Neurotransmitter, neurotrasnmitter receptors LO4, LO5 Flashcards
The autonomic nervous system & neurotransmitters
cholinergic receptors
are receptors that bind acetylcholine
- 2 types - nicotinic, muscarinic
adrenergic receptors
are receptors that bind noradrenalin (and adrenalin)
- Excitatory
- subtype A and B
always excitatory
excitatory or inhibitor
Excitatory postsynaptic
potential (EPSP)
- NT binds receptors on postsynaptic membrane
- Opens gated ion channels
- Graded depolarization (i.e. Na+ ions enter the cell)
- Postsynaptic cell EXCITED - membrane potential closer to threshold, therefore
- Action potential more likely to occur
- Overall effect ► increased
target activity
Inhibitory postsynaptic
potential (IPSP)
- NT binds receptors on
postsynaptic membrane - Opens gated ion channels
- Graded hyperpolarization
(i.e. K+ ions exit the cell) - Postsynaptic cell INHIBITED - membrane potential further from threshold, therefore …
- Action potential less likely to occur
- Overall effect ► decreased target activity
drugs that mimic the action of the NT –> promote
normal response
drugs that bind the receptor and block the action of the NT –> prevent normal response
Acetylcholine ACh
Motor control outside the CNS
- within CNS - cognition, memory, consciousness
stimulates brain reward and
pleasure centres (“feel good” NT)
* involved in reducing stress and enhancing attention
- stimulates brain reward and pleasure centres (“feel good” NT)
- high levels noted with schizophrenia
- deficient in Parkinson’s disease
mood regulation, sleep, appetite, nausea, migraine
GABA (g-aminobutyric acid)
- Main inhibitory NT in the brain
- Helps to regulate sleep/wakefulness
- Alcohol increases
dampening effect → impaired motor coordination
- Involved in learning and memory
Substance P
Substance P
- Stimulates peripheral
nociceptors - Mediates pain transmission to the CNS
- Inhibits perception of pain in the CNS
- Natural opiates