Nile Valley Flashcards
When did Britain takeover Egypt ?
When were Britain and France doing dual control over the Nile valley ?
Why did Gladstone have to be super slick with his words when invading Egypt ?
As he criticised Disraeli’s “illegal” imperialism
Why did Britain invade Egypt because of the Suez Canal (economic interest)
3/4 tonnage passing through by 1874 was British
88% of British goods commerce through Suez Canal
Wanted to protect important financial trade venture from other European powers e.g. The french
Why did Britain invade Egypt because of the scramble for Africa ?
Scramble for Africa 1880-1914
90% Africa colonised
Why did Britain occupy Egypt to make sure loan repayments were made ?
Khedive Ismail pasha increased foreign debt from 3 million to 100 million!
2/3 of taxation was going abroad.
Britain did not want this to stop.
This was a good excuse to invade, they ‘had’ to do this before another European power who they owed money to did
Why did Britain invade Egypt to protect British bond holders ?
British bond holders had their personal savings in Egyptian bonds
E.g. Gladstone’s personal 37% personal fortune
Stabilising Egyptian finances would secure safety for British bond holders
Why did British invade egypt to ‘liberate’ Egypt after rise of nationalism
Arabi pasha in a position of power after revolt in 1881
Alexandria riots 1882 where 50 Europeans + 250 Egyptians were killed was blamed on him
In 1882 he announced he was taking control of Egyptian finances - potentially threatening the 2/3 of taxation that goes abroad
Gladstone said Egypt should be “saved from a “dictator who betrayed the true aspirations of Egyptian liberty”
How did British orientalism contribute to the invasion of Egypt ?
Lack of faith in Egypt to self govern + pay back money without British help
What was Baring’s nickname ?
Over -baring !
What is a veiled protectorate ?
Territory given some local authority but effectively controlled by another
What was the main message that came out of the dufferin report ?
Rescue and retire !
What were baring’s under secretaries ?
What doctrine were they able to use ?
Example ?
Under secretaries were placed under Egyptian ministers but the under secretaries had the most power.
They could implement the Granville doctrine - can replace ministered that disagreed with them
E.g. Sharif pasha replaced with Nivea pasha after disagreeing with baring over Sudan ?
Apart from british undersecretaries, what other examples could you give of baring implementing the dufferin report’s rescue and retire policy ?
Achieved solvency in 1887 (but then didn’t leave ???)
Scott Moncrieff’s public works building 385 miles of new canals and 100 bridges
Convinced caisse for 9 million loan for public works
Abolished the whip !
Clear evidence of baring not ‘rescuing and retiring’ ?
Stays after solvency 1887
- raises primary school fees to decrease enrolment 1901
- fails to implement fundamental tax reform of Kharaj which kept landowners wealthy
- makes 74 assurances in 72 years that Britain will voluntarily leave Egypt.
Overall , full - belly orientalist policy, improving standard of living but not implementing policies that would enable Egypt to self govern!
How did British trade deals with Egypt lead to its remaining in Egypt over 72 years ?
Britishness purchased 80% of Egyptian exports, they clearly got a favourable trade deal here as they were effectively in control of the country . They would not want this to stop
When did Egypt achieve solvency
How did the hick’s expedition in 1883 lead to Gordon’s intervention of Sudan ?
The battle of El Obeid led to 300 survivors out of 10,000! European and Egyptians were trapped inside, outcry to save them !
How did the Mahdi rebellion of 1881 lead to Gordon’s intervention in Sudan ?
Fear of radical Islam spreading to Egypt and beyond
Which Egyptian and British liberal put pressure on Britian to initially intervene in Sudan (Gordon)
Sharif Pasha
Why did Gladstone not want to interfere in Sudan ?
Worried of expansionist Imperialism - well , how he would look like a hypocrite !
Little economic benefit with the slave trade being sudan’s biggest economy and
Why was Gordon specifically sent to Sudan?
Had experience in Sudan
Nickname “Chinese Gordon” - successes in china
Seen as a true British hero fighting with Christian values - ‘educated’ young boys
What did Gordon do in Sudan ? What was the result ?
Sent with orders to evacuate 1884-85
Allows himself to be besieged saying he would hold out on the Mahdi until British reinforcements arrived - twisting Gladstone’s arm.
Writing secret letters to British press + preparing a Mahdi successor.
Result - relief force sent 8 months later but are too late.
Kitchener sees massacre
Gordon was beheaded
What was the main reason that the British took over Sudan after general Gordon’s idiot move ?
Fear of the french taking over it.
French did not accept the sphere of influence
Scramble for Africa acknowledged in the Berlin conference 1884-85
Had clashing strategic interests in the french wanted to build a railway east to west and the British north to south through Sudan.
Fear french would dam up the Nile disrupting Egyptian irrigation
Arguably, the avenge Gordon campaign contributed to kitchener’s invasion of Sudan ?
How could this be argued ?
Why is this not a strong argument ?
Gladstone lost election ! Victoria's open letter criticising Gladstone Joy's 'Gordon's last stand' National day of mourning Comic books Statues
However, no intervention for 11 years ! So evidently was not most important factor
How did fear of an anti European African alliance lead to intervention into Sudan ?
Italians just lost to Ethiopians in 1896 and there was a fear they would unite with the Mahdi
How did Baring’s view change and changing circumstances in Egypt lead to kitchener’s invasion ?
As finances were stable, the invasion could be financed by Egypt !
Mahdists were losing control so takeover could be quick
Baring stayed “ diplomacy cannot be relied upon to keep foreign forces out of the nile”
When did Kitchener invade Sudan ?
What battle did Kitchener fight at Sudan
Battle of Omdurman
How did technological advancements contribute to Kitchener’s defeat of the Mahdi at the battle of Omdurman 1898?
Had machine guns compared to Mahdist rifles
Kitchener went in gradually creating a supply line railroad !
Gunboats were dismantled and rebuilt
How did the British government help Kitchener secure victory perhaps in comparison to Gordon?
Salisbury supported kitchener’s approach giving 17000 Egyptian soldiers and 8200 brits
Describe Kitchener’s leadership
Methodical and ruthless ?
In Kitchener’s actions, we can see the influence from the death of Gordon, how so ?
Kitchener digs up Mahdi grave and beheads him just like Gordon was beheaded
How many Brits died compared to mahdist forces in battle of Omdurman 1898 ?
Brits -47
Mahdists -10,000 dead , 13,000 prisoners
Why did Churchill heavily criticise Kitchener after the battle of Omdurman 1898?
War crimes e.g. Killing prisoners of war
Describe the Fashoda incident 1898
Marchland’s 120 troops met Kitchener’s 1500 troops.
Marshland refuses to take down flag so Kitchener puts British flag up in nearby tree.
They wait for leadership to decide what to do and have a part with whisky and champagne!
French government decide to retreat
Why was the fashoda incident significant in terms of Kitchener’s response ?
Demonstrates restraint and compromise with the french that he could have easily crushed as he outnumbered them in troops compared to his Sudanese war crimes.
Racist !
Why was the fashoda incident significant in terms of the scary pretext for war created from it ?
Press !
Daily mail - British called french “scum of the deserts”
French- British are “insulting attitudes”
Why did the french step down from the fashoda incident?
Dealing with political weakness in J’accuse !
Dreyfus affair - a Jewish officer was falsely accused of being a German spy and war sent to devil’s island where his teeth fell out