Never Let Me Go - Theme Essay Flashcards


The experience of Kathy’s donors


“My donors have always tended to do much better than expected. Their recovery times have been impressive, and hardly any of them have been classified as ‘agitated’, even after the fourth donation.”

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“My donors have always tended to do much better than expected. Their recovery times have been impressive, and hardly any of them have been classified as ‘agitated’, even after the fourth donation.”


Kathy has been a carer for a very long time. Over this time she has acquired a lot of skill and the ability to pick her own donors. With this she is able to provide the best care for her patients. Donors go through four major donations of their vital organs but many complete before the fourth, some not even surviving the first. The experience of donors shows just how cruel and inhumane the donation process is because it is unavoidable for clones and causing their deaths. The donation process is extremely difficult and unthinkable in our world, but knowing how harsh it is we find it slightly unbelievable that Kathy is so good at her job that she is able to make that better for her patients.

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Narrator memory


“This was all a long time ago so I might have some of it wrong.”

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“This was all a long time ago so I might have some of it wrong.”


‘Never Let Me Go’ is a novel which follows the recollection of Kathy’s memories, starting from her time as a child at Hailsham. She admits to us in the early parts of the novel that she could be remembering some of the occurrences wrong, and this comes up other times when she and Ruth or Tommy remember things different. There is a reoccurring theme of dishonesty in the novel, and although she claims it is due to memory and time, we can never be truly sure is Kathy was being truthful about this. At points we find Kathy being sly and so cannot cross off the idea of her changing stories to change the perception of the ‘victim’ in the situation.

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Medicals at Hailsham


“I don’t know how it was where you were, but at Hailsham we had to have some form of medical almost every week-“

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“I don’t know how it was where you were, but at Hailsham we had to have some form of medical almost every week-“


At Hailsham, students are treated very different from how they are in schools in our world. Medicals are only really common when you are young and in important growth and development stages but at Hailsham these medicals are for all ages. The importance of health at Hailsham makes us put into perspective the treatment of clones due to their purpose. Due to them being created for organ harvesting, ‘normal’ humans are very strict on keeping them healthy so go to extensive lengths for such an inhumane cause that they have resorted to thinking of clones as anything but human and sometimes even excuse that they are real. In contrast to how important the clones are they are treated horrible, and that makes us feel terrible injustice for our main characters as they are forced into programmes of organ donating that saves peoples lives and are still treated horrendously.

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Creativity at Hailsham


“A lot of the time, how you were regarded at Hailsham, how much you were liked and respected, had to do with how good you were at ‘creating’.”

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“A lot of the time, how you were regarded at Hailsham, how much you were liked and respected, had to do with how good you were at ‘creating’.”


Priorities at Hailsham are far different to the schools we are used to. They see higher importance in creativity than they do education, and that isn’t only within the school system but with the children as well. If you are creative and good at producing things with it, people like you and respect you. We see the opposite with Tommy in the beginning of the novel when he focuses on art yet isn’t great at it and is a bully victim by his peers, being left out from football among other things - this is the cause of many of his anger outbursts. The differences in our schools to clone schools helps us to see the different treatments of them to ‘normal’ people. It is further proven when later in the novel the reason for Hailsham encouraging creativity and collecting what they produced was revealed. They did this to prove that clones had souls. This solidifies the idea that clones are treated differently because the public has decided that they are soulless beings when in fact they are just as human as ‘real’ humans which is proven through their actions and reactions, how they crave love and intimacy, and show raw human emotion.

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Tommy doesn’t need to be creative


“What she said was that if I didn’t want to be creative, if I really didn’t feel like it, that was perfectly all right. Nothing wrong with it, she said.”

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“What she said was that if I didn’t want to be creative, if I really didn’t feel like it, that was perfectly all right. Nothing wrong with it, she said.”


