Nib 10 Flashcards
ˈPalestine [aɪ] Action is a pro-Palesˈtinian [ɪ] network founded in 2020 that uses civil disobedience and direct actions such as
vandalism to disrupt nations which sell weapons to Israel.
one of its ˈactivists /ˈæktɪvɪst/ : ▲NB : one of est toujours suivi du pluriel.
= to spoil, to destroy something
to ˈruin /ˈruːɪn/
Lord ˈBalfour /ˈbælfə, -fɔː/
Arthur James Balfour (25 July 1848 – 19 March 1930), also known as Lord Balfour, was a
British statesman and Conˈservative politician who served as British Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905. As foreign secretary under Lloyd George’s premiership, he issued the Balfour
Declaration of 1917 which supported a “home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.
to cut something violently with a knife
to slash /slæʃ/
pulvériser, vaporiser
to spray :
The State of the Union Aˈddress (sometimes abbreviated to SOTU) is an annual message delivered by the president of the US (POTUS) to a joint session of the US Congress near the beginning of most years when POTUS addresses the current
situation of the country, whether it be on economic, political or social matters.
to prove
to ˈdemonstrate
harsh, severe
tough /ˈtʌf/
without ˈdemonizing : ▲NB : comme derrière chaque préposition, le verbe prend la forme en -ING.
to portray something/someone as evil
to ˈdemonize
to look for, to search for
to seek [i:], sought /sɔːt/, sought
un équilibre difficile à trouver
a ˈtricky ˈbalance :
un état d’urgence
a state of eˈmergency /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ :
to free, freed, freed :
someone who is in jail, who is imprisoned
an ˈinmate
a 72-hour state of emergency : ▲Note the use of hyphens (traits d’union) between the words as they make up an
adjective, which is invariable as all adjectives in English.
mener, exécuter, réaliser
to ˈcarry out :
some 4,000 men = around 4,000 men
s’introduire illégalement
to break, broke, broken, into :
agitation, troubles
unˈrest =
a sudden increase
a surge /sɜːdʒ/ =
un couvre-feu
a ˈcurfew /ˈkɜːfjuː/ :
to escape, to run away
to flee [i:], fled, fled
tirs croisés, passes d’armes
the ˈcrossfires :
ici, une peine de prison
a ˈsentence :
to promote
to ˈpromulgate =
refaire surface, resurgir
to rear /rɪə/ its ugly head :
ridiculed, mocked
deˈrided [dɪˈraɪdɪd]=
should be
ˈought to /ˈɔːt tuː/ be =
un manquement
a ˈfailing
un moteur
an ˈengine /ˈendʒɪn/ :
une prouesse
a ˈprowess /ˈpraʊɪs/=
to be slowly destroyed
to eˈrode /ɪˈrəʊd/
aux sentiments nobles
dans une plus large mesure
to a greater extent :
to embrace
to eˈspouse /ɪˈspaʊz/
a candidate
an ˈapplicant
to get rid of
to weed out [i:]
ˈdismally /ˈdɪzməli/
une bourse
un mouvement constant vers la gauche
a steady leftward drift
to endanger, to jeopardize
to imˈperil /ɪmˈperəl/
mandatory, obligatory
to get rid of
to scrap =
a system
an appaˈratus
to decrease
to scale down
plein à craquer
rectifier la trajectoire
to correct course