Newborn Transition to Extrauterine Life Flashcards
What is the terminology for neonates?
- Perinatal period
- Neonatal period
- Neonatology
When is the perinatal period?
From the 28th week of gestation until the 7th day after birth
When is the neonatal period?
From birth through the first 28 days of life
What is neonatology?
Subspecialty of pediatrics; medical specialties that care for newborn babies, sick babies, and premature babies
What is the initiation of respiration?
Newborn goes from a fluid filled environment to a gaseous one with the first breath - pulmonary gas exchange begins
What is surfactant?
lipoprotein that coats lung tissue to prevents alveolar collapse
When is surfactant made and complete?
Made @ 24 weeks & complete @ 34 weeks
What does liquid surfactant do for the newborn?
given to newborn, into (alveoli) lungs, coats & keeps lungs open
When is betamethasone given?
To mom < 34 weeks
What is the respiration rate for a neonate?
30-60 breaths/minute
What is the respiration pattern like for a neonate?
Shallow & irregular, Periodic breathing: short periods of newborn resp pauses <10 seconds without changes in HR or oxygenation
What are some s/s of early respiratory distress?
retractions, flaring ↑ WOB, tachypnea (> 60) or < 30 , grunting, cyanosis/color change
How does fetal circulation work?
Placenta provides oxygen, removes waste
What 3 fetal structures prevent blood flow to lungs & allow maternal blood to give nutrients?
Ductus Venosus
Foramen Ovale
Ductus Arteriosus
These 3 fetal structures close at birth
What does the Ductus Venosus do?
Bypasses hepatic system to vena cava
What does the Foramen Ovale do?
Shunts blood from right to left atrium
What does the Ductus Arterious do?
Shunts blood from pulmonary artery to aorta
What does the umbilical vein do?
Provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus from mom
What is the heart rate for a neonate?
110-160 BPM
What could a ↑ HR mean in the newborn?
crying, pain, fever, drug withdrawal, volume depletion, cardiac disease
What could a ↓ HR mean for the newborn?
respiratory issues, O2 problems, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, hypoxia (BAD)
What are “functional” murmurs in the newborn?
normal in neonatal period d/t fetal structures not having been closed yet
What is the blood volume like for a neonate?
80-85 ml/kg
How much percentage wise does delayed cord clamping increase blood volume by?
What are the benefits of delayed cord clamping?
↑ cardiopulmonary status -> ↑ BP & oxygenation
↓ anemia (iron deficiency) by ↑ RBC
What are 3 blood components for a neonate?
- Fetal RBCs live 80-100 days
- Physiologic anemia of infancy
- Leukocytosis
How long do fetal RBC’s live?
80-100 days** -> do not last as long as adults
What causes physiologic anemia of infancy?
Early breakdown of RBC’s, seen at 6-8 weeks
What can cause leukocytosis in infancy and is it expected?
Birthing trauma, and yes it is expected