Neurotoxicity and behavioral toxicology Flashcards
What is neurotoxicology?
The study of chemical agents that cause adverse structural or functional effects on the nervous system.
What is included in the CNS vs PNS?
The central nervous system (CNS) includes the brain and spinal cord.
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) include
The autonomic:
- sympathetic (arousing)
- parasympathetic (calming)
And the somatic:
- motor output
- sensory input.
The brain can be divided into three parts, which?
-Telencephalon: cerebrum
-Diencephalon: thalamus, hypothalamus
-Colliculi, tegmentum, cerebral peduncles
-Substantia nigra
-Pons/medulla oblongata
There’s very big diversity in function in different parts, and all can be subject to toxic insult, both chronic and acute, which can have detrimental effects!
Explain in short how the PNS and CNS are connected.
- The PNS received sensory input via receptors (photo, mechano, and chemical) to detect changes in the environment
- Action potentials are propagated via afferent neurons to reach the CNS
- The action potential is propagated to the central nervous system (brain/spinal chord)
- The signal is relayed through interneurons (CNS) to efferent neurons (PNS)
(the number of interneurons connecting an afferent and efferent neurons depends on the complexity of response, and for each afferent neuron there are about 200 000 interneurons and 10 efferent neurons)
- Efferent neurons connect to effector cells (muscle, other neuron, tissues) and produce motor output.
What features makes nerve cells so vulnerable to toxic insult?
- Length: Some neurons can be up to a meter in length! One break anywhere on it can have detrimental effects.
- Metabolism: Nerve cells rely heavily on ATP to maintain ion gradients needed to relay signals, toxic effects on mitochondria can be very bad.
- Excitability: It’s important to remember that all signals in the NS are electric, if anything happens with excitability the effects an be severe.
Explain neurotransmission in the brain in short.
- Sodium-potassium pumps generates a resting potential (net positive on the outside, 3 Na+ out for every K- in, ATP driven).
- Upon stimulation, sodium channels open which cause a influx of Na+ into the cell and rapid depolarization of the membrane.
- The action potential generates a local current which cause voltage gated Na+ channels to open along the axon (once opened they have a locked conformation a short while to ensure that signal is unidirectional) = saltatory conduction (very fast because of insulating myelin sheaths, signal “jumps” between nodes of Ranvier)
- When the action potential reaches the pre-synapse, it depolarizes the membrane and voltage gated calcium channels open, causing an influx of Ca2+ that causes vesicles filled with NTs to fuse with membrane and be released into the synaptic cleft.
- The NTs can have different effects on the postsynaps, like depolarization, biochemical cascades or expressional changes.
(6.) The NTs are either enzymatically degraded, actively transported back into pre-synapse or surrounding glial cells for recycling or diffuse away to stop the signal transmission.
ANY of these steps can be affected by toxicant, so there are many toxicants that target the central nervous system.
Axonal breakage (axotomy) have many consequences, not only can signals not be relayed, but it affects transport too, how?
Everything the nerve cell needs is synthesized in the cell body, but things that are needed in other parts of the cell needs to get it somehow and that’s where axonal transport comes in. There is fast, intermediate and slow axonal transport:
Fast: transport of proteins that relies on transport proteins driven by microtubule associated ATPase:
- Kinesin – anterograde transport
- Dynein – retrograde transport
Vesicles can be transported 40 cm/day!
Intermediate: Transport of organelles (mitochondria). 50 mm/day
Slow: Transport of cytoskeleton (neurofilaments, actin and microtubules), “stop and go” (stops a lot on the way). 1-4 mm/day.
Toxicants doesn’t need to affect the neurons to have toxic effects on the CNS, they can also affect supporting cells. Which kinds of supporting cells are there and what is their function?
Oligodendrocytes – myelin sheet around axon
– Equivalent in PNS: Schwann cells
Astrocytes –BBB, regulates composition of extracellular fluids (K
and neurotransmitters in synaptic cleft), sustains metabolism, sequestration and processing of toxins, physical barrier.
