Newborn Care Flashcards
What is the average respiratory rate of a newborn?
What is the average resting heart rate of a newborn?
What is the best way to increase temp of a newborn baby?
Skin-to-skin contact
An apgar score of 0-3 is?
Severe distress
An apgar score of 4-6 is?
Moderate distress
An apgar score of 7-10 is?
No distress
If a heart rate is absent/less than 100/greater than 100 what apgar scores do they get?
If a respiratory rate effort is absent/slow w/ weak cry/good cry what apgar scores do they get?
If muscle tone is flaccid/some flexion/well flexed what apgar scores do they get?
If reflex irritability is none/grimace/cry what apgar score do they get?
If the newborns color is blue,pale/pink body, acrocyanosis/completely pink what apgar scores do they get?
How often do you check the axillary temperature of a newborn?
Q4h for the 1st 24hr
Less subQ fat, thin epidermis, blood vessels closer to skin, flexed posture, size and gestational age are all characteristics of what?
Thermal stability
What does AGA stand for?
Appropriate for gestational age
What does SGA stand for?
Small for gestational age
What does LGA stand for?
Large for gestational age
What does LBW stand for?
Low birth weight
What are normal temps for a newborn?
What temps need to be reported immediately?
Greater than 37.5 and less than 36.5
When does the color of a newborns eyes develop?
What is the term used to describe acrocyanosis?
A bluish discoloration of hands and feet
What is the term used to describe antibodies formed in response to an illness/immunization while a female is pregnant?
Active acquired immunity
What is the term used to describe a physical assessment of a newborn @ 1min and again @ 5 min after birth?
Apgar score
What is the term used to describe fanning/extension of toes or flexion of toes from a gentle stroke on sole of the foot?
Babinski reflex/response
What is the term used to describe a procedure used to evaluate an infant for hip dislocation or instability by adducting infants thigh then applying gentle downward pressure?
Barlow maneuver
What is the term used to describe a localized soft area on the scalp that crosses over suture line resulting from a long/difficult labor or vacuum extraction?
Caput succedaneum
What is the term used to describe a collection of blood that doesn’t cross suture line resulting from ruptured blood vessels b/t surface of a cranial bone and periosteal membrane?
What is the term used to describe small glistening white specks that feel hard to touch on hard palate and gum margins (look like little white pearls)?
Epstein pearls
What is the term used to describe damage affecting the upper arm b/t 5th and 6th cervical nerves, causing paralysis?
Erb-Duchenne Paralysis (Erb Palsy)
What is the term used to describe eruption of lesions in area surrounding hair follicle that are firm, 1-3mm andconsist of white/pale yellow papule?
Erythema Toxicum “newborn rash”
What is the term used to describe a reddened area over cheeks/jaw from a difficult forceps birth?
Forceps marks
What is the term used to describe closing/grasping of infants finger in response to finger placed in the palm of the infant, birth-6mon?
Grasping/palmer reflex
What is the term used to describe a yellow pigmentation of body tissues caused by presence of bile pigments?
What is the term used to describe fine thin hair?
What is the term used to describe the newborns 1st stool normally w/in 8-24hrs after birth and is black tart and hard to wipe?
What is the term used to describe exposed sebaceous glands that appear as raised white spots on face, especially across nose w/in 1st mon of birth (look like white heads)?
What is the term used to describe asymmetrical appearance of infants head caused by overlapping of cranial bones during labor and birth?
What is the term used to describe macular areas of bluish-black or gray blue pigmentation on dorsal area and buttocks (look like bruises) will go away?
Mongolian spots
What is the term used to describe in response to a loud noise infant will straighten arms/hands/legs out, birth-4mon?
Moro/startle reflex
What is the term used to describe lacy pattern of dilated blood vessels under skin?
What is the term used to describe 1st few hours after birth where body adapts to extrauterine life?
Neonatal transition
What is the term used to describe specific environmental temp ranger where rates of O2 consumption and metabolism are minimal and internal body temp is maintained bc of thermal balance?
Neutral thermal environment
What is the term used to describe capillary angioma directly below epidermis, permanent red to purple area of dense capillaries, not raised but birthmark like?
