New material for Final Part 2 Flashcards
T/F: Brodie’s abscess formations may be sterile with no mcroorganisms cultured.
What is the main way to differentiate infections from tumors on xray?
infections do not respect growth plates or joint spaces
What is the proper treatment for bone infections?
coffee enemas
…jk it’s antibiotics.
Joint effusion, juxtaarticular osteoporosis, erosions, joint space loss, and lytic destruction that CROSSES THE JOINT space…what is this?
septic arthritis
How many mm is the teardrop distance?
> 11mm and >2mm difference from the opposite joint
unilateral sacroilitis
think infection
Where do spinal infections begin in adolescents?
In adults?
in the disc (still vascular);
anterior endplates then disc then soft tissue (paraspinal mass)
Where are spinal infections most common?
What joints have a higher incidence of infection in IV drug users?
SI joints
What are some early radiographic features of bone infection?
rapid disc space loss and/or endplate destruction
T/F: Osteomyelitis typically shows up in the first week on plain films.
t/F: Osteomyelitis may show up on bone scintigraphy within hours.
What type of imaging gives a direct view of intramedullary disorders and may precede bone scan findings?
T/F: Osteomyelitis findings on MRI will show increased (white) signal intensity on T1 and decreased on T2.
False; white is right on T1 so pathology findings are dark or decreased on T1, increased on T2
What is the classic finding associated with osteomyelitis in the spine?
disc space loss with endplate destruction
Word association: Nonsuppurative osteomyelitis, Pott’s disease, and mycobacterium
What is the most common cause of infection-related death in the world, with 15 million people infected in the US?
T/F: Only 1-3% of TB cases involve the skeleton, but this is the most common secondary form of TB
TB in the skeleton usually involves weight-bearing joints and multiple levels. What is the most common area for TB in the skeleton?
TL junction
How does TB of the spine look different than osteomyelitis?
multiple level involved and paraspinal cold abscesses with Ca+
Word association: weight loss, fever, chills, night sweats, Gibbous formation and granulomas on chest film in 50%
What is the Phemister’s Triad?
sign of tuberculosis septic arthritis:
Juxtarticular osteoporosis, marginal erosions, and slow joint space loss
What is the term for death of osseous cellular and marrow components of bone with an epiphyseal predispostion, especially of the femur head and humeral head?
Avascular Necrosis
What are some synonyms for avascular necrosis (AVN)?
osteonecrosis, ischemic necrosis, or osteochondrosis