Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation Flashcards
List the structures of the neuron and their function
Dendrites: (“Dendron” = tree)
Recipient of information from other neurons. Large receptive field.
Soma (cell body):
Contains the machinery that controls processing in the cell and integrates information and Nucleus- containing DNA
Carries information (action potential) from the soma to the terminal boutons and hence to other cells. Axons can branch to contact multiple neurones.
Axons can innervate neighbouring neurons or neurons far away.
Terminal boutons (buttons):
Found at the end of the axon, location of the synapse, communication point with other neuron
Structures of neuron sum
All this information integrated in the dendrite gets integrated in the soma and then once theres enough excitatory input, the neuron produces an action potential. This AP gets buried down the axon from the soma to the terminal boutons and to other cells. Axons can branch to contact multiple neurons.
What does the neuronal membrane do?
What makes up the membrane?
Neuronal membrane separates outside world of neuron from the inside world of the neuron.
It keeps certain substances out, this is how specific information can reach the neuron.
Boundary of soma, dendrites, axon & terminal boutons.
Its job is to separate the extracellular environment from the intracellular environment.
Membrane: Lipid bilayer (5nm)
The phospholipid molecules make up the membrane.
What do protein structures of the neuronal membrane do?
1- what do they detect?
2- allow…?
3- cytoskeletal?
- what are proteins that reside in the membrane called and what do they do.
- what respond to these messages, called?
- what other structures do you have?
1- Detect substances outside of the cell
2- Allow access of certain substances into the cell (gated: chemical or electrical)
3- Cytoskeletal- connected to membrane, skeleton of the cell
- Certain proteins reside in the membrane called receptors that detect chemical messengers.
- The transmembrane proteins respond to these messages, change confirmation, and then send signals to inside the cells, called metabotropic receptors.
- Then you have the donut like structures called ion channels, these have a pore that allow certain ions to pass through.
What are most chemicals in our body?
Most chemicals in our body are hydrophillic, and this membrane stops most of these substances from coming through.
(hydrophobic- afraid of water
hydrophilic- likes water)
What is the synapse?
The key sight for neuronal communication
What are the 2 types of synapse? refer to…
- commonality in adult mammalian neurons
- connections
- junction
- gap
- chemicals
Electrical synapse:
- Very rare in adult mammalian neurons (e.g. found in retina)
- direct connections- electrical activity is fast
- Junction between the neurons is very small (3nm – gap junction)
- Gap is spanned by proteins (connexins) which are used to communicate between the neurons (ions move freely) -
Chemical synapses: (more important)
- Common in adult mammalian neurons
- Junction between the neurons 20-50nm (synaptic cleft)
- Chemicals (neurotransmitters) are released from the presynaptic neuron to communicate with the postsynaptic neurones
Early experimental evidence for chemical transmission
1- who was it first demonstrated by?
2- alteration to HR?
3- what was substance ‘sufficient’ to do?
4- acceptance as?
1- First demonstrated by Loewi in the 1920s
2- Application of fluid following vagus nerve stimulation slowed down heart rate
3- Substance was ‘sufficient’ to change heart activity
4- Acceptance as primary means of communication in the brain in ’60s
Sum of experiment Loewi did
He said in frogs heart, if you stimulate the vagus nerve, usually the HR slows down. He says I’ll bet you theres something released. And whats released is responsible for making the HR go down. So…
- Stimulate vagus (donor heart)
- Heart rate slows (donor heart)
- Remove fluid sample (donor heart)
- Add fluid to recipient heart
- Heart rate slows
What are the synaptic locations?
Axodendritic (most common):
Presynaptic neuron (efferent) sends its axon and terminal boutons to the dendrite of post synaptic neuron.
Axon goes to the soma (seen in inhibitory)
Axon impinges on another axon and modulates the signal- you can excite/ inhibit the other axon
Chemical transmission process of events
- Neurotransmitter (NT) synthesis, transport & storage
- Depolarization (action potential)
- Open voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (sensitive to changes in voltage)
- Ca2+ influx (coming in)
- Movement and docking of vesicles (migrate)
- Exocytosis-diffusion (release the contents)
7+8. Interact with receptors
In/deactivation of NTs- starting cascading events
(Eventually these NTs have to be turned off)
What are neurotransmitters?
Chemicals that are used to transmit information from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron.
Criteria for neurotransmitter?
- Chemical synthesised presynaptically.
- Electrical stimulation leads to the release of the chemical.
- Chemical produces physiological effect
- Terminate activity
Postsynaptic action of the Neurotransmitter
Neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, which affects the activity of the postsynaptic cell. The configuration of the receptors make them specific for different neurotransmitters.