Nevus Flammeus (port-wine stain)
What is the term used to describe capillary hemangioma consisting of newly formed/enlarged capillaries in dermal/subdermal layers, are raised, dark-red rough surfaced birthmark usually on head region?
Nevus vasculosus
What is the term used to describe specific criteria designed for accurate assessment of gestational age b/t 20 and 28wks and weighing less than 1500g?
New Ballard Score
What is the term used to describe a procedure used to evaluate infant for developmental dysplastic hip?
Ortolani maneuver
What is the term used to describe condition where pregnant female passes IgG antibodies to fetus in utero?
Passive acquired immunity
What is the term used to describe breathing pattern w/ pauses lasting 5-15sec?
Periodic breathing
What is the term used to describe blood/whitish discharge occasionally observed on diapers of females from w/drawal of maternal hormones?
What is the term used to describe in response to a light touch of a finger on infants cheek, close to mouth; head infant will rotate toward touch and try to suck, birth-4mon?
Rooting reflex
What is the term used to describe ability to use own resources to quiet/comfort self, like thumb/fist to mouth?
Self-quieting ability
What is the term used to describe in response to finger/nipple in infants mouth infant will start a rhythmic suck, birth-4mon?
Sucking reflex
What is the term used to describe pale, pink, red spots found on eyelids, nose, lower occipital bone, and nape of neck?
Telanglectatic nevi (stork bites)
What is the term used to describe white patches that look like milk curds that adhere to mucous membranes usually caused by an infected vaginal tract during birth, antibiotics use, or poor hand hygiene?
What is the term used to describe response to head being turned to 1 side while infant lies on back, infant will extend arm/leg on side the infant faces while opposite arm/leg is flexed. birth-3/4mon?
Tonic Neck reflex
What is the term used to describe response to stroking spine infant will turn pelvis toward side touched?
Trunk incurvation
What is the term used to describe whitish, cheese-like substance that covers fetus while in utero?
Vernix caseosa
How many cm larger should the head be than the chest?
If the head is >4cm larger than the chest what is it considered?
How long does it take for the caput succedaneum and cephalohematoma to go away?
What is a diamond shape, is palpable, approx 5cm and closes @ 18mons?
Anterior fontanel
What is triangle shape and closes @ 3mons?
Posterior fontanel
What is too much saliva in the mouth?
Trachealesophageal fistula
On day 1 of life how big is the stomach size/capacity?
5-7mL, large marble
On day 3 of life how big is the stomach size/capacity?
30mL, ping pong ball
On day 10 of life how big is the stomach size/capacity?
90mL, egg
When do transitional stools start to occur and how do they appear?
1-2 days, greenish
What type of stool doesn’t stink and is a seedy mustard yellow?
Breast stool
How often should a newborn void?
2-6times a day
What type of stool stinks and is a green/brown color?
Formula stool
True or false.
A newborn can detect their mom and her nipple for breastmilk through their smell.
Edamatous and blood-tinged discharge is what?
Normal female genitalia
What is the response of a newborn curling their toes inward when stroked on sole of foot, birth-8mon?
Plantar reflex
What response is when a baby moves their feet as if they were walking when placed in air or feel surface at soles of feet, birth-4mon?
Stepping reflex
What is the first 15-30min after birth where the newborn is alert, active and sucking?
1st period of reacvtivity
What is the 3omin-2hrs after birth where the newborn is quiet, resting, and sleeping?
Period of inactivity
What is the 10-12hrs or more after birth where the newborn reawakens and becomes responsive?
2nd period of reactivity
How often should a parent provide cord care?
3 times a day w/ soap and water
When does the bell of the cord fall off?
What is the dandruff around the babies head and should be cleaned w/ water and brushed daily?
Cradle cap
A newborn must be how old to be considered a newborn?
Less than 30 days
Where should newborn immunizations be placed?
Top of thigh where seam of pants would be
What size needle would be used for newborn immunizations?
25 gauge, 5/8in
What angle would you use to vaccinate a newborn?
90 degree
What type of syringe should you use for newborn immunizations?