Niehbur's types Flashcards
Christ against culture
Christ against culture. This type absolutizes Christ’s authority and rejects culture.
Christ of culture
Christ does not contradict or abrogate the hopes, truths, and ‚holiness‛ of culture and society, as the representatives of the first type maintain, but, on the contrary, leads to their fulfillment and perfection. (Gnostics)
Christ above culture
Thomas Aquinas says yes to both Christ and culture, although the former is, in his opinion, far superior to the latter. it is the middle ground between “against” and “of”.
Christ and culture in paradox
human beings are at odds with God, desiring to live as gods without God. in the world but not of the world. apostle Paul
Christ the transformer of culture
sin is endemic in all culture’s manifestations so we look to transform it