Intrapartum Care Flashcards
What does TORCH stand for?
Toxoplasmosis. Other viruses like measles and HIV. Rubella. Cytomegalovirus. Herpes.
True or false.
TORCH can cross the placenta.
What is caused from the consumption of raw/under-cooked meat or the handling of cat feces that causes flu-like symptoms, fever and malaise?
What is transmitted from person to person through body fluids and is a common herpes virus that can be asymptomatic?
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
What disease may have mononucleosis-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and swollen glands?
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
When babies have yellow skin and eyes, purple skin splotches or a rash, are SGA, have an enlarged spleen and liver and may have pneumonia, seizures, hearing loss* or vision impairment, what may they be diagnosed with?
Congenitcal CMV
What is airborne, replicates in nasopharyngeal, spreads by direct contact w/ nasal or throat secretions and can be contracted through infected children?
If mom is immune to rubella when should you give the live virus vaccine?
After birth
A newborn may present with a fever, rash, mild lymphedema, or joint muscle pain and a fetus if contracted in 1st 12 wks can have congenital abnormalities, a miscarriage or death if their mother has what?
Positive Rubella
Bleeding that occurs in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy is known as what?
Spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy
Bleeding that occurs in the 2nd half of pregnancy is known as what?
Placenta previa, placenta abruption
What is implanted in the fallopian tubes, has a stabbing pain, tenderness, and delayed/irregular menses w/ scant dark red or brown vaginal spotting?
Ectopic pregnancy
What is done to savage the fallopian tubes if they have not already been ruptured?
What med is given in an ectopic pregnancy to inhibit cell division and embryo enlargement?
In an ectopic pregnancy if vaginal spotting is bright red what is this indicative of?
Ruptured fallopian tubes
What is it called when the placenta abnormally implants in the lower uterine segment, near or completely covering the cervix os; is painless w/ red vaginal bleeding and has 3 diff types?
Placenta previa
What placenta previa is when the placenta is attached in the lower segment but doesn’t reach the cervical os?
Marginal low lying
What placenta previa only partially covers the cervical os?
What placenta previa completely covers the cervical os?
What is it called when the placenta completely detaches from the uterus, is a sudden onset, has severely steady pain, bright red or dark vaginal bleeding, a board like abd, and a firm rigid uterus w/ c-section (ordered STAT)?
Placenta abruptio
When contractions get closer together (3-5min apart), last longer, and increase in intensity that do not stop w/ walking, discomfort in back and lower abd occurs and the cervix dilates, what is this indicative of?
TRUE labor
When contractions do not get closer together or increase in intensity, can be relieved w/ walking, discomfort is primarily in the lower abd and the cervix does not dilate, what is this indicative of?
FALSE labor
What uterine stimulant med stimulates the uterus to contract?
Oxytocin (Pitocin)
What uterine relaxant med is given if a pt. is in pre-term labor to slow down labor?
Ritodrine hydrochloride
What uterine relaxant med cannot be used if pt. is after 48-72 hrs of labor?
Terbutaline Sulfate
What uterine relaxant med is a calcium channel blocker and should be monitored for HA?
Nifedipine (Procardia, adalat)
What uterine relaxant med is an NSAID and blocks the production of prostaglandins?
Indomethacin (Indocin)
What uterine relaxant med is a glucocorticoid given via IM in 2 inj, 24hrs apart and enhances fetal lung maturity?
Betanethasone (Celestone)
What is fetal tachycardia?
> 160-180
What is fetal bradycardia?
Less than 110
When there’s uteral placenta insufficiency r/t a decrease in blood flow or O2 what is this indicative of?
Late decelerations
If the umbilical cord becomes compressed (cord prolapse) what is this indicative of?
Variable decelerations
What is the term used to describe a transient increase in the FHR normally caused by fetal movement?
What is the term used to describe the pink tinged secretions resulting from a small amnt of blood from the exposed cervical capillaries during pregnancy?
Bloody show
What is the term used to describe intermittent painless uterine contractions that may occur every 10-20min and occur more frequently near the end of pregnancy?
Braxton Hick contractions
What is the term used to describe a series of changes in position that allow the fetus to move through the birth canal?
Cardinal movements
What is the term used to describe during birth when the appearance of the newborns head or presenting fetal part is at the vaginal orifice?
What is the term used to describe the periodic decreases in FHR from the normal baseline?
What is the term used to describe a paid caregiver who has received special training and may be certified in caring for laboring women?
What is the term used to describe during birth, a condition that occurs when the fetal head is compressed and cerebral blood flow decreases, causing central vagal stimulation, usually associated w/ onset of uterine contractions?
Early decelerations
What is the term used to describe the drawing up of the internal os and the cervical canal into the uterine side walls?
What is the term used to describe the passing of the fetus into the pelvic inlet in preparation for birth?
What is the term used to describe a surgical incision of the perineal body to enlarge the outlet?
What is the term used to describe the flexion or extension of the fetal body and extremities?
Fetal attitude
What is the term used to describe the relationship of the cephalocaudal axis, or spinal column of the fetus to the cephalocaudal axis or spinal column of the mom; fetus may be longitudinal or transverse?
Fetal lie
What is the term used to describe the relationship of the landmark on the presenting fetal part to the front, sides, or back of the maternal pelvis?
Fetal position
What is the term used to describe the body part of the fetus entering the pelvis?
Fetal presentation
What is the term used to describe the stimulation of uterine contractions before the spontaneous onset of labor, w/ or w/o ruptured fetal membranes for the purpose of accomplishing birth?
Labor induction
What is the term used to describe a condition caused by uteroplacental insufficiency resulting from decreased blood flow and oxygen transfer to the fetus through the intervillous spaces during uterine contractions?
Late deceleration
What is the term used to describe a systemic way to evaluate the maternal abd?
Leopold maneuvers
.What is the term used to describe the effects that occur when the fetus begins to settle into the pelvic inlet?
What is the term used to describe a condition that occurs when a fetus passes into the pelvic inlet w/ a breech or shoulder presentation, usually associated w/ difficulties during labor?
What is the term used to describe the 1st part of the fetus to enter and settle in the pelvic inlet during fetal presentation?
Presenting part
What is the term used to describe the location of the fetal presenting part in the maternal pelvis in relation to the ischial spine?
What is the term used to describe a change in FHR over a few sec. to a few min.?
What is the term used to describe a condition that occurs if the umbilical cord becomes compressed, reducing blood flow b/t the placenta and fetus?
Variable decelerations