Learning and Memory Flashcards
Why do we learn?
2 types of memory and ellaborate
Declarative learning
- Facts and (memories of) events
- Remembering…
Non-declarative learning- less conscious
- procedural memory: skills and habits (striatum)
- Classical conditioning- skeletal musculature (cerebellum), emotional responses (amygdala)
- …learning to ride a bike
- …the dinner bell makes you hungry
- what is learning?
- what did Donald Hebb (1949) suggest?
- Learning is the response of the brain to environmental events and involves adaptive changes in synaptic connectivity which will in turn alter behaviour.
- Donald Hebb in 1949 suggested a hypothesis for how, through neuronal networks, the brain can process and store information:
“When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased”
(theres some change in the connectivity of cell A and B (synapse) → this is causing after what this persistent event is that has cause them to fire, later on now cell A is more able to fire cell B)
Donald Hebb main theory
“Cells that fire together wire together”
Strengthening and weakening synaptic connections in the brain provides a means by which learning occurs and memories can be formed.
Cells that fire together wire together example
Sensory inputs from Grandma processed and converge on a cell in the hippocampus:
converge on the hippocampus
Cell A – sensory input for sight of Grandma
Cell B – sensory input for smell of perfume
Cell B- chopping onions
Initially an individual input (only one cell) might not be sufficient to stimulate the hippocampal neuron- but it will cause an EPSP
(The Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential (EPSP) is not great enough to fire an action potential)
But if you put 2 of these events together (A and B) then those two EPSP’s on each of those neurons might be sufficient in order to cause this hippocampal neuron to fire.
If this association is made repeatedly, the synapses of A and B onto the hippocampal neuron will be strengthened, so that the individual inputs are sufficiently strong to fire the hippocampal neuron, and just the smell or a picture of Grandma is sufficient to recall a complete memory.
On the other hand, she doesn’t have associations of chopping onions with her grandma so this trigger hasn’t converged. It will still cause an EPSP but as its not tied in with A and B it wont trigger the hippocampus in order to give memories about Grandma. - as only cells that wire together fire together
The hippocampus:
- involved in?
- specifically?
- where is it located in humans?
- easy to study in?
- Hippocampus- learning and memory
- associative learning and spatial memory
- Sits in the middle of our brains in humans
- It’s easy to study in mice and rats
Long term potentiation:
- what is it?
- what does the hippocampus allow for?
- where has LTP now been studies?
- mechanism underlying synaptic strengthening
- Hippocampus - shape and anatomy means pathways can be easily distinguished and recorded from electrophysiologically (the architecture of connections of neurons make it easy to study under a microscope)
- LTP has now been studied in most other brain areas too
Explain what Bliss and Lomo (1973) discovered about LTP
They took this architecture and stuck a stimulating electrode into an axonal fields that is projecting in this case into the dentate gyrus. Then they stick electrons in the pyramidal neurons in the dentate gyrus and recorded activity (changes in voltage) in those neurons and this is the EPSP. So they’re measuring the amount of response the dentate gyrus neuron has in response to stimulating this axon.
First of all they would stimulate the neuron once and record the EPSP and then wait a minute or two and do it again and wait a minute or two do it again. When you do this you get quite a stable recording of EPSP and you normalise this being 0 (standard response of those neurons)
After 20 mins they give a high frequency stimulation which leads to response after response so EPSP’s don’t have a chance to go down again. You end up with the charge in this post synaptic neuron reaching a peak where its activated.
Then you stop and go back to what you were doing before and just record one stimulation of this axon at a time into the dentate gyrus. What you find is the dentate gyrus has a much bigger response to the single stimulation so you have strengthened the response of this neuron. So now it doesn’t require high frequency stimulation you just require a single activation and you get this much bigger response in the post synaptic neuron. This response can last for hours.
LTP events which increase the response of the cell.
Recording electrical activity: what is found?
Stimulating axonal projections onto CA1 pyramidal neuron
Phase 1:
- Stimulate A you get a small excitatory post synaptic potential. If you stop and wait for this to go back down to 0, then stimulate B, you’ll get a small postsynaptic potential.
- You’re getting EPSPs from both of these inputs and they’re both small. If you do this over and over again you 0 it.
Phase 2:
- Then you do a high frequency stimulation (100 Hz), tetanic stimulation, so what you see is this big increase in the size of the EPSP
- This is because you’ve added them all together (summated them) and you have a much bigger charge into that synapse of A onto the pyramidal neuron so theres an increased EPSP and this cell is likely to fire.
Phase 3:
- Stop again and now go back to what you were doing before (measuring A vs B)
- Because you were firing A and B separately, A has had that tetanic stimulation. LTP has occurred in A and now when you do the normal stimulation of A and measure its activity you get a bigger EPSP (due to strengthening synapse A because of this high frequency stimulation).