Microglia – macrophage like cells which perform immune functions.
Which four anatomical and physiological features are important for the BBB?
- Endothelial cells are tightly joined (tight junctions), leaving no or very small pores in between.
- Endothelial cells contain multi-drug- resistant proteins (mdr) that exude chemicals back into the blood.
- Capillaries are surrounded by astrocytes (glial cells).
- The protein concentration in the interstitial fluid (CSF) is much lower than in the rest of the body.
Name five charachteristics that makes the CNS so vulnerable to toxic insult.
- Lipid-rich environment
- Repair mechanisms are limited (post mitotic)
- High dependence on oxygen (loss = cell death)
- Dependence on glucose (loss = cell death)
- Receives lots of blood flow (~15%)
- High metabolic rate
- Many inhaled substances go straight to the brain
- Neurotoxic injury may result in multiple outcomes
such as:
− Sensory disorders
− Movement disorders
− Learning disorders
− Memory disorders
There are four main types of damage that happen from toxic insult to the CNS, which?
- Neuronopathy
– Cell death, irreversible
– MPTP, trimethyltin - Axonopathy
– Degeneration of axon (may be reversible)
– Hexane, acrylamide, trauma - Myelinopathy
– Damage to myelin (e.g. schwann cells)
– Lead, hexachlorophene - Transmission toxicity
– Disruption of neurotransmission
– Heavy metals, OP pesticides, DDT
There are naturally occurring, anthropogenic and endogenous sources of neurotoxicants. Name one of each.
- Produced by algae, accumulates in symbionts
- Puffer fish, heat stable so not removed by cooking
- Blocks ion channels (e.g. Na channels)
-Loss of sensation, paralysis, respiratory arrest, death
Domoic acid
− Produced by algae, then bioaccumulates e.g. in Shellfish
− Excitatory amino acid receptor agonist
− Causes seizures and cell death in limbic regions (hippocampus)
BMAA (B-N-methylamino-L-alanine)
− Excitatory amino acid receptor agonist (e.g. glutamate)
− Produced by cyanobacteria and present in symbionts / aquatic organisms (shark fin..)
− Believed to be associated with numerous neurodegenerative disorders
- Heavy metals: lead, manganese, cadmium
- Solvents: carbon disulfide, n-hexane, etc.
- Pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides: chlorpyrifos, rotenone, organophos-phates, carbamates, etc.
- Drugs of abuse: cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD, MDMA (ecstasy)
− Glutamate (naturally-occurring excitatory amino acid) can increase dramatically following hypoxia, hypoglycemia, and stroke—and produce excitotoxic cell death.
− Tryptophan metabolites, such quinolinic acid and 3- hydroxykynurenine, have been demonstrated to produce cell death and may be linked to some neurodegenerative conditions.
What is neuronopathy?
Neuronopathy is the loss of cell body (target) and all processes without possibility for regeneration (irreversible).
Name two chemicals that can cause neuronopathy.
Methyl mercury (MeHg), MPTP, Paraquat (herbicide) and Maned (fungicide).
Explain in short how methyl mercury cause neuronopathy.
Methyl mercury is an environmental pollutant from waste sites that can accumulate in aquatic organisms exposure via inhalation and GI-tract.
When absorbed, it sneaks through the BBB by hijacking existing transport ways, and well inside it wreaks havoc because of it’s high affinity and binding properties. Inside the cells it can impair glycolysis, affects nucleic acid biosynthesis, aerobic respiration, protein synthesis, cause oxidative stress, DNA damage, alter calcium homeostasis and neurotransmitter release to name a few and with so many processes disturbed it leads to cell death (apoptosis/necrosis).
It has very severe symptoms:
– Adults: neurons in visual cortex, granular cells in cerebellar cortex. Blindness and ataxia
– Children: cognitive effects, mental retardation, developmental disabilities (underdeveloped BBB gives access to higher levels of MeHg)
How does MPTP cause neuronopathy in short?
