New movements in theology Flashcards
Where did black theology originate from 6
USA, 1960s
black church leaders response to civil rights and black power
black activism
struggle for freedom from slavery
fighting racism for equality
first members were from protestant churches in south USA
what does black theology do/teach 4
Jesus was the liberator of black people and identifies with black suffering
raises awareness of oppression from history
Christianity previously denied a voice to black people
Against white privilege
what theology does black theology link to and why
liberation theology
both focus on poor and oppressed undermines and eliminates power structures
J.H.Cone (6)
plight of Jews reflects black people’s experience (exodus)
God’s presence is focused on justice
black theology is a counterpart of the black power movement
gospel of Christ was from white oppressors
God is immanent, Jesus liberates oppressed
Jesus was black
Cone quote ab Jesus
‘God is whatever colour God needs to be in order to let people know they are not nobodies, they are somebodies’
Impact of black theology (2)
gave black people a voice to discuss injustice
correlated with MLK, christian influence
Limitations of black theology (3)
looked down on
limited spread
doesn’t have as much as an impact as other denominations
Successes of black theology (2)
main influences in educated elite
refocused attention that God is with his people in real situations
Feminist theology focus and origin
looks at scriptures from a feminist perspective
church and bible is patriarchal, women are seen as inferior
liberation for women
women to fulfil roles of clergy and change religious language
Sally McFague (3)
focuses on language, like God being called ‘man’ in Bible, led to men getting power and authority
need new metaphors, ‘mother’ for God because he is nurturing
‘Metaphorical theology: Models of God in religious language’, 1982, controversial/opposing views
Impact of feminist theology (3)
goal is to challenge the view that men are superior
women’s Bible was written in 1890s
achieved greater representation of women in churches and clergy
Limitations of feminist theology (4)
Catholics forbid female priests
women can’t touch the Qur’an while menstruating, Islam
stereotypes in sacred texts
many scriptures say men are master by divine right
Successes of feminist theology (4)
liberal and radical
some large and historically significant churches are ran by women
#ChurchToo fights sexual harassment
Origin of liberation theology
Latin America, 60s
liberation theology’s focus (7)
move church away from political and cultural roots that lead to oppression
theology from poor and oppressed perspective
suffering is against God’s will and contrasts Jesus’ teachings
Christians are obliged to fight against politically sinful structures
direct violence in extreme cases
action over ideas
capitalism is sinful
Biblical reference for liberation theology
Matthew 10:34, Jesus speaks of bringing a sword rather than peace
“I came not to send peace, but a sword”
Rev G Gutiérrez (6)
‘Theology of liberation’ - 1972
a founder
his life in Latin America, high levels of poverty
poverty is hated by God
“preferential option for the poor”
fight against oppression, poor are the victims of exploitation
impact of liberation theology (4)
gave Christians obligations
influenced a conference in 1968 which assessed the worlds political and social condition
heightened awareness
landless people’s movement
Limitations of liberation theology (6)
reliance on marxism, left activist group emphasises structural sin 1990s Pope John Paul limited its influence (too radical) too critique of capitalism violent, at odds with pacifist groups too extreme
Successes of liberation theology
allowed church to reconnect with the poor
1968 conference sided with the poor
interest in the poor is still vibrant - Pope Francis 2013
base communities throughput Latin America to help poverty