What are the two types of receptors and their functions
Ionotropic receptor
- Opening of an ionic channel (typically).
- Allow ions
Metabotropic receptor
- Activates an internal 2nd messenger systems that goes on to affect the functioning of the postsynaptic cells
- It takes more time
- Through a cascade of events, theres an effector protein which uses second messages and creates these events and modifies
Action of neurotransmitters at receptors
What do receptors vary in their?
- Pharmacology – what transmitter binds to the receptor and how drugs interact
- Agonist – a drug (or endogenous ligand/neurotransmitter) that can combine with a receptor on a cell to produce a cellular reaction
- Antagonist – a drug that reduces or completely blocks the activity of the agonist or endogenous ligand, no cellular effect after interacting with receptor - Kinetics – rate of transmitter binding and channel gating determine the duration of effects
(how fast does that receptor opens up/ closes) - Selectivity – what ions are fluxed (Na+, Cl-, K+ and/or Ca2+)
- Conductance – the rate of flux
What happens when…
1. agonist acts alone
2. agonist acts with antagonist
3. antagonist alone
- agonist alone → full activation
- agonist + antagonist → less activation
- antagonist alone → no activation
Ionotropic receptors
- what does fast transmission mean?
- explain excitatory fast transmission
- explain inhibitory fast transmission
Excitatory fast transmission:
- Ion channel opens
- Movement of positive ions into the neurone (Na+)
(e.g. Glutamate receptors)
- Depolarisation
- Excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP)
- Membrane potential (voltage) goes up and is positive
Inhibitory fast transmission:
- Ion channel opens
- Movement of negative ions into the neurone (Cl-)
(e.g. GABAA receptors)
- Hyperpolarisation
- Inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)
- Membrane potential goes down- negative
Activation of a G-protein coupled receptor:
- Neurotransmitter binds to receptor and activates the G-protein (exchange GDP for GTP - once you have this GTP, one of the sub-units breaks apart, is activated and modulates other protein)
- G protein splits and activates other enzymes
- The breakdown of GTP turns off G protein activity (effector proteins- these proteins cause another cascade and tend to amplify things)
- Series of chemical reactions that leads to an amplification of the signal – second messenger system
Metabotropic receptor
The first step in this complex signalling system involves the binding of specific ligands (hormones, neurotransmitters, growth factors, glycoproteins, cytokines, odorants and photons) at the cell surface to a GPCR, thereby activating the receptor. The signal is transmitted into the cell via a conformational change in the receptor, which results in the activation of the bound G protein. GPCRs act as guanine nucleotide exchange factors for the a subunit of the G protein, whereby activated receptor promotes the exchange of bound GDP (guanine diphosphate) for GTP on the a subunit, which is the rate-limiting step in G protein activation. The binding of GTP changes the conformation of ‘switch’ regions within the a subunit, which allows the bound trimeric G protein (inactive) to be released from the receptor, and to dissociate into active a subunit (GTP-bound) and bg dimer. The a subunit and the bg dimer go on to activate distinct downstream effectors, such as adenylyl cyclase, phosphodiesterases, phospholipase
Open up a pandoras box of all these reactions in the cell
Ionotrophic receptors just allow ions in
G protein coupled receptors have a transmitter (activator receptor)
Those can activate multiple G proteins, these G proteins activate more proteins which can then amplify this effect by turning them on/ off other proteins and creating this big cascade of effects.
(its much slower than ionotrophic effect)
Neurotransmitter deactivation:
1- why must neurotransmitters be inactivated?
2- what can you think of neurons having?
3- too many NT…
4- what happens when deactivating enzymes?
1- Neurotransmitters must be inactivated after use to remove them from the synaptic cleft.
2- neurons have vacuum cleaner- transporters
3- too many NT, helps NT go up in presynaptic terminal and dig them up
4- deactivating enzymes (tend to be on post synaptic side) break down the transmitters
Other ways of regulating synaptic transmission: Autoreceptors
1- receptors on the…
2- located on?
3- respond to?
4- what are they generally?
5- what do they regulate?
6- negative feedback mechanism
7- are autoreceptors the same as reuptake sites?
1- Receptors on the same neuron as the one that releases the transmitter
2- Located on the presynaptic terminal
3- Respond to neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft
4- Generally they are G-protein coupled – don’t directly open ion channels
5- Regulate internal process controlling the synthesis and release of neurotransmitter
6- Negative feedback mechanism- slow down the release of these transmitters and release less
7- no
What are the categories of neurotransmitters?
