Neutron trivia Flashcards
<p>Primary contributor of absorbed energy from thermal neutrons in the body to tissue samples with dimensions less than 1cm</p>
<p>Recoil protons from the N-14 (n, proton) C-14 reaction. 0.626 MeV.</p>
<p>Main mechanism of energy transfer in tissue for fast neutron up to 20 MeV</p>
<p>Elastic scattering</p>
<p>Binding energy of a neutron in any element</p>
<p>8 MeV</p>
<p>Dose to tissues from 6 MeV neutrons is delivered primarily by </p>
<p>Recoil Protons</p>
<p>In an elastic scattering interaction between an neutron and an atomic nucleus:</p>
<p>A proton or a neutron will be emitted form the nucleus</p>
<p>Generally, to protect personnel against neutrons, what type of material is used?</p>
<p>Low Z ( Z < 20)</p>
<p>Activation analysis occurs when</p>
<p>Radiation is emitted after absorption of a neutron</p>
<p>Average quality factor for estimating the dose equivalent in a radiation field consisting of an unknown spectrum of fast neutrons</p>
<p>Albedo dosimetry works by</p>
<p>Fast neutrons being moderated in the body and reflected into the dosimter</p>
<p>Albedo dosimetry will function properly if</p>
<p>A cadmium filter is used between the dosimeter and the external neutron field, and neutrons are reflected form the body into the dosimeter. Cadmium has a high capture cross section and is used to shield against thermal neutrons. </p>
<p>When performing in-vivo measurements of personnel after a criticality accident to assess neutron dose, what is the nuclide of concern?</p>
<p>Na-24. For in-vivo measurements of criticality accident proportions, the Na-23(n,gamma)Na-24 reaction from large blood pools in the body (armpit, abdomen) is most useful.</p>
<p>What is the Cadmium absorption edge?</p>
<p>The energy level at which the neutron capture cross-section of cadmium shows a steep decrease. ~0.2 MeV for cadmium</p>
<p>1 barn is equal to</p>
<p>10E-24 cm2</p>