How is the NHS funded?
Funding comes from general taxation with some from national insurance contributions
A very small amount comes from patient costs e.g. prescriptions or dentistry
What was the funding for the NHS in 2021/2022?
153 billion
Where does most of the government funding for the NHS go to?
NSH England and NHS improvement which are responsible for delivering the NHS long term plan
NHS England oversees the commissioning of NHS services i.e. allocating funds to integrated care systems (used to be called CCGs)
What are integrated care systems?
partnerships of organisations that come together to plan and deliver health and care services, and to improve the lives of people who live and work in their area. They are partnerships between hospitals, GPs, community services and other organisations with the overall aim to provide more joined-up care provision
These are new since July 2022
There are 42 established across England.
What is the long term plan?
This was launched in jan 2019 with the aim of planning for the future of the NHS. Its a strategy document developed by NHS staff and informed by patients. It aimed to improve care and make it more consistent across the UK
What are Sustainability and Transformation partnerships?
where local NHS organisations and Local Authorities draw up shared proposals to improve health and care in the areas they serve.
Now changed to integrated care systems!
What is an integrated care partnership?
Each integrated care systems has a committee responsible for strategy in that area
What is an integrated care board?
A statutory NHS organisation responsible for meeting population health needs and managing budget for services
What are the aims of integrated care systems?
Tackle inequalities
Improve population health and healthcare
Enhance productivity and value for money
Foster collaborations between health and care organisations
Improve prevention
Supporting pt with long-term conditions or mental health issues