New Terms #2 Flashcards
interpret sensory signals and transfer the message from the brain and spinal cord to the motor neurons
Intrinsic Rate of Increase
the population growth rate
carbohydrates, proteins and fats
Medullary Cavity
hollow area at the core of the diaphysis
vitamins and nutrients
Motor Neurons
convert messages from the spinal cord and brain to stimulate muscles and nerves
Molecules released at the axon terminal that travel across the synaptic cleft to stimulate receptor proteins in the next neuron
eats both plants and meat
the process by which immature ovum mature
Parasympathetic Nervous System
- your rest-repose response
* sends messages to decrease heart rate and blood pressure and contracts stomach muscles for digestion
protective sheet protecting the bone
an organ that connects the baby to it’s mother
Autotrophs, which make their food from inorganic food sources
Sensory Neurons
detect sensory stimuli and carry impulses to the spinal cord and the brain
hollow spaces in the skull that open into the nasal cavity
Somatic Nervous System
controls voluntary skeletal function
male reproductive cell or gamete
production of sperm cells
Spongy Bone
porous bone filled with marrow, nerves, and blood vessels located in the epiphysis
Subcutaneous Layer
deepest layer of skin
Sympathetic Nervous System
fight-or-flight response
increases blood pressure and heart rate and stimulates the liver to release glucose to produce quick energy
Trophic Level
each step in a food chain or food web