Tommy’s talk with Miss Lucy is a massive turning point for him. She tells him that creating doesn’t have to be a priority for him and that he shouldn’t worry about it. The effect this has on Tommy is extremely positive, initially it does have a slow effect but his perspective seems to change a lot. Tommy has fewer rages and learns to control his temper and that causes students to lose interest in picking on him because they no longer get the reaction they are looking for. From that point on Tommy had a better school life. Even though this is positive, it takes a turn when it nears the end of their school life because Miss Lucy panics and takes back what she told Tommy, urging him to focus on creating. This reminds us just how important creating is for Hailsham and makes us question a there being a deeper meaning it’s importance. It is revealed that they used their art to reveal if clones even had souls at all, and this creates a cruel atmosphere linger over Hailsham that was considered the ‘shining beacon’ of the clone world.

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Madame’s reaction to the clones


“And I can still see it now, the shudder she seemed to be suppressing, the real dread that one of us would accidentally brush up against her… But she was afraid of us in the same way someone might be afraid of spiders.”

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“And I can still see it now, the shudder she seemed to be suppressing, the real dread that one of us would accidentally brush up against her… But she was afraid of us in the same way someone might be afraid of spiders.”


Kathy, Ruth and a few of their friends make a plan to swarm Madame the next time she comes to visit Hailsham. They prepared perfectly and executed their plan just as they wanted to, but when they saw her reaction to them it knocked their confidence. She avoided touching any of them, acting disgusted by their being as she squeezed past them. We get to know our main characters who are clones so cannot imagine being so disgusted by them, but seeing the reaction of the people who created them makes us sick. Their ignorance towards the humanity of the clones due to their shame of the purpose of their existence emphasises the poor treatment of these vital beings in the survival of a sickness ridden world. Clones were created to help those with illnesses, it gave a cure to cancer and they were not willing to undo these inhumane measures because of the humanity of clones so instead chose to act as if they were alien, soulless beings who deserves nothing less than to be shut away from the world they were saving.

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Public reaction towards clones


“There are people out there, like Madame, who don’t hate you or wish you any harm, but who nevertheless shudder at the very thought of you - of how you were brought into this world and why - and who dread the idea of your hand brushing against theirs.”

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“There are people out there, like Madame, who don’t hate you or wish you any harm, but who nevertheless shudder at the very thought of you - of how you were brought into this world and why - and who dread the idea of your hand brushing against theirs.”


The public choose to ignore clones and label them as anything but human, drain them of souls and isolate them because they cannot bare the fact they are doing something so dreadful, taking the life of one to save another, giving one no choice but to give up their life. Clones were created with the sole purpose of being raised healthy and never fully away so that their organs could be harvested and used to cure someone’s illness. Even with such importance people are disgusted by their existence and choose to shut them out of their minds because they cannot fathom the thought of what the reality of the situation really is.

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Clone’s smoking


“But what you must understand is that for you, all of you, it’s much worse to smoke than it ever was for me.”

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“But what you must understand is that for you, all of you, it’s much worse to smoke than it ever was for me.”


The importance of good health of the students at Hailsham is highlighted again with the strictness against smoking. Many people under the smoking age do smoke but this was particularly frowned upon at Hailsham because of how badly it affects your health. This is highlighted by how one of the guardians compares the risk of her smoking to the risk of the clones smoking, how it is much worse for them to smoke than it is for her. Organs from a smoker won’t be as healthy and appealing than completely healthy organs would be, so Hailsham make sure that their students are deterred away from touching cigarettes.

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Told and not told


“The problem, as I see it, is that you’ve been told and not told. You’ve been told, but none of you really understand, and dare I say, some people are quite happy to leave it that way.”

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“The problem, as I see it, is that you’ve been told and not told. You’ve been told, but none of you really understand, and dare I say, some people are quite happy to leave it that way.”


The theme of dishonesty is very prominent all throughout the novel, along with secrecy. At Hailsham they seemed to perfectly plan how they distributed information to their students about their purpose and carved out futures. They would tell them what they needed to know slightly too early so they took in the information but never truly understood it, so that when they came to the age wearer they could understand it was easier for them to accept and left them less likely to question it. Many people are happy with this because it gives them comfort in knowing there won’t be any clones rebellion because they don’t truly have an understanding of anything to want to rebel against the system. The cruel treatment of clones through being kept in the dark about almost everything about their lives makes us feel a strong sense of sympathy for our characters and strikes anger in us, the reader, because we want good long lives for characters we have grown to love instead of this injustice.