- Amino acids-FAST transmission (eg. GABA, glutamate)
- Monoamines (eg. Dopamine, serotonin
- Acetylcholine
Neuropeptides (eg. endorphin, (pain relief)
Explain classical vs neuropeptides
- synthesized locally in presynaptic terminal
- stored in synaptic vesicles
- released in response to local increase in Ca2+
- synthesized in the cell soma and transported to the terminal
- stored in secretory granules
- released in response to global increase in Ca2+
- A more intense stimulation is necessary to release neuropeptides, and hence a more global increase in calcium.
Fast synaptic transmission:
excitatory vs inhibitory
Glutamate ionotropic receptors in general flux Na+ which causes an EPSP (Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential) depolarizing the postsynaptic neuron.
GABA ionotropic receptors flux Cl-, which causes an IPSP (Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential) hyperpolarizing the postsynaptic neuron.
(Acetylcholine, serotonin and ATP also activate ionotropic receptors)
What is Glutamate?
Major fast excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS
Very widespread through the CNS
Activates different types of receptors: mGluR, NMDA, AMPA, Kainate
Glutamate synthesis, storage, release and
1) synthesised in nerve terminals from glucose or glutamine
2) loaded and stored in vesicles by vesicular glutamate transporters
3) released by exocytosis (Ca2+ dependent mechanism)
4) acts at Glutamate receptors on postsynaptic membrane
5) Reuptake by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) in the plasma membrane of presynaptic cell and surrounding glia
Based on their pharmacology, what are the 3 types of ionotrophic receptors that have been described to respond to glutamate?
NMDA, AMPA and Kainate
Agonist/ antagonist of ionotrophic glutamate receptors
NMDA receptors
Agonist: NMDA
Antagonist: APV
AMPA receptors
Agonist: AMPA
Antagonist: CNQX
Kainate receptors
Agonist: Kainic acid
Antagonist: CNQX
Explain what an AMPA receptor
Ionotropic receptor
Binding of glutamate leads to the opening of a Na+ channel (slight K+ permeability) and hence depolarisation
Selective agonists: AMPA
antagonists: CNQX, DNQX
NMDA receptor:
- what is the competitive agonist?
- what is the competitive antagonist?
- what is the co-agonist?
- what are the non-competitive antagonists?
- competitive agonist: NMDA
- competitive antagonist: AP5
- co-agonist: glycine
- non-competitive antagonist: PCP
Allow calcium to go through
Magnesium block
Explain what an NMDA receptor is?
- Ionotropic receptor
- Permeable to Na+, K+ and Ca2+
- Binding of glutamate – nothing happens !
Voltage dependent blockade:
- At Resting membrane potential (-65mV):
- glutamate binds
- channel opens
- blocked by Mg2+
- Depolarised membrane (-30mV):
- Mg2+ pushed out of pore
- channel is open
- ion movement
- further depolarisation
- To wake this receptor up you need a lot of activation and depolarisation
- At -30mV when the neuron is excited, glutamate binds, mg is kicked off and ca and na can come in
- Different ‘kinetics’ from AMPA receptor (open much longer)
What is the difference between normal neuronal transmission and postsynaptic membrane in excited state?
Normal: NMDA is blocked, it has Mg, glutamate binds, nothing happens
Excited: neurons depolarise, glutamate binds, Mg block is moved, Ca can freely move in
Selectivity and conductance of glutamate receptors
AMPA (and kainate) receptors
Fast opening channels permeable to Na+ and K+
NMDA receptors
1) Slow opening channels – permeable to Ca2+ as well as Na+ and K+
BUT also
2) Requires glycine as a cofactor (no glycine, no activation!)
3) And gated by membrane voltage
4) need excitations to open up
NMDA receptors are only activated in an already depolarized membrane in the presence of glutamate
NMDA receptors - dysregulation:
NMDA receptors and schizophrenia
- what are NMDA receptors blocked by?
- what does blockade of NMDA receptors produce?
- what enhance current flow?
- NMDA receptors also blocked by phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust) and MK801 which both bind in the open pore .
- Blockade of NMDA receptors in this way produces symptoms that resemble the hallucinations associated with Schizophrenia (associated with reduced NMDAR function).
- Certain antipsychotic drugs enhance current flow through NMDA channels
NMDA receptors - dysregulation
Glutamate excitotoxicity
- what is it caused by?
- when does this kind of cell damage occur?
- what is anything excess?
- Caused by excessive Ca2+ influx into the cell which activates calcium dependent proteases (break down proteins) and phospholipases (break down phospholipids) that damage the cell.
- This kind of cell damage occurs after stroke and chronic stress
- Anything excess is bad- too much glutamate- too much calcium influx- too much calcium in the cell- that can create a cascade of events.
1- what is it?
2- what does it activate?
1- Major inhibitory neurotransmitter
2- Activates an ionotropic receptor (GABAA receptor) which opens a chloride channel (Cl-) leading to hyperpolarisation (IPSP).