- Because B had an asynchronous stimulation (no stimulation during strong stimulation A), when you go back and look at synapses at B you find theres no LTP.
Recording electrical activity: main events
Temporal summation
Input specific- LTP is input specific to A and not B
What is the Morris Water Maze and what is found?
- Test of spatial learning where you have a paddling pool sized arena full of water and inside it you put a platform thats underneath the water and can’t be seen. A rat is put in the water.
- The rat uses things in the environment to work out where it is. It swims around and tries to escape this water until it finds platform
- Once it gets on the platform it is taken out, dried off and a few hours later it might get put in.
- If this is tested repeatedly, you’ll put the rat in and it will swim straight to the platform.
- It learns where the platform is based on spatial cues in the environment
Findings from Morris Water Maze in control and rat with hippocampal lesion
Control rat:
- First trial: long length of the path and time it takes to find the platform is very long.
- After 10 trials: rat swims straight to platform
Rat with hippocampal lesion:
- First trial: takes about the same time to find platform as control
- After 10 trials: rat hasn’t learnt anything- it still spends the session trying to fins the hidden platform
This tells us that the hippocampus appears to be essential for learning and memory and those LTP experiments were in the right place for this kind of learning and memory
What do probe trials for the Morris Water Maze do and find?
Split the pool into quadrants and see how long each rat spends in the target quadrant (where the platform should be) vs the non-target quadrant.
Control: spending significantly more time in the target quadrant
Hippocampal lesioned rat: spending equal time in the target and non-target quadrant
What is the important neurotransmitter for LTP?
What is found at normal neuronal transmission?
- glutamate is released from pre-synaptic terminal and it lands on different types of glutamate receptor in the post synaptic terminal (AMPA and NMDA)
- glutamate will bind to AMPA receptor, AMPA rceptor will open a channel and you’ll get a flux of Na+ into the post-synaptic neuron
- glutamate may also bind to the NMDA receptor but under baseline conditions, the normal resting membrane potential, theres a Mg that sitting inside the channel which is blocking movement of ions through the NMDA channel
- so only getting EPSP through the AMPA receptors
What is found at postsynaptic membrane in excited state?
- resting membrane potential will have been shot up and membrane is going to be depolarised
- as a result, that magnesium is going to get ejected out of that NMDA receptor
- if glutamate is released onto this depolarised membrane, it still does the same thing to the AMPA receptor but at the same time it is able to activate NMDA receptors.
- The channel opens, the magnesium has been kicked out and you get an influx of calcium and sodium into the postsynaptic neuron.
- Calcium has double the positive to sodium so your getting a much bigger EPSP
- NMDA is only activated in these depolarised neurons
Role of NMDA in LTP and learning (findings for Morris Water Maze task)
They did Morris water maze but while they were doing the learning, they injected an NMDA receptor antagonist into hippocampus of rats and then did Morris Water maze training
If you did probe trial at the end: the control rats who were given a saline injection spent the whole probe trial swimming around the target quadrant because they knew where the platform should be
Rats injected with AP5 (NMDA receptor antagonist) spend an equal amount of time in all quadrants (it was like they had no hippocampus)
This tells us that NMDA receptor activity in hippocampus is important for this spatial learning
Traces from this paper looking at LTP with high frequency tetanic - so get the baseline do the high frequency stimulation and then measure activity in the hippocampus again in the same way you were doing at baseline, then do another high frequency stimulation and do the same thing again. At connections wheres theres high frequency stimulation you have much bigger EPSPs occurring than you did under the normal conditions before the stimulation occurred. If you put AP5 into this, you do the high frequency stimulation but after you do that and go back to normal recording levels the response of the cells goes back to how it was previously at baseline.
Sum of what is found with NMDA antagonist in Morris Water Maze task?
No evidence of learning or LTP
Whats happening at the synapse for Glutamate release onto inactive cell
(membrane at resting potential)
- AMPA receptor activated to create EPSP
- NMDA receptor blocked by Mg2+ ion
- Depolarization from AMPA activation
- not sufficient to expel Mg2+
Whats happening at the synapse for Glutamate release onto an active cell
(membrane depolarized)
- AMPA receptor activated
- Mg2+ block on NMDA receptor relieved
- Na+ through AMPA and NMDA channels
- Ca2+ through NMDA channel
Its this influx of calcium into postsynaptic neuron that triggers change in plasticity or properties in post and pre synaptic terminal that we know as LTP
Whats happening at the synapse?
Ca2+ entry through the NMDA receptor leads to:
Activation of Calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) (CaMKII is a kinase and kinases phosphorylate things.)