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Future lives of clones


“Your lives are set out for you. You’ll become adults, then before you’re old, before you’re even middle-aged, you’ll start to donate your vital organs. That’s what each of you were created to do… You were brought into this world for a purpose, and your futures, all of them, have been decided.”

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“Your lives are set out for you. You’ll become adults, then before you’re old, before you’re even middle-aged, you’ll start to donate your vital organs. That’s what each of you were created to do… You were brought into this world for a purpose, and your futures, all of them, have been decided.”


During a rainy day after overhearing some students fantasising about their future carers and life after Hailsham, Miss Lucy snaps and blurts out a lot to the students about her feelings about the clone situation and tries to explain to them the truth but they have been trained into not questioning it or even talking or thinking about it much either. There were a few unspoken topic at Hailsham such as their purpose and sex. Clones have their lives set up for them from before they are even created, each clone follows the same life pattern, one after the other, creation to completion, growing up and feeling just as humans, forming relationships and learning love, and then donating their vital organs until they die. It is the fact there is no escape to this life for clones that makes us feel so much anger for them because they do not get to live a full life, are regarded as soulless beings when they feel things some ‘real’ humans do not and yet clones are the ones that are shunned away and killed before they even reach middle age.

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Ruth’s natural successor


“And Tommy, I knew it wouldn’t last with Ruth. Well, I suppose you’re the natural successor.”

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“And Tommy. I knew it wouldn’t last with Ruth. Well, I suppose you’re the natural successor.”


After Tommy and Ruth’s break-up people begin to stir up a rumour that Kathy is Ruth’s ‘natural successor’ and is the next person for Tommy. The reference to Kathy being a ‘successor’ makes us think of a throne and makes the reader consider how differently relationships are treated in Hailsham. Relationships aren’t shunned and sex isn’t an untaught subject - Hailsham teaches it’s students about safe sex and avoiding diseases because they cannot risk them becoming unhealthy or ruining their organs - and both do happen, but sex isn’t spoken about at all, the students have made it out as a forbidden topic. The Guardians can’t stop the students from having sex but try and keep it an unfelt with issue whilst they are on school grounds. They bore information about keeping perfect health and having sex right so that they don’t contract a disease because all clones have to have perfect health so that they can be used in their organ recycling programme.

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Ruth’s reaction to Kathy’s sexual urges


“What you’re saying does sound a bit weird, Kathy. But maybe it’ll calm down after a while… it does sound a bit weird. But it’ll probably go away. It’s probably just to do with the different food we’re eating here.”

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“What you’re saying does sound a bit weird, Kathy. But maybe it’ll calm down after a while… it does sound a bit weird. But it’ll probably go away. It’s probably just to do with the different food we’re eating here.”


We get a real sense of how bad a friend Ruth is by how much she lied to Kathy, someone who was supposed to be like a sister to her. Kathy is going through a difficult time with understanding her strong sexual urges, and instead of being honest with Kathy, Ruth decides to lie to her and make it out as if this isn’t normal making her best friend far more paranoid than was ever necessary. There is a key theme of secrecy in this novel and one main example is the secrets kept between Ruth and Kathy. They are both responsible for keeping things from one another and causing this tension between them. Nearing the end of the novel Ruth comes to terms with how horrible she was as a person and apologises to Kathy, explaining that she isn’t expecting forgiveness. We see massive character development in Ruth but is that really enough to excuse horrible actions built up over years?

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Ruth pretending at the Cottages


“Okay, she often bluffed and implied all sorts of hints I knew weren’t true. Sometimes, as I said, she did things to impress the veterans at our expense. But it seems to me Ruth believed, at some level, she was doing all this on behalf of us all.”


“Okay, she often bluffed and implied all sorts of hints I knew weren’t true. Sometimes, as I said, she did things to impress the veterans at our expense. But it seems to me Ruth believed, at some level, she was doing all this on behalf of us all.”