The metabolite MPP+ can enter dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra which leads to selective loss of dopaminergic neurons due to inhibition of mitochondrial complex I (ROS generation).
– High dose exposures result in idiopathic Parkinsonism
– Moderate (sublethal) doses alters susceptibility of the dopaminergic system -> more vulnerable
– Toxic manifestations resemble those of Parkinson’s disease: difficulty initiating and terminating movement, tremors, rigidity
What is axonopathy?
Axonopathy is the chemical transection of the axon, so the axon is the primary target site of toxicity, and the cell body is still intact.
What is the initial symptoms for axonopathy?
Clinical symptoms starts in periphery and slowly progress to central neurons (spine). Initial symptoms are usually loss of grip-strength
What happens to the cell during Wallerian degeneration (axonopathy)?
After the break (axotomy), the Ca+ levels increase which trigger an induced activity of endogenous proteases, that start to fragment the distal part of the axon (“beading”). This is an all or nothing event, so once started, there’s no going back.
Is axonopathy reversible?
Axonopathy in the CNS is irreversible, because of inhibition and immune response.
In the PNS it is reversible. In the PNS, regeneration is possible by glial cells dedifferentiating and create a tubule around the axon which physically guides the regeneration of the axon in a proximal to distal direction.
Axonopathy can also occur by swelling, how?
Some toxicants interfere with the cytoskeleton by accumulating neurofilaments in the distal part of the axonal process. Others accumulate neurofilaments in the proximal part.
Swelling without degeneration is very uncommon but has been observed in model organisms. In this case the axon is viable for a long period of time but useless in conveying signals since the myelin sheet
has been degraded.
Distal swelling of axons due to accumulation of vesicular material. One mechanism underlying this is interference with the fast axonal transport.
What is myelinopathy?
Myelinopathy is the loss of Schwann cells (PNS) or oligodendrocytes (CNS). Can either be caused by mRNA damage resulting in build up of edema (swelling) in myelin producing cells with subsequent cell death or direct insult of the cell leading to demyelination resulting in slower and less precise signaling.
Name two toxicants that produce axonopathy and how.
Acrylamide (used in chromatography gels and present in food that is prepared at high temperatures >120 degrees C, eg fried stuff):
- Toxicity presented as multiple distal axonal swellings due to
accumulation of neurofilaments.
Organophosphorous compounds:
- Cause oxidative stress, interfere with axonal transport and cause neuroinflammation, which all can cause axonopathy.
Is myelinopathy equally problematic in the CNS and PNS?
No, it’s less problematic in the PNS because the nodes of Ranvier are shorter so some myelin loss is acceptable. Recovery greater in PNS than CNS.
What is the mechanism of toxicants causing myelinopathy?
Binding of toxicants to cellular membranes -> loss of membrane
potential -> entrance of water and ions -> swelling.
Name two toxicants that cause myelinopathy and what effects they have.
Hexaclorophene and lead.
Hexaclorophene: Segmental demyelination, increased intracranial pressure and subsequent axonal degeneration
– Clinical symptoms: weakness, confusion, seizures
Lead: Segmental demyelination
– Acute: Cerebral edema due to insult to endothelial cells. Ataxia, mental retardation and seizures
– Chronic: peripheral neuropathy, deposition of lead in the gums and
long bones. (Re-release during pregnancy)
– Foot drop example (gait abnormality caused by PNS damage)
What is transmission toxicity?
Toxicity of the signals in the brain, either interference with neurochemical transmission (neurotransmitters) or interference with impulse propagation (for example ion channels).
Give an example of a toxicant that cause neurochemical transmission toxicity and explain the mechanism.
Organophosphate compounds are common transmission toxicants. They bind to acetylcholine esterase, the enzyme responsible for breakdown of the NT acetylcholine, leading to accumulation of ACh in the synaptic cleft, leading to overexcitation of the post-synapse. Can be reversible (only elecrtostatic forces) or irreversible (“aging” meaning a functional group leaves and forms covalent bond with enzyme).
