Genetic- and radiation toxicity Flashcards
What is Genetic Toxicology?
The assessment of deleterious effects of chemical-, physical- or biological agents on the hereditary material and related to genetic processes of living cells.
Genotoxic effects = DNA damage: disruption of the integrity and function of DNA (at the gene or chromosomal level)
Genotoxicants can have three different targets, which and what kind of effect?
- Somatic cells (detrimental to the exposed individual)
- Germinal cells (potentially heritable effects)
- Mitochondria (detrimental to the exposed individual & progeny via maternal inheritance)
Genotoxicants can lead to micro- or macrolesions, what is included in these classes?
Microlesions: base pair substitutions and frameshift mutations (small targets)
Macrolesions: Change in chromosome number or structure (big targets)
There are two types of base substitutions, which?
– A transition involves a change of a purine for a purine or a pyrimidine for a pyrimidine (this happens more easily and frequently, small change).
– A transversion involves a change of a purine for a pyrimidine or vice versa (harder, more rare and is a bigger change).
There are three types of base substitutions, based on the effect they have. What are these and what are the effects?
A missense mutation lead to a changed amino acid.
(each codon (three nucleotides) code for an amino acid, so if one base change change the amino acid, that is a missense mutation) Can lead to changed function depending on what the gene codes for.
A nonsense mutation lead to a change of an amino acid coding codon to a stop codon. Can lead to protein having no function at all or faulty function, depending on cell and gene it can have varying degrees of problematic effects.
A silent mutation lead do no change at all, possible since several codons code for the same amino acid.
What is a “frameshift mutation”?
Point mutations isn’t only base substitutions, but can also be base deletions or additions. If one, two, four or more (not in multiples of 3 bases, which is the length of one codon) bases are added/deleted, the whole frame of the code changes, as the codons are read 3 by 3. This usually have very detrimental effects as everything gets fucked up.
Besides microlesions, we have the macrolesions. There are five types of chromosomal rearrangements that can occur, which are these and what to they result in?
- Deletion: A chunk of a chromosome is deleted, leads to a decrease in size of the chromosome and only one copy of the deleted genes left.
- Duplication: A chunk of chromosome is added, leads to an increase in size and more copies of the genes in question. Can also be tandem
Repetition (duplicates are in adjacent positions). - Inversion: A chunk is inverted in the chromosome, leading to genes having a new location. No change in size of the chromosome, or change in number of genes, but can lead to changes in expression of the genes as they might end up in a differently regulated region.
- Insertion: One chromosome donates a part of it to another, no change in number of genes, but can also lead to changes in expression.
- Translocation: both chromosomes donates a part to each other, no change in number of genes, but can also lead to changes in expression.
What is “aneuploidy”?
Aneuploidy is the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell, for example a human cell having 45 or 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.
What two kinds of aneuploidy are the most common?
-Monosomies: having a single chromosome instead of the usual two copies in a chromosome pair.
-Trisomies: having an extra chromosome instead of the usual two copies in a chromosome pair.
What can aneuploidy be caused by?
Aneuploidies arise from errors in chromosome segregation, and can result from the effects of chemicals on tubulin polymerization or spindle microtubule stability. This happens naturally at a low rate in the body, but can be increased by exposure to chemical-, physical- or biological agents. Most detrimental when it happens in germ cells (gametes).
What types of DNA damage can arise from exposure to genotoxic chemicals? Is it only genotoxic chemicals that produce these damages?
The types of DNA damage produced include:
- single- & double-strand breaks
- crosslinks between DNA bases and proteins
- chemical additions to the DNA bases (adducts).
DNA replication itself can introduce errors via incorrect base substitution, and this happens daily but at a low rate, this process can be exacerbated by some genotoxic agents. Luckily we have some repair systems in place!
How is genetic toxicity testing done today?
Assay to test genetic toxicity are done both in vitro and in vivo (in animals), generally in lab rodents.
In vitro models only give indications of the mutagenic properties of a compound, it’s not yet possible to use it to mimic the complexity of the human body and that’s why we need to complement with animal studies.
