new media Flashcards
characteristics of new medis
- digitalisation - digital tech now info converted, stored, sent as binary code
»> qualitative info digitalised
»> enale diff forms of info like text, audio into 1 system - interactivity = 2 way affair,consumer & users involved
»> real time to user input - let users select they want
»> blurred role of consumer & producer of media - participatory culture = not passive recievers & collaborate with new media & users by sharing & making content
- economic convergence = media & telecommunications indsutries make economic alliances with each ther = digitalisation reduce boundaries b/w media sectors
»> cross fertilisation of ideas & resources - cultural convergence = changed way members interact with media & each other
»> changed nature of consumerism - use internet to buy products & facebook used more
characteristic of new media (2)
- hypertextual - hypertext or links = allow more freedom of choice to navigate diff sources of info
»> interact with variety of media with single device = more individualised lifestyle choices, act indepdently - collective intelligence - none of us can know everything - each know something & put pieces together if pool resources s& combined skills
»> enable people to challenge trad& offical ways of seeing world provided by owners, polticians - virtual worlds- diff reality = fast paced flow of info w products
»> simulation = experienced computer games provide immersive eperience for users through digital tech
who uses nw media
> > > ofcom reports adults media use & attitudes document media literacy - can use & understand & create media & communications
> > > generation divide; BOYLE
associated with young people - 12-15 more likely to engage in cross media multi tasking (OFCOM) e.g by texting & browse laptop
generation divide may decline as older age increasingly engage in online activities
media experience of young people gowing up in UK is diff from previous generations - grown up in intensive experience of new media
different ways access& seek entertainment & news
want it all now & tailored to specific needs & identities
> > > young adult anxieties about use of media by young people
young peoples’access to range of new media increased trad concerns = new social anxieties access porno & propaganda, grooming, bullying
who uses new media
>>> digital class divide = poor excluded from new media usage as digital underclass cant afford to keep up with MC use of new media tech >>> HELPSER = digital underclass - unemployment, lower education & low digital skills exist in u = increased use of internet at slower rate
> > > digital gender divide = LI & KIRKUP = men more likely to use email or chat rooms & play computer games
men more access internet
women more likely to go online to look at social media
women more now play digital games - popularity of smartphones, consoles
> > > OLSEN = boys likely to play violent games - express fantasies of power & glory to master exciting & realistic env to work out anger & stress
more girls using violent video games to cope with anger
women disliked violent content & prefer social interaction aspect of games
cultural pessimist view
comford & robins
COMFORD & ROBINS»_space;> ‘new media’ not new - old tech still integral to use of new media
»> interactivity not new as people written to newspaper & phoned
»> only new thing is speed - info, news & entertainment can be accessed in ‘real time’
» e.g 9/11 plane hit ; audience globally watched event
»> media allows refinement, extension & embellishment of trad media
cultural pessimist view
domination by media conglomerates
»> nenw media increase chance for ordinary people to join more in democratic process & cultural life
»> role of transnational media conglomeration = business corporation of diff companies with diverse interests- develop & control new media > undermine potential for media democracy
»> controlled by big tech
»> companies invested in new media control to access to social media & search engines & web servers that store our info
JENKINS»> new media develop from investment by big media corporations
» cross media ownership, owing diff types of media made desirable for companies to develop content across media platforms & delivery systems
> > > people being de platformed on social media = those holding radical views = companies determine who can express what on social media
marginalised people ale to blog & have say but only find them if companies allow you
cultural pessimist views
> > > social media led to polarisation & conflict = isolated from each other into ‘echo chambers’ - people find other people w same views & follow each other & reinforce own views of world
less likely to see view that challenge their own= polarisation of opinion
allow ordinary people to connect globally
easier for organised crime to commit phising & sell drugs online
> > > reinforce elite power = mainstream political parties run advetising campaigns to manipulate public into voting for them
larger political parties & corporations more money to spend on ads to keep biased info on top of internet search
politics less visible than entertainment on internet
surveillance - brit security services had tech to access info stored on smartphones
cultural pessimistic views
> > > decline of quality of popular culture = more choice of media lower quality of it
tv increased more channels for viewers to choose = dumbing down of popular culture as companies fill channels w cheap imported material, films, repeats, tv
HARVEY = candly floss culture that speaks to all in general & nobody specific
ITV & BBC process of tabloidization - compete with sky & satellite channels - decline in documentaries & news & more in reality tv shows
> > > some info may be ‘fake news’ to mislead to serve political or corporate ends like vote leave campaign
more info sources = harder to verify sources of info
overload info - too much to deal with
constant news feed = being distraced by new than taking time to look in detail of one = shallow understanding
> > > commercialised products & consumption -> internet - manage bank, pau bills, buy services
choice for consumer
tech can sell product & services with surveillance like cookies can monitor & process data generated by media usage = target future audience & enhance profits
aimed to sell like amazon use data we collect to find our preferences & manipulate them to buy products they wouldn’t usually
cultural pessimistic views
> > > lack of regulation = new media is easy to access to pornography & homophobic, racist sites = taking free speech too far
more young users rise to new problems - cybercrime, cyberbullying, trolling of minority
TUCKEL»> new media users as cyborgs - always connected to each other wherever
»> people live full time on web & devoted to communication devices
»> more aniety & isolation; brag about friends on fb while have less real friends
»> texting, using phones preoccupy our lives & misplace / not using = feel anxious, impossible
KEEN»> new media is chaotic - no governing moral code & where place truth is selective & subject to change
»> social networkign sites dont contribute to democratic process= vehicles for narcisstic self broadcasting - exist for people to indulge in self promotion
»> user generate sites open to abuse & bias = unreliable sources of info like wiki
»> outputs is unchecked & uniformed opinion, lies, trolling = norm than awith analysis & expertise
»> internet contribute to cultural illiteracy = young people less engaged with researching world around them as internet give easy access to facts