Nicotine, cocaine and amphetamines are also transmission toxicants that bind to and inhibit enzymatic breakdown of NTs (nicotine) or blocks reuptake of NTs (cocaine and amphetamines).
Give an example of a toxicant that interferes with impulse propagation.
Pyrethroids: Interferes with voltage gated sodium channels by binding to the a-subunit and slowing down activation and inactivation -> they may shift the membrane potential, causing a new and relatively stable
abnormal state of nerve cells hyperexcitability (type I) or keeps the cell membrane depolarized for so long that no new action pot can happen (type II). Type II also binds GABAA –gated and voltage dependent chloride channels -> blocking chloride ion transport into nerve cell, explains difference in physiological symptoms.
Type I (cis) -> T-syndrome (tremors, aggression, behavioral arousal)
Type II (trans) -> CS-syndrome (salivation, tremors, seizures)
DDT: Interferes with voltage gated sodium channels and slows down depolarization so much that it can never come back to normal resting potential, repetitive firing. Similar to type I pyrethroids, but is characterized by a slow return back to resting potential.
- symptoms include hyperactivity, hypersusceptibility to external stimuli, dizziness, tremors, convulsions and death.
MSO: Inhibits conversion of glutamate to glutamine in astrocytes, which lead to accumulation of glutamate (osmotic balance) –> swelling –> cell death.
Parkinson’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement. Name five symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes stiffness, slowing of movement (bradykinesia) and initiation (akinesia), slurred speech, impaired posture.
Other potential toxicants associated with a Parkinsonian syndrome:
− Manganese
− Pesticides and insecticides—e.g., rotenone
− Drugs of abuse—methamphetamine
What are the acute effects of organophosphate poisoning?
When exposed to organophosphates, the acute effects are cholinergic (interferes with acetylcholine) by binding to AChE (acetylcholine esterase) they inhibit the breakdown of ACh:
The binding of the OP to AChE starts with a transition stage, where the OP is bound to the serine residue with van det waals bond (so not covalently bound yet) and then one of the functional groups leave, which leads to the formation of a covalent bond between the OP and the AChE. This bond can still be hydrolyzed, but once another functional group leaves (the process of aging), the bond is strengthened and can be hydrolysed. This irreversible bonding inhibits the enzyme which stops it from breaking down ACh.
This leads to accumulation of ACh that lead to muscle spasms and SLUDGE syndrome (Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastrointestinal distress and Emesis (vomiting)).
How severe the effects are depend on the OP, ADME: exposure route, very lipophilic, so easily absorbed into BBB, if metabolites are toxic etc.
How and when can you treat organophosphate poisoning?
There are two drugs available to treat OP poisoning, 2-PAM and atropine. Both with IV-administration.
- 2-PAM “rescue”: 2-PAM is an “enzyme re-activator” that attaches to the anionic site of the AChE and binding to the central phosphate in the OP with high affinity, causing it to release it’s bond to the AChE. This re-activates the enzyme so that ACh can bind to it and be hydrolyzed. HOWEVER, 2-PAM only works before aging has occurred, so it needs to be administered within 48 hours.
- Atropine: Atropine is an ACh receptor antagonist, which means it competes with ACh to bind, and inhibits the receptors. This alleviates the symptoms of the cholinergic effects and ACh accumulation, but it’s not a treatment.
OP poisoning also have delayed effects, what are those?
Some OPs cause organophosphate -induced Delayed Polyneuropathy
(OPIDP) due to degeneration of long, myelinated nerves which lead to cramps, numbness, gait abnormalities (Ginger jake and the moonshine).
This can in turn cause neuro-psychiatric diseases such as drowsiness, confusion, anxiety, depression, fatigue. Neuronal cell death seen in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum. Caused by necrosis or delayed apoptosis.
Paraquat is another well known neurotoxicant. Explain its mechanism of action of toxicity.