Ruth has been the unspoken leader of her friendship group since they were young and this continued on into their life at the Cottages when they were adults. Due to this she feels the responsibility of helping her group take their next steps into whatever is next in their lives. With this, Ruth began adapting to the Cottages to help her friends. This did include pretending to know things and acting completely untruthful towards the veterans to please them. Sometimes she did things that went against her friends, making them embarrassed just so that she could fit in. This was unfair on her friends and could be seen as contradicting to her aim to help her friends adapt too. Kathy is strictly opposed to how Ruth is acting and decides to separate Ruth into two separate people so that she can enjoy whatever time alone she gets with Ruth. Ruth acts immaturely and pettily throughout the novel but here we get to see Ruth on a deeper level and sympathise with her for the pressure she puts onto herself. Knowing that Ruth has forced herself to mature quicker and make hard decision for the benefit of her friends makes us reconsider the cruelty of her character and reassess the motives behind all of her cruel acts against others.


Clone models


“We all know it. We’re modelled from trash. Junkies, prostitutes, winos, tramps. Convicts, maybe, just so long as they aren’t psychos. We all know it, so why don’t we say it?”


“We all know it. We’re modelled from trash. Junkies, prostitutes, winos, tramps. Convicts, maybe, just so long as they aren’t psychos. We all know it, so why don’t we say it?”


Ruth has always held a strong personality in this novel and is a very outspoken person, and this moment moves precisely that. In a fit of rage, after things did not go well for her, she lashes out at her friends by announcing the horrible theory everyone has been thinking. Many clones believe that they have been made from the lowest types of people, and that their possibles are anything but admirable. They believe this because of the treatment they receive from the outside world, how they are isolated and ignored by the general public, treated like trash so they must have been modelled from the equivalent. Kathy likes to have hope about there being other models for them but Ruth tears this down. This shows that in a world full of lies and darkness, the truth possibly even hurts them more. The clones seem to have adapted to not knowing the truth and seem to shy away from it instead to find some comfort in their cruel existence. When they re told things, such as their purpose in this world, they never fully understand what they are being told and hide away from discussing it to try and understand.


Keeping the tape secret from Ruth


“And I didn’t mention the Judy Bridgewater tape Tommy had bought me. I knew Ruth would find out about it sooner or later, but I didn’t want her to find out just yet.”


“And I didn’t mention the Judy Bridgewater tape Tommy had bought me. I knew Ruth would find out about it sooner or later, but I didn’t want her to find out just yet.”


Whilst at Norfolk, the ‘Lost Corner’ of England, Tommy attempts to find the Judy Bridgewater tape that Kathy lost many years back in Hailsham. He struggles finding it on his own and eventually asks Kathy for help because he wants her to find it again. The Judy Bridgewater tape symbolises the importance of Tommy and Kathy’s relationship, more specifically their love for one another. After becoming friends at Hailsham they were pushed apart due to Kathy’s best friend, Ruth, starting to date Tommy. This justifies why Kathy wants to keep Tommy buying her the tape a secret from Ruth, because she doesn’t want something so pure to be ruined by Ruth again. Kathy wants to cheers the tape and the memory that is now attached to it and that is understandable because of how human it is. We too hold memories close to our chest, sometimes even closer than tangible objects.


Tommy sees Kathy as a friend


“Kathy, what you have to realise is that Tommy doesn’t see you like that. He really, really likes you, he thinks you’re really great. But I know he doesn’t see you like, you know, a proper girlfriend.”


“Kathy, what you have to realise is that Tommy doesn’t see you like that. He really, really likes you, he thinks you’re really great. But I know he doesn’t see you like, you know, a proper girlfriend.”


Ruth goes out of her way to speak to Kathy one on one, making it out as if she is talking to her on Tommy’s behalf when that really isn’t the case. It is revealed later on in the novel that Ruth has in fact lied to Kathy because Tommy did see Kathy as more than a friend. When Ruth spoke with Kathy she clearly head an ulterior motive of keeping the two apart. She was selfish for treating her best friend from the boy whom she loved and was meant to be with - Ruth even admitted she knew it was meant to be Tommy and Kathy - and we get to see the cruel side of Ruth because of this. This shows that although Ruth is posed as the mature leader of the group, she would still act pettily when she saw something as a threat to herself and her goals. Ruth held a lot of control during her time with friends because as you can see she is able to manipulate to ensure things go smoothly for her on her way to getting what she wants. We know that what Ruth does to Kathy and Tommy is extremely cruel and unfair, but if we push that away we can try and understand why she did it. We, as humans, all act out of spite and do things for solely our own benefit. The relatability of acting to get what we want does not justify Ruth’s selfish actions, but does allow us to see Ruth in a more raw and human light.


