Neurotransmitters Flashcards
How is acetyl choline degraded?
How is 5-HT synthesised?
1) Tryptophan –> 5-HTP (by tryptophan hydroxylase)2) 5-HTP –> 5-HT (by 5-HTP decarboxylase)
What are endocannabinoids?
- Endogenous forms of canabis used as neurotransmitters - Don’t require synaptic vesicles - Bind to GPCR
What does the Nigrostriatal pathway facilitate?
Which MAO enzyme degrades dopamine?
What are endorphins?
Naturally occuring opoids
How is acetly choline synthesised?
What neurotransmitter type are opiods?
Peptide hormones, formed in the RER
What is Dale’s principle was it correct?
Amine neurotransmitters?
5-HT (Serotonin)Histamine acetylcholine Catecholamines - Dopamine- norepinepherine - epinerpherine
What are the therapeutic uses of opiods?
1) Analgesia- Reduce perception and emotional response to pain2) Intestinal disorders 3) Stop coughs
Where are the axons in the Mesocorticolimbic pathway and where do they project?
Where are opiod receptors present?
In nociceptive areas:1) Dorsal columns - Blocks pain sensation to brain2) Periaqueductal grey - Pain3) Amygdala - Emotional response to pain4) Frontal cortex- Cognitive pain 5)Bran stem (medulla oblongata)- Cough reflex- Depress respiration
Problems with opiods?
ToleranceDependanceSedationConstipation Respiratory depression
What are opiates?
What does the 5-HT diffuse system modulate?
What are the two types of purinergic receptors?
P2X (ionotropic)P2Y (GPCR)
What is the marker to show GABA neurons?
GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase)
How is ATP used as a neurotransmitter?
What is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the body?
What does the synthesis of 5-HT start with and how is this obtained?
Tryptophan, obtained from the diet, moves from the gut –>blood –> Extracellular fluid –> presynaptic vesicles
How are catacholamnies synthesised?
1) TYROSINE –> L-Dopa (by tyrosine hydroxylase)2) L-Dopa –> Dopamine (by dopa decarboxylase in presynaptic terminal)3) Dopamine –> Norepinepherine (by dopamine B-hydroxylase in synaptic vesicles)4) Norepinepherine –> epinepherine (By PNMT in cytosol)
What does the basal forbrain complex do?
Neruopeptide neurotransmitters?
Substance PEnkaphalin Endorphins
What does the noradrenergic diffuse system regulate?
AttentionArousalSleep/wake Learning/memoryAnxiety/pain Mood
Where are the neurons in the Nigrostriatal pathway and where do they project?
What is the marker for cholinergic neurons?
ChAT (choline acetyltransferase)
Why become addicted to drugs that enhance the Mesocorticolimbic pathway?
What does MAO-A degrade?
Noradrenaline and 5-HT
How is GABA formed?
From glutamate by the enzyme GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase)
Where is GABA present in the body?
Cerebral cortex and striatum
Amino acid neurotransmitters?
Glutamate (excitatory)GABA (inhibitory)Glycine (inhibitory)Aspartic acid
What is the Mesocorticolimbic system involved in?
- The ‘reward’ system
What are diffuse modulatory systems?
- Core of each system has a small set of nuclei (often in the brainstem)- No synapses, neurotransmitter released into the extracellular fluid- Regulate functions rather than specific tasks - Neurotransmitter can contact 100,000 postsynapic neurons across
What prevents the release of Ach and how?
How are catecholamines degraded?
1) COMT in cytoplasm of presynaptic membrane 2) MAO in the outer mitochondrial membrane - MAO-A- MAO-B
What are the 4 diffuse modulatory systems of the brain?
What are opoids?
A broad class of natural and synthetic compounds - Including endorphins, enkephalins, dynophin
How are NDMA glutame receptors activated?
What receptors type are the opoid receptors?
GPCR - inhibitory G protein
What does GABA allow through?
Cl - produces IPSPs
Where is 5-HT released from and where does it project to?
What are the 2 dopaminergic diffuse pathways in the brain?
1) Nigrostriatal pathway2) Mesocorticolimbic
What are the 2 diffuse cholenerigic complexes in the brain?
1) Basal forebrain complex (several related neurons)- Medial septal nucleus (send projections into the hippocampus)- Basal nucleus of Mayenert (send projections into the neocortex)2) Pontomesencephalotegmental complex- In pons and midbrain complex
Where does the diffuse noradrenergic system come from?
What is the marker for glutamanergic receptors?
The glutamate receptors AMPA, NDMA, kainate - Can’t be glutamate as it is used to make peptides and is found in every neuron