From Japan: GABA-containing chocolate and rice
GABA does not cross the blood brain barrier so eating these chocolates probably won’t do you any good!
But may lower blood pressure!
GABA synthesis, storage, release and reuptake
1) synthesized from glutamate
2) loaded and stored into synapses by a vesicular GABA transporter
3) released by exocytosis (Ca2+ dependent mechanism)
4) acts at ionotropic GABAA and metabotropic GABAB receptors on postsynaptic membrane
5) cleared from synapse by reuptake using transporters on glia and neurons including non-GABAergic neurons
(GABA tends to be made de novo to refill vesicles rather than recycling)
GABA Receptor diversity
Two main families of GABA receptor:
1) GABAA ionotropic receptors
- Ligand gated Cl- channel
- Fast IPSPs
2) GABAB metabotropic receptors
- G protein coupled receptors
- Indirectly coupled to K+ or Ca2+
- channel through 2nd messengers
- (opens K+ channel, closes Ca2+ channel)
- Slow IPSPs
Regulation of Amino Acid Transmitter Release:
1- Too much glutamate / too little GABA
2- Too much GABA
3- Cerebral ischemia
4- GHB gamma-hydroxybutyrate (date rape drug)
1- Too much glutamate / too little GABA
- hyperexcitability – epilepsy
- excitotoxicity
2- Too much GABA
- sedation/coma
- (At right dose, drugs which increase GABA transmission can be used to treat epilepsy)
3- Cerebral ischemia
- the metabolic events that retain the electrochemical gradient are abolished
- reversal of the Na+ K+ gradient
- transporters release glutamate from cells by reverse operation
- excitotoxic cell death.
GHB gamma-hydroxybutyrate (date rape drug)
- a GABA metabolite that can be converted back to
GABA by transamination
- Increases amount of available GABA
- Moderate dose like alcohol, but too much leads to unconsciousness and coma
Excessive alcohol
saving grace- pass out before ingesting lethal dose (but some who are unlucky will not pass out)
Quite drunk
~ BAC of
0.2 - 0.3
~ BAC of
Student dies from drinking
GABAA receptors and drugs
1- what receptor?
2- drugs binding?
3- agonist and antagonist
4- what are drugs binding elsewhere on the receptor
5- net result more…
6- what do benzodiazepines cause?
1- Complex receptor with multiple binding sites
2- Drugs binding at GABA binding site
Muscimol – agonist
Bicuculine, picrotoxin – antagonist
4- Drugs binding elsewhere on the receptor (no competition with GABA)
5- net result more inhibitory Cl- current, stronger IPSPs and behavioural consequences of enhanced inhibition
6- benzodiazepines causing bursts of chloride channel opening to occur more often, while the barbiturates cause the duration of bursts of chloride channel opening to become longer.
What do drugs increasing/ decreasing GABA activity cause?
(+ agonists/ antagonists)
Drugs increasing GABA activity reduce anxiety (anxiolytic)
Agonists: Alcohol
Indirect agonist: Benzodiazepines (BDZ)
(also anti-convulsant)
Drugs decreasing GABA activity increase anxiety (anxiogenic)
Antagonist: Flumazenil
(also for reversing sedation
due to BDZ overdose)
These drugs all act at the GABAA ionotropic receptor
Action of drugs at the GABAA receptor
GABA on its own, if it binds, it hyperpolarises neurons (makes them more negative)
Barbiturate on its own activates the GABA A receptor, its an agonist
GABA and barbiturate both binding on the receptor you get much more hyperpolarisation
Benzodiazepine- indirect agonist- Benzodiazepine on its own has no effect but when GABA is bound, thats when it has an effect. (so its a much better drug than barbiturate)
An antagonist like flumazenil when it binds, it will block the effects of GABA and will have a smaller effect
So they all differ in their kinetics
What are problems of barbiturates?
a) General (non-specific) depression of neuronal activity – includes vital functions like breathing!
b) Poor therapeutic ratio. Small difference between therapeutic dose and overdose. High suicide risk in emotionally unstable patients.
c) Long-term treatment leads to dependence and withdrawal.
d) Thus, only used for severe insomnia, seizures.
1- when is it discovered?
2- what was it?
3- shortly after that what did diazepam become?
4- act as?
5- advantages?
6- disadvantages?
1- Discovered in 1960s.
2- First benzodiazepine was chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
3- Shortly after that diazepam (Valium) became the major treatment for anxiety disorders
4- Act as:
Muscle relaxant
5- Advantages:
Good, fast acting anxiolytics
Large therapeutic window
6- Disadvantages:
May cause dependence
Effects potentiated by alcohol