Nevous System Flashcards
____ is the term for organization of nerves and sense organs near the interior of the body
both nervous system and the skin are made from which layer of the gastrula
Which part of the neuron receives input
The gap between one neuron’s axon and another neuron’s dendrite is called the _____
The ____ is a structure in the brain that regulates thirst, hunger, body temp, and sleep
which of the three meninges is most superficial
dura matter
excessive amounts of dopamine are correlated with which mental condition
what neurotransmitter is associated with attachment and bonding
when a neuron is polarized, ____ is being pumped OUT of the membrane
what region of the brain identify salience
anterior cingulate gyrus
all of the following traits are dominated in the right hemisphere except ______
analytical processing
which ion is brought into an axon to move vesicles to the cell membrane for release
what sensors respond to pressure in the skin
the peripheral nervous system includes all of the following except _____
the spine
the _____ regulates breathing rate
The bumps or protrusions on the surface of the cerebrum are called ____
in research on autism, ____ neurons are found to be different than in non-autistic people
Which of the five senses is mostly registered in the limbic system
all of the following occur with sympathetic response except _______
pupils contract
The correct order of skin from superficial to deep is
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
what does GABA regulate
what impulse is part chemical and
part electric
chemoelectric impulse
“+” positive refers to
resting and polarized
“-“ negative refers to
active and depolarized
neurotransmitters are where in the axon
the vesicles
Botulin (botox) prevents what
it prevents the affect of acetylcholine
Meissner’s skin receptor
touch (upper dermis)
Pacinian’s skin receptor
pressure (lower dermis)
thermoreceptors skin receptors
heat (upper dermis) cold (lower dermis)
nociceptors skin receptors
pain (both parts of dermis)
ruffini’s skin receptors
stretch (both parts of dermis)
proprioceptors skin receptors
movement/body location (located in all of the body)
local anesthetic blocks and doesn’t block what
blocks nociceptors but not ruffinis
“map of body” created by feel
what “eats” up the left over or extra chemicals in the synapse?
the neurons specific enzyme (chemical name + “ase”)
true or false: there is a threshold of the chemicals to transfer from an axon to dendrite (all or none rule)
the positive charge is always wehr the ____ is going
the negative charge is always where the ____ is going
what triggers neurotransmitters to release
the 8 words to remember synaptic physiology order
receives it, pumps it, depolarized it, move it down to the axon bulb and channel in some calcium, vesicles position, neurotransmitters released
in… the synapse, enzymes eat the extra in the gap, neuron is resting, sodium is exiting, potassium is entering, and now we’re back to polarized
cells on the axon
schwann’s cells (they make the myelin)
gaps between schwann cells
nodes is ranvier “signal boosters”
insulating fatty layer that speeds transmission in the axon
myelin sheath
Central nervous system uses what kind of cells
peripheral nervous system uses what kind of cells
schwann cells
sympathetic nervous system responses
blood vessels narrow, increase in heart rate, pupil dilation, inhibits digestion system, lungs relax, contraction of arrector pili (hair stand up), decrease in salivation
parasympathetic system responses
blood vessels dilate, decrease in heart rate, pupils close, secretion in digestion system, bronchi close, relaxation of arrector pili, increase in salivation
matter layers top to bottom
dura, anarchiod, pía
medulla oblongata is what to the corpus callosum
olfactory nerve is linked to
optic chiasm
what products CSF
choroid plexus
what percentage of american children are diagnosed with autism
function of mirror neurons
empathy and perception of another individuals intentions
3 brain regions that show a lack of mirror neurons in autistic kids
angular gyrus, interior frontal gyrus and insula
do kids with autism show mu wave suppression
bouba kiki test
connecting sounds and shapes
primary survival advantage to mirror neurons
complex motor tasks
salience landscape theory
map of emotional significance in the environment
epileptic seizures can possibly
lead to
who in the social chain is likely to have more stress
people on the bottom
scientist in african studies
robert sapolsky w
acetylcholine neurotransmitter
excites muscles and schedules REM sleep schedules
dopamine neurotransmitters
excited emotion, addiction, excessive amounts in frontal lobe leads to schizophrenia
serotonin neurotransmitters
sleep, controls emotions, temperature, appetite, related
to OCD, lower level can lead to depression
GABA neurotransmitters
inhibits anxiety
substance P neurotransmitters
stimulates pain
endorphins neurotransmitters
associated with memory, learning, sex, and is a natural pain killer
nitric oxide neurotransmitters
learning and memory
attachment and bonding, relationships, made by hypothalamus
norepinephrine neurotransmitters
dreams, mood, increases heart rate and blood pressure, released by adrenal glands
carcadian rhythm