1) phosphorylates existing AMPA receptors increasing their effectiveness (one of the property changes is that those AMPA receptors open and stay open for longer)
2) stimulates the insertion of new AMPA receptors into the membrane
By Increasing the number and effectiveness of AMPA receptors → you’ll increase the EPSP
The EPSP are going to be bigger because of this phosphorylation event
Whats happening at the synapse before vs after sum
Few AMPA receptors
Small EPSPs
More AMPA receptors working more effectively
Larger EPSPs
CaMKII - molecular switch
- ____after ____
- how many parts?
- _____ entry through NMDA receptor leads to….
- what does molecular switch do?
Sustained activity after repolarisation
2 parts- regulatory and catalytic. Catalytic is the one that does the phosphorylating
Ca2+ entry through the NMDA receptor leads to activation of
Calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)
Molecular switch which maintains increased excitability of neuron for minutes to hours
Calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) process
CaMKII has autocatalytic activity - becomes phosphorylated
When phosphorylated is constitutively active - no longer requires Ca2+
Maintains phosphorylation, insertion of AMPA receptors etc. after the depolarising stimulus has receded
How can the postsynaptic neuron feed back to the presynaptic neuron?
by retrograde neurotransmitter - Nitric Oxide (NO)
Presynaptic events in LTP
- Ca2+ through the NMDA channel activates Nitric oxide synthase
- NO diffuses from site of production and activates guanylyl cyclase in the presynaptic terminal (increases glutamate)
- Guanylyl cyclase produces the second messenger cGMP
- Signal transduction cascade leads to increased glutamate release from the synaptic bouton
more glutamate released onto more AMPA receptors which are more effective
Late phase LTP
1- what is required for long-lasting LTP (days, months)
2- what do protein synthesis inhibitors do?
3- what are the stages of memory formation?
4- what inhibits recall?
1- Protein synthesis
2- Protein synthesis inhibitors prevent the consolidation of longterm memories and LTP
3- Stages of memory formation
- Acquisition (training)
- Consolidation
- Recall (testing)
4- Protein synthesis inhibitor injected just post-acquisition (training) inhibits recall necessary for consolidation
- what is it?
- what type of factor?
- activated by?
- phosphorylated by?
How protein synthesis seems to be working is through CREB
- a transcription factor
- activated by phosphorylation
- phosphorylated by kinases
(e.g. PKA, CaMKII etc.)
Early phase vs late phase LTP
Early phase LTP lasts a minute to an hour. They can be explained by the actions of Ca2+ through the NMDA receptor and subsequent enhancement of AMPA receptor efficiency, presynaptic events etc.
Late phase LTP lasts hours, days or months requires new protein synthesis and can involve morphological changes and the establishment of new synapses
Early vs late phase LTP
Ca2+ activated signal transduction cascades:
- activate new protein synthesis
(dendritically localized mRNAs) - signal to cell body… new gene transcription
(CREB –mediated)…
protein synthesis and recruitment of new proteins to the synapse
LTP: increase in number of synapses (looking at dendritic trees)
Before tetanic stimulation you can see small bubbles
After high frequency stimulation, over a period of hours you can see a change in growth of these postsynaptic terminals that is sending a signal to the postsynaptic dendrite
Development of new synaptic connections following tetanic stimulation
What is the opposite to LTP?
Long Term Depression (LTD)
Explain Long Term Depression as the opposite
Long Term Potentiation is created in slice preparations by High frequency stimulation (HFS: 1 sec of 100Hz (Hz = stimulations per second))
Low frequency stimulation (LFS: 100 x 1 Hz) actually causes the opposite and rather than getting an increase in EPSP amplitude on further stimulation you get a decrease
Same players involved in LTD:
- NMDA dependent process
- AMPA receptors are de-phosphorylated and removed from the membrane
(low level rises in Ca2+ activate phosphatase rather than kinase)
- So driven by phosphatase rather than CaMKII
Applying to humans (Chen 1996 - from Bear)
- Human inferotemporal cortex removed during course of surgery - maintained in vitro
- They got a thin slice of tissue and got their recording electrode in 3 layer neurons and they’re stimulating layer 4 neurons which have axonal projections into layer 3 of the cortex
- Anything positive from mid line is LTP and anything going negative is long term depression (LTD)
- low stimulation of 1 Hz made baseline shift negatively and they induced LTD
- for high frequency stimulation (100 Hz)- they’re able to increase the size of EPSP’s
Summary of Chen 1996 (from Bear) findings
High frequency stimulation → produced LTP
Low frequency stimulation → produced LTD
Theta rhythms
Hippocampal theta activity accompanies behaviours such as running, swimming, head movements and spatially orientated responses in the rat.
Seems to play a role in synchronising activity in different brain regions.
Is LTP physiological?
- what are waves of neuronal activity?
- findings for different stimulation
- what do disruptions in theta waves cause?
Waves of neuronal activity - hippocampal theta rhythms
- involved in arousal, alertness, fire during exploration etc.
