Nitrogen Metabolism Flashcards
What is the major source of nitrogen?
What are the major nitrogen excretory compounds?
- Urea
- Ammonia
- Creatinine
- Uric acid
- Urobilinogen
What is nitrogen shuffling?
- AA’s convert to glutamate via transamination (needs PLP)
- Glutamine is main metabolic byproduct in extrahepatic tissues and this is the most prevalent nitrogen carrier in the blood
- Final ammonia sequestration is done by glutamate
- CPSase uses free ammonium to form carbamoyl phosphate feeding into urea cycle
A patient comes in and tells you their PMH. It is significant for a deficient membrane transporter in the gut. How would you expect their kidney function to be?
- The transporter proteins in the gut are the same found in the PCT, so active reabsorption will be decreased
Where will reabsorption of AA and glucose occur?
What disease has defective transport of neutral amino acids particularly trp?
Hartnup disease
What disease has defective transport of dibasic amino acids? What are these amino acids?
- Cystinuria
- Cystine
- Ornithine
- Arginine
- Lysine
After spending all weekend in the sun fishing, in an attempt to relieve the stress of medical school, a 26 yo male presents to urgent care with cutaneous hyperpigmentation. They also appear to have a tremor and minor cerebellar ataxia. What type of diet and supplementation would you recommend?
- Tx is directed towards replacing niacin
- High protein diet
- Nicotinamide supplementation
This is Hartnup disease, an AR disorder which results in defective aa transport of neutral AA’s particularly Trp.
- Trp is a precursor for NAD
What is the only way to diagnose Hartnup disease?
Chromatographic analysis of urine samples
A mother brings her 4th month old into the pediatrician for the first time. She had a smooth at home birth and neither her or her daughter have seen a doctor. She tells the doctor that her baby doesn’t show interest in much, isn’t reaching for anything, and has slow reflexes in general. She also states that her diapers have an odd musty smell to them. What enzyme is deficient, what causes the musty smell in the urine, and how would you suggest treating this?
- Phe Hydroxylase (PAH)
- Phe gets converted to phenylpyruvate and then to phenyllacetate which causes the musty smell
- Tx would be to limit dietary Phe, supply protein with synthetic formula supplemented with Tyr
- This is PKU
Defects in dihydrobiopterin reductase can lead to ___.
Defects in dihydrobiopterin reductase can lead to secondary PKU
What is tyrosinemia?
- Elevated blood levels of tyrosine
- Tx is restricted Phe and Tyr diet
How do you distinguish PKU from tyrosinemia?
Tyrosinemia type I?
- Defect in fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
- Infants have cabage like smell and develop severe liver failure w/o tx
- Most common type used to require liver transplant, now Nitisinone is the tx
Tyrosinemia type II?
- Defective tyrosine aminotransferase
- Palmar and plantar hyperkeratosis, corneal lesions and intellectual disablity
- AR and rare