Kathy becomes a carer


“It wasn’t long after that I made my decision, and once I’d made it, I never wavered.”


“It wasn’t long after that I made my decision, and once I’d made it, I never wavered.”


After several argument with Ruth and upset between herself and Tommy, Kathy decides to being her training to become a carer early. She does this without consulting anyone and leaves without looking back, avoiding Tommy and Ruth until she becomes their carers far later into her career. This important decision to take herself one step closer to her impending death makes us think about Kathy as a character. We know Kathy is avoidant of confrontation and struggles with dealing with her emotions and we see that clearly in the situation when she quite literally runs away from her problems to be a carer. Instead of trying to fix her problem she instead turns to being a carer which in any other persons eyes is worse, starting a carer that when it ends you begin to donate your vital organs until you complete. We see just how avoidant Kathy is of difficult situations and although we wouldn’t run ourselves closer to death, we can understand turning away from something we don’t want to face because it is only human to want the easy road.


Ruth asks for forgiveness


“I don’t really expect you to forgive me ever. I can’t even see why you should. But I’m going to ask you to all the same… It should have been you two. I’m not pretending I didn’t always see that. Of course I did, as far back as I can remember. But I kept you apart. Im not asking you to forgive me for that. That’s not what I’m after just now. What I want is for you to put it right. Put right what I messed up for you.”


“I don’t really expect you to forgive me ever. I can’t even see why you should. But I’m going to ask you to all the same… It should have been you two. I’m not pretending I didn’t always see that. Of course I did, as far back as I can remember. But I kept you apart. Im not asking you to forgive me for that. That’s not what I’m after just now. What I want is for you to put it right. Put right what I messed up for you.”


During their trip to visit the abandoned shipwrecked boat, Ruth comes to admit that how she acted when they were younger was so horrible that she doesn’t expect to receive forgiveness. She even admits that she saw that Tommy and Kathy were meant to be together and intentionally stepped in between them. Due to the reader only ever hearing this story from Kathy’s point of view, we can never know the true motive behind Ruth’s actions, but we can try to anticipate them through how we got to understand her. Doing things for the result of your own benefit is something we all do, even if it is stupidly petty or ignorant towards other. Because of this we can only see the clones as humans because they show large amounts of humanity. Furthermore, the fact that Ruth comes clean about her wrong doing with the realisation that she is going to complete soon backs up our evidence that these clones are entirely human. When we area faced with unfortunate outcomes, such as leaving a place or person, whether it be a different country or because one is dying, we too feel like the truth is the necessary response for us to feel complete and reduce our guilt.


Ruth lied about sexual urges


“Well, for starters, here’s the way I always lied to you about your urges. When you used to tell me, back then, how sometimes it got so you wanted to do it with virtually anyone… I should have told you even though I was with Tommy, I couldn’t resist doing it with other people sometimes. At least three others when we were at the Cottages.”


“Well, for starters, here’s the way I always lied to you about your urges. When you used to tell me, back then, how sometimes it got so you wanted to do it with virtually anyone… I should have told you even though I was with Tommy, I couldn’t resist doing it with other people sometimes. At least three others when we were at the Cottages.”


There is a reoccurring theme of dishonesty in this novel and we see this a lot through Ruth’s character. Later on in the novel she comes to admit everything she has done wrong and seeks forgiveness for being such a horrible friend. During a very difficult and confusing time for Kathy where she was paranoid that her strong sexual urges were unnatural and caused by who her original was, Ruth lied to her and tried to pass the blame on it being weird or the fact they were eating weird food. Furthermore, Ruth was dishonest in her relationship with Tommy and cheated on him multiple times whilst they were at the Cottages because she had the same strength of sexual urges as Kathy which she previously she had said wasn’t the case. The readers disliking for Ruth grows further throughout the novel as situations build up of how horrible she is to her friends, but when we finally see some character development where she recognises where she was wrong and apologise, we can begin to look at her in a different light because everything human changes and these clones are definitely human.


