Nib 5 Flashcards
is a left-leaning American magazine of commentary on politics and contemporary culture.
The New Re’public
un projet de loi
a bill [ɪ]:
une discussion, un débat, un conflit
a dis’pute [u:]:
ratifier une loi
to sign a bill into law [lɔ:
Is an American politician and a member of the Republican Party. He has been Texas Governor since 2015.
‘Governor [ʌ] Greg Abbott :
to sus’pect [ʌ] sb / sth of V-ing
to enter the state
to cross into the state =
instead of
‘rather than
= a deportation
a re’moval
noter l’emploi du génitif saxon avec un nom désignant un groupe de personnes
the ‘federal ‘government’s responsi’bility
o that establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws and even state constitutions.
the Su’premacy [ʊ] Clause [ɔ:]
] — noter que “dozen” est invariable quand il est précédé d’un nombre (comme « hundred », « thousand » et « million »).
two ‘dozen
to wave
un insigne
an in’signia
ci, scander des slogans
to chant
a kind of speech
Ø rhetoric (N.)
To march
to spark
uncompromising, unflexible
qui monte en flèche
skyrocketing (Adj.)
anti’semitism [ˌænti GB - ˌæntaɪ US ˈsemɪtɪzm]
islamo’phobia [ɪzˌlæməˈfəʊbiə