershed (HUC14)
What are Category 1 (C1) waters?
- exceptional ecological significance
- exceptional fisheries resource
- exceptional water supply significance
- exceptional recreational significance
What are Category 2 (C2) waters?
- All other waters (not C1)
Where are 150-foot Riparian Zones located?
- Trout waters
- Waters that flow through critical habitat and all connected tributaries within 1 mile
- Waters that flow through acid producing soils
Where are 50-foot Riparian Zones located?
- “All other waters”
- Most common, especially in urban areas
What is a Flood Hazard Area?
- area inundated by the flood hazard area design flood
- exists along every regulated water with a drainage area of 50 acres or more
What is the difference between the 100-year flood in tidal vs. fluvial?
Tidal: only the 100-year flood hazard
Fluvial: 100-year flood plus a factor of safety
How much of NJ lies within a flood hazard area?
What are the components of a flood hazard area?
Floodway and Flood Fringe
What is a Flood Fringe?
- portion of the flood hazard area outside the floodway
- water movement is slower and shallower
- area where structures displace floodwater storage
What is a Floodway?
- area that conveys the majority of floodwater (movement)
- area where structures can obstruct flow
- calculated using 0.2-foot rise in the 100-year flood elevation
What activities are regulated by the Flood Hazard Area Control Act?
Permanent changes, generally:
- alteration of topography (excavation, grading, fill…)
- clearing, cutting or removal of vegetation
- creation of impervious surface
- storage of unsecured material
- construction, reconstruction, or enlargement of a structure
- conversion of a building into a private residence or public building
Flood Hazard Area Control Act permit types
- Permit-by-Rule (PBR)
- General Permit
- Individual Permit
- Emergency Permit
- Coastal Permit
(only ONE should apply to an activity)
What does the Flood Hazard Area Control Act regulate?
- Flood Hazard Areas
- Riparian Zones