Poor creatures


“Poor creatures. What did we do to you? With all our schemes and plans?.. Poor creatures. I wish I could help you. But now you’re by yourselves.”


“Poor creatures. What did we do to you? With all our schemes and plans?.. Poor creatures. I wish I could help you. But now you’re by yourselves.”


Madame refers to the clones as ‘creatures’ which proves her repulsion by them; she cannot say that they are human but still worked with others to improve the lives of clones and prove to the public that they had souls. The way she speaks and acts around them contrasts her life’s work with Hailsham. She empathises with Kathy and Tommy although all she can refer to them as is ‘creatures’. We see the struggle of those who have come to see the creation of clones so that illnesses could be cured, the struggle to accept the inhumane things they have done, creating life just to wear it down and kill it just to extend the life of another. Madame feels as though the things they did at Hailsham to try and prove that clones did have souls ruined them. The theme of isolation and being left in the dark are prominent in Madame’s house because the clones really did have no clue about the reality of their situation. Tommy and Kathy and one of the lucky few who ever got to truly understand. The fact that clones never knew what was actually happens filled Madame with dread and reminds us that the reason clones are treated so poorly is because no human can come to except the cruel measures they are taking; purposely ending one innocent and clueless human life to extend another.


Purpose of Hailsham collecting art


“We took away your art because we thought it would reveal your souls. Or to put it more finely, we did it to prove you had souls at all.”


“We took away your art because we thought it would reveal your souls. Or to put it more finely, we did it to prove you had souls at all.”


Clones were created with the sole purpose of being raised with perfect health so that they could be organ harvested to help ‘real’ humans that had diseases by living them organ transplants. Even with this upmost important, clones were deemed soulless and ‘real’ humans were ignorant and tried to look at them as anything but human so that they could justify their inhumane organ harvesting programme. There was a group of humans who made it their lives work to set up charity for these clones to give them a better start to life whilst also working to prove to the public that clones did have souls, but even these people were disgusted by their existence - we see this through Madame, one of the head workers at Hailsham. We feel deep injustice for our characters because even those who set out to help them could not look at them without disgust and lacked enough sympathy to actually do something impactful to stop this system. On the other hand, we the reader, know that the clones are human because we watch how they react to and feel things, acting in all different ways just like a human would, dealing with their feelings in all kinds of ways, and being totally relatable to any other human.


Purpose of donor harvesting


“How can you ask a world that has come to regard cancer as curable, how can you ask such a world to put away that cure, to go back to the dark days? There was no going back.”


“How can you ask a world that has come to regard cancer as curable, how can you ask such a world to put away that cure, to go back to the dark days? There was no going back.”


The view of those who are considered to be ‘normal’ humans in this world is completely understandable, especially if the other option is so unthinkable. Having to lose a person you love to illness when there is a cure out there which has been disregarded due to its unfairness to those created with the sole purpose of aiding our survival, it would be a no brainer to beg for the cure. It’s like creating a fire for warmth but putting it out because you felt bad for the logs. But, because we have come to know the character in this novel and have an understanding of what this does to them, we are able to fight that feeling and instead want justice for them because taking the life of a innocent being that is nothing but equally human to you is inhumane, purely evil and that’s why the outside world ignore the situation they have caused.


Changes due to clones


“I saw a new world coming rapidly. More scientific, efficient, yes. More cuts for the old sicknesses. Very good. But a harsh, cruel world.”


“I saw a new world coming rapidly. More scientific, efficient, yes. More cuts for the old sicknesses. Very good. But a harsh, cruel world.”