Single strand breakage (SSB) is much more common in mammalian cells, what three mechanisms are in place to repair these breaks?
- Base excision repair (BER)
- Nucleotide excision repair (NER)
- Mismatch repair (MMR)
All with their own enzymes and mechanisms for detection.
What happens during base excision repair (BER)?
BER is used when one base is incorrect in the DNA strand. When the incorrect base is detected, it’s removed by enzymes, then the backbone of that base is removed. The hole is then filled with the correct base by base pairing by DNA-polymerase and the strand is sealed again by a ligase.
How does nucleotide excision repair (NER) work?
NER is used when several bases need to be corrected, for example when a dimer has appeared, producing a kink in the DNA strand. When the kink is detected, the DNA strand surrounding the damaged area is opened/unraveled to form a bubble, then enzymes cut the damaged area out (several nucleotides, not just the damaged ones) and DNA polymerase comes in and fill the gap by base pairing and ligase seals the backbone.
Explain the mechanism for mismatch repair (MMR).
Mismatch repair is very similar to BER and NER, but is used for newly synthesized DNA, where base mismatches can happen (so it’s not a base that has been converted). In MMR, a chunk of the new strand surrounding the mismatched base is cut, and DNA polymerase comes in and fill the hole by base pairing and ligase seals the backbone.
Double strand breaks (DSBs) are much less common that SSBs, and also much more severe. What three mechanisms are in place to repair DSBs?
- Homologous recombination (HR)
- Non-homologous End Joining Repair (NHEJ)
- Single Strand Annealing (SSA)
How does non-homologous end joining repair (NHEJ) work?
NHEJ is used when a double stranded break is detected in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, when there is no sister chromatid to use as template. NHEJ is a very sloppy and error prone mechanism for repair, as it is just fusing together the ends of the broken DNA. DNA-PK binds to the broken ends and guide DNA ligase there to fuse them back together.
Very imprecise but effective to fix the damage and it is predominantly used in non-dividing cells, so it’s not that problematic. most important repair process in human cells!
How does Homologous recombination (HR) work?
HR is primarily used during or after DNA replication, when a sister
chromatid is available to use as a template (restricted to S or G2 phase) and is much less error prone than NHEJ. When the DSS is detected, helicases and exonucleases start resecting one of the strands to expose single stranded DNA that can be base paired (around 50 nucleotides long on each strand. The sister chromatid DNA is opened where the break on the other has formed and base pairing can occur on both sides of the broken strand. These can then be paired again and break is fixed!
How does Single Strand Annealing (SSA) work and when is it used?
SSA is a type of homologous recombination, but without a sister chromatid. First the break is detected and one strand is resected so that both sides of the broken DNA have a long single stranded end. These can then be matched until they find a fit, and the unmatched portions of the single strands are excised. This leads to the loss of some DNA, but is not causing any major distortions like NHEJ can.
What types of ionizing radiation are there?
Electromagnetic waves (photons):
- Gamma-radiation: g, emitted from the atomic nucleus)
- X-rays (indirectly produced by capture/de- acceleration of electrons outside the nucleus) different source but same effect on cells as gamma.
- Light charged particles: electrons (e-) or beta- particles (b- or b+)
- Heavy charged particles: alpha particles (α)
X-rays are a type of gamma-radiation, so the types are easy to remember: alpha, beta and gamma!
What is the requirements for radiation to be called ionizing radiation?
In order to be called ionizing radiation it must give rise to at least 3
ionizations or have an energy >100 eV.
The different types of ionizing radiation have different ranges because they have different mass, how to they interact with matter?
- Alpha: has the most mass and therefore interacts heavily with matter. Easy to shield (a sheet of aluminum foil is enough)
- Beta: has less mass but interacts intermediate with matter. Not as easy to shield (glass window is enough).
- Gamma: has no mass, so it interacts very little with matter. Can only be decreased (so even thick layers of concrete can’t stop them, but reