Newborn Management Flashcards
At delivery:
Before discharge:
Delivery: Silver nitrate drops or Erythromycin ointment and IM Vitamin K
Discharge: Hearing test, PKU, Galactosemia, Hypothyroid screening
Apgar: Need to and effectiveness of resuscitation
1 minute: During labor and Delivery (7+ is reassuring)
5 minutes: Response to resuscitation (9+ is reassuring)
Port Wine Stain: Permanent vascular malformation on head/neck (Nevus Flemmus; “stork bite” or “angel kisses”)
Association w/: Sturge Weber syndrome (AV malformation)
-Seizures, retardation, glaucoma
Tx: anticonvulsants, evaluate for glaucoma
Caput Succedaneum vs Cephalohematoma
Caput Succedaneum: Crosses suture lines, presents early
- resolves within first few weeks of life
Cephalohematoma: Does not cross sutures lines
-resolves in 2 wks - 3 mos
Coloboma of the iris: hole in structure of eye
Associated w/: CHARGE syndrome - screen for CHD7 gene
Coloboma; Heart defects; Atresia of nasal choanae;
growth Retardation; GU abnormalities; Ear abnormalities
Anridia: Absence of iris
Highly associated w/: Wilms Tumor - screen for with abdominal U/S Q3 months until 8 yo.
GIT protrusion through umbilicus WITH sac
defect: abdominal wall musculature
association: screen for trisomy 13, 18, 21
Abdominal defect lateral to midline WITHOUT sac
tx: immediate surgical gradual introduction
Umbilical Hernia
Association: Congenital Hypothyroidism; screen with TSH
- 90% close by age 3yo
- 4yo: surgery req’d to prevent strangulation/necrosis
Inguinal Hernia
- Hydrocele: Remnant of tunica vaginalis - differentiate from:
- Inguinal Hernia: Failure of processes vaginalis to close (reducible scrotal swelling) Tx: surgery
Undescended testes (cryptorchidism)
- Associated with malignancy if > 1 year of age
- No treatment until 1 yo to avoid sterility; then orchiopexy
Hyospadias: urethral opening is below/ventral
Epispadias: urtheral opening is on top/dorsal
Hypospadias: do not circumcise (surgery difficulties)
Epispadias: surgical evaluation for bladder exstrophy
Infant of Diabetic Mother: large, plethora, jitteriness
1st step: Check glucose level; hypoglycemia; hypocalcemia; hypomagnesemia; hyperbilirubinemia; polycythemia
Infant of Diabetic Mother: Risks
cardiac abnormalities (truncus arteriosis); small left colon syndrome (and distention); RDS; shoulder dystocia; – increased risk of diabetes & childhood obesity
RDS: (Respiratory Distress Syndrome; newborn)
- hypoxemia; nasal grunting; tachypnea; IC retractions
initial: CXR (ground-glass), atelectasis, air bronchograms
predictive: L/S ratio of amniotic fluid prior to birth
RDS: treatment
initial: O2 + nasal CPAP (prevent barotrauma/dysplasia)
most effective: exogenous surfactant decreases mortality
RDS: Primary prevention
Antenatal Betamethasone: > 24 hrs before delivery; < 34 wks gestation & Avoid prematurity: give tocolytics
Corticosteroids - role in pregnancy
Give immediately to any fetus in danger of preterm delivery < 34 weeks!!! (do not help/not indicated postnatal)
Transient Tachypnea of Newborn (TTN) - retained lung fluid in term birth by C-section or rapid second stage of labor
Dx: CXR (air trapping, fluid, perihilar streaking)
Tx: oxygen (rapid improvement; resolves in 24-48 hrs)