The reality of this dystopian Britain is extremely cruel, especially towards the clones whose sole purpose is to extend lives of the ‘normal’ humans in the outside world. It is completely unjust for these clones to be treated so poorly as they are quite literally saving lives of those their organs are being harvested for. The morals featured in this novel make us consider our own, and how we would react to clones who were being killed for our own benefit, not only our own but our families and our friends. Having such ignorance to a kind that is helping you prolong your life is something we cannot relate to in this life, but we would like to think we are human enough to treat them nicely and see them just as human as us, and due to this give them an equal life instead of some which is shortened and lacking in freedom and choice. It really makes us think about the cruel reality of our world because we only feel such anguish for these clones because we have gotten to know them through this recollection of Kathy’s memories, and really, if your loved one was given the chance to live longer because there was healthy organs on offer would you turn them down just because they had been harvested in a system that the rest of the world has turned a blind eye to? You never once will meet a clone, so why would you care which one died so that your loved one could be in your life longer?


The fourth donation


“You know why it is, Kathy, why everyone worries so much about the fourth? It’s because they’re not sure they’ll really complete. If you knew for certain you’d complete, it would be easier. But they never tell us for sure.”


“You know why it is, Kathy, why everyone worries so much about the fourth? It’s because they’re not sure they’ll really complete. If you knew for certain you’d complete, it would be easier. But they never tell us for sure.”


Uncertainty about death is shown here just like it is all throughout life outside of the novel. Knowing one day you will die makes many people anxious because you never know when, only that it will happen like every person before you and every person after. We can relate to what Tommy is speaking about, how he feels people don’t know for certain so worry more than they would if they knew definitely. When someone develops an illness, we do not know for definite if they will beat it, and that causes us to scramble desperately for a cure or even just an answer to remove that anxiety. That brings us to a greater idea in the novel, the purpose of the clones and why they are not allowed to lead a normal and free life – to prolong life and remove the uncertainty of death because they know for sure that the donated organs with save them.


Importance of Kathy’s memories of her loved ones


“The memories I value most, I don’t see them ever fading. I lost Ruth, then I lost Tommy, but I won’t lose my memories of them.”


“The memories I value most, I don’t see them ever fading. I lost Ruth, then I lost Tommy, but I won’t lose my memories of them.”


At the end of the novel Kathy seems to feel happy in the fact she can live with her loved ones that she has lost through her memories whilst she goes through the donation process, losing herself donation by donation until she completes. Knowing they are gone has made her feel ready to move on from caring and take a step to the final stage of her life. Although her life is so short she has so many memories she cherishes dearly and we can understand this because memories are worth much more to us than something tangible. Also, we understand Kathy’s acceptance of death now that everyone she loved has died, she loved them so much that she is ready to die so that she can be with them once again. Many people in their lifetime grow to love people so deeply that even though they vow to love them up until death do them part, they love them far beyond that.


Kathy reminisces about Hailsham


“Once I’m able to have a quieter life, in whichever centre they send me to, I’ll have Hailsham with me, safely in my head, and that’ll be something that no one can take away from me.”


“Once I’m able to have a quieter life, in whichever centre they send me to, I’ll have Hailsham with me, safely in my head, and that’ll be something that no one can take away from me.”


Hailsham was like a home to its students, providing them with a family and helping them to create their own identities through art and personal collections. Our homes are just the same and we can see that the clones are just like as because they were raised all the same - the only difference being how strict they were on them about centre things because they couldn’t risk messing up their organ harvesting programme. Even though Hailsham didn’t save them from this cruel life, it did have many important memories attached to it for Kathy and it helped her find the peoples he loved most (Tommy and Ruth) and so she holds onto it dearly even thought the school is now shut down. She finds a comfort in looking back on these memories and we see this as a common trait for her and she is more in her head than she is out in society, reminiscing about good times and over analysing the bad. Kathy knows that her memories can never be taken away from her and so feel safe because she always has those special times with her wherever she goes even when she has lost the people she loves so dearly.