- Depolarising stimulation coincident with peak of wave generates LTP
- Depolarising stimulation coincident with trough generates LTD
Disruption in theta waves causes deficits in learning tasks that are similar to those caused by hippocampal lesions
Enhancing LTP- Genetically
Transgenic mice where they’re over expressing one sub unit (NR2B-transgenic) in hippocampus of transgenic mice. That sub unit is part of NMDA receptor that causes flux of calcium. (If you have more NR2B-transgenic receptors when they’re activated you should get more calcium coming through them)
- The wild type mouse, theres more LTP, EPSP is bigger
- In NR2B-transgenic mouse, you see the same thing but the level of LTP is greater.
- SO we can increase LTP by changing the properties of the NMDA receptor
Main takeaway: Increased amounts of a particular type of the NMDA receptor (NR2B receptor) leads to enhanced LTP
Enhancing LTP- Genetically
Latency and probe trial
- on the first trial they’re maxing out at about a minute
- by the sixth trial they’ve all learnt to be able to reach that hidden platform in about 20s
- rate of acquisition is greater in transgenic
Probe trial: (pitting them back in after platform is taken away
- the transgenic mice are spending more time in the target quadrant than the wild type mice
Diminished memory and LTP
a) Decreased acquisition in the Morris Water Maze- young rats learn really quickly but it takes the 24 month old rats more trials to find this platform
b) Decreased LTP- at 4 months theres good LTP but this is much reduced in 2 year rats
c) Decreased expression of the NMDA receptors (NR1 and NR2B)
Less NMDA → less LTP → less learning and memory
Enhanced memory and LTP
- Enhanced acquisition in the Morris Water Maze
- Potentiated LTP
- With enrichment they find the platform more quickly than the controls do
- Enhanced LTP in mice in enriched environment
Reversal of aging effects by enrichment?
Spatial Maze Task
Aged mice in impoverished environment (IE) (could be living alone) show greater deficits than those in normal (SE) or enriched environment (EE)
Graph 1
1) Old mice make more mistakes than young mice (solid lines all higher than dotted lines)
2) Aged mice in an impoverished environment (triangles) make more mistakes than those in standard or enriched conditions
(interaction between age and environment so these ones are unable to learn the task)
Graph 2
3) Changing the environment of the impoverished mice (Panel 1, IE-EE) improves their performance
4) Changing the environment of enriched or standard mice (SE-IE or EE-IE) impairs their environment
Implications for care of the elderly- improving environment for elderly who were isolated in covid is really important
implication- its possible at least to reverse some of the neurocognitive memory issues with age by improving environment
Cells that fire together wire together
Most LTP experiments…
Temporal LTP
- tetanic stimulation
Input specific
Associative learning requires
Associative LTP
- spatial summation
Associative Learning – the classics
Pavlov’s dogs:
US (food) = UR (salivation)
NS (bell) = no response
NS + US = UR (salivation)
CS (bell) = CR (salivation)
Little Albert:
NS (white rat) = no response
UCS (loud noise) = UCR (fear)
CS (white rat) = CR (fear)
Neuronal circuitry of conditioned fear
Unconditioned stimulus (foot shock) is paired with a conditioned stimulus (tone) for cued or contextual fear conditioning
The rat will show feared response to CS alone
Neuronal circuitry of conditioned fear
- Fear response happens in the lateral amygdala (LA)
- You have converging sensory input from different environmental factors
- Foot shock activating somatosensory thalamus. They’re activating lateral amygdala bit also cortical neurons which are impacting the amygdala.
- Tone (CS) is coming through a difference pathway- auditory thalamus and auditory cortex and they’re both converging on those same neurons in the LA
- If these neurons in the LA get enough input, they activate neurons in the central amygdala which activate difference outputs which are what we see as the fear response. In this case- freezing, blood pressure and hormones.
- The US (foot shock) is able to activate this motor output alone
Recording electrical activity
Now if we put this CS where we have neuron A firing at the same time as neuron B, then neuron A has an EPSP but its not big enough. Neuron B it might be big enough as it’s the same high frequency stimulation. As these are happening at the same time that shock/ high frequency stimulation from neuron A to B is causing this neuron to fire at the same time you have this CS. Because this depolarisation of the postsynaptic neuron spreads to both, you’re going to get that stimulation and now the conditioned stimulus alone is sufficient to cause LTP and to cause that neuron to fire.
Neuronal mechanisms underlying conditioned fear
CS and US coming onto lateral amygdala.
Strong input from the US (shock) leads to depolarisation of the postsynaptic cell.
Weak input from the CS (tone) is ‘strengthened’ by the postsynaptic depolarisation leading to activation of NMDA receptors leading to long-term potentiation of this synapse.
So after this pairing, the CS alone is able to cause the output from the lateral amygdala that causes the fear response.