Paraquat is a herbicide (now restricted use) that is poorly absorbed but even small amounts can cause a lot of damage. Paraquat hijacks the active transporter DAT to get into cells and once in, it’s reduced and forms free reactive radicals can be reoxidized which leads to formation of superoxide anions (O2 -) that interfere with mitochondrial complex I. This leads to cells only having complex II available for production of ATP, which is tolerated in some tissues but can be detrimental for tissues with high energy needs, such as the brain.
What is behavioral toxicology?
The study of changes in behavior due to toxic substances.
What is meant by top-to-bottom vs bottom-to-top approach in behavioral toxicology?
Bottom-to-top: how does a mutation lead to behavior?
Top-to-bottom: Can we measure behavior and find a responsible gene?
What is the difference between cognition vs behavior?
Cognition is the mental action or process of acquiring and understanding through thought, experience and the senses, happens in the CNS.
Behavior is the action of an organism related to its environment. Determined by the motor output of the CNS and the motor output is a function and integration of sensory, cognitive and intrinsic input. So everything from input->CNS->PNS->output.
Even simple behavioral tests can be very hard, why?
Since we take animals and place them in a new context it’s very hard to know if behavior is due to the actual test or something else, very big intra- and interspecies differences and personality traits differ a lot. Usually very unpredictable behavior in novel environment too. How long the learning period and how they react to negative/positive stimulus might be unpredictable too. There are A LOT of things that needs to be controlled for, like angle which you enter room, angle of the animal, smells, light etc. Circadian rhythm disruptions can also affect behavior.
All sorts of cognitive tests require a learning (conditioning) phase before the test phase can start.
What is classic conditioning?
Classic conditioning is behavior modified by association. It uses a neutral (conditioned) stimulus (a stimulus that doesn’t generate a behavioral change on it’s own) is coupled to a potent (unconditioned) stimulus (a stimulus that generate a behavioral change on it’s own). The goal is that the neutral stimulus elicits a response similar to the one observed from the potent stimulus through association.
Give an example of classic conditioning.
- playing a sound in a mouse cage and the mouse get an electric shock if it steps on lines in a grid. Then the sound is the conditioned (neutral) stimulus while the chock is the unconditioned (potent) stimulus. After some learning, we measure the freezing time of the mouse when sound plays even though no shock is administered (only conditioned response).
- Another example is ringing a bell (conditioned) every time you give food (unconditioned). After learning, dog will salivate at the sound of just the bell (only conditioned stimulus).
What is operant conditioning?
Operant conditioning is behavior modified by the effect it produces. It uses positive/negative reinforcement and positive/negative punishment to modify frequency of a behavior.
What is the expected effect on frequency when using reinforcement vs punishment in operant conditioning?
Reinforcement is used to increase the frequency of a behavior:
- Positive reinforcement is when a positive stimulus is applied in response to an action (eg, press button - get treat)
- Negative reinforcement is when a negative stimulus is removed in response to an action (eg press button - loud noise stops)
Punishment is used to decrease the frequency of a behavior:
- Positive punishment is when a negative stimulus is applied in response to an action (eg push button - loud noise start)
- Negative punishment is when a positive stimulus is removed in response to action (eg push button - no more food).
So positive = something is applied and negative =something is removed.
What are the main differences between classic and operant conditioning?
In classic, you use a neutral stimulus to associate it to another behavior to modify it, whereas in operant conditioning the behavior give an effect that modifies the behavior. THIS NEEDS SOME WORK.
What is “extinction” in behavioral testing?
Extinction is the phase when a response to a conditioned stimulus is weakened to then wear off completely. To put it in context, after the animal has been conditioned not to press a button, it realizes that it won’t get more punishment and go back to normal behavior. At this point they can be conditioned again to get to a new sweet spot for testing. Animals are smart, and some are smarter than others, so it might not be possible with re-conditioning for all species.
In some testing you want to study the extinction, it can be useful in PTSD studies , where you want to see if drugs can make the extinction phase shorter for example.