Kathy grieving at the field


“And if I waited long enough, a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field, and gradually get larger until, I’d see it was Tommy, and he’d wave, maybe even call. The fantasy never got beyond that – I didn’t let it-”


“And if I waited long enough, a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field, and gradually get larger until, I’d see it was Tommy, and he’d wave, maybe even call. The fantasy never got beyond that – I didn’t let it-”


The final scene of the novel shows us Kathy grieving the loss of everything in her life; her loved ones, her home, her hope – due to finding out the truth about everything. After the loss of everything, although she does still have her memories of all of this, they do not exist, and I feel like Kathy does not see as much of a point in her life anymore. She stands by the side of a field and imagines Tommy coming over the horizon and waving to her, calling her to come and join him. Kathy does not allow herself to properly grieve this loss she is experiencing because she pulls herself from her imagination to avoid confronting her feelings. Even now at the end of the novel, even after so much loss and pain, Kathy still avoids confronting how she is feeling and instead pushes it away.


Kathy leaving her grieving


“I just waited a bit, then turned back to my car, to drive off to wherever it was I was supposed to be.”


“I just waited a bit, then turned back to my car, to drive off to wherever it was I was supposed to be.”


During her short moment of grieving on the edge of a field, Kathy finds herself leaving it behind and turning to her car as if she was on autopilot, driving off to whichever patient she had to tend to next. Kathy never was one for dealing with her emotions and always pushed them to the side and tried to ignore them as best she could because she hated confrontations much. We see her allow herself to imagine Tommy coming over the horizon in the field but she shakes the imagination off the minute tears roll down her cheeks and turns away from the memory of Tommy. Kathy knows she will be a donor by the end of the year she will be a donor that gives her time to relax finally after her long career as a carer and think back on all the good memories she has with the people she has lost. Then, eventually, she will complete after how ever many donations she is able to endure and then she will be able to be with them again, her last thoughts being of Hailsham, her home.


Pretending to be happy


“If you want to pretend to be happy, you don’t do it that way! Just take it from me, you don’t do it that way!”


“If you want to pretend to be happy, you don’t do it that way! Just take it from me, you don’t do it that way!”


At the end of part one of the novel Tommy jokingly pretends to be happy during a conversation with Kathy. This stirs up unwanted feelings in Kathy and she lashes out at Tommy, calling him out for so poorly pretending to be happy. We understand Kathy’s frustration and are able to read into what caused her to become to angry with this interaction. We can only assume that she herself has been pretending to be happy. Kathy was growing a close bond with Tommy but that faltered slightly when he and Ruth started dating. By reading into Kathy’s reaction to the relationship and her deep care for the boy who had once been seen as a boy to pick on to the rest of their peers, it is fair to say that Kathy saw him as something more than a friend. After her best friend started dating Tommy, the boy she liked, Kathy had no choice but to pretend to be happy because she could not cause two people she cared about to be unhappy just because she was. Ruth and Tommy’s relationship causes the reader deep levels of sympathy for Kathy because we want the best for our main character and this relationship is forcing her to pretend and hide her true feeling for the sake of others. Furthermore, in the novel ‘normal’ humans consider clones to be soulless and inhumane but situation like this where mass amounts of emotions are entailed proves to us just how human these clones are; it can be shown through Ruth getting with Tommy for her own petty benefit and through Kathy who is hiding her true feelings for the better of others.


Miss Emily’s lack of sympathy


“Your life must now run the course that’s set for it.”


“Your life must now run the course that’s set for it.”


It angers us how the clones, our main characters, are left facing injustice and are given no reconcilliation or assurance that their life could become better. When Miss Emily tells the clones that they can only let what is left of their life play out instead of fighting for a better life for themselves we feel frustration by the total lack of empathy and willing to help from the headmaster at the school that has been purposely set up to better the life of clones and prove that they really had souls. They provided them with resources that gave them a sense of belonging and identity, but now, when they are nearing the end of their life, one that they built up, preparing for nothing they were about to face, we truly realise the mistreatment of these clones. They are vital beings in this dystopian world and yet are left with nothing but a poor life that ends in misspent humanity. It is completely unfair how they are treated compared to what they are worth and what their role is; to provide organs to prolong the life of ‘normals’. The cruelty of the people in this world deepen our feelings of injnsut that built throughout this novel, watching our main characters over and over struggle to achieve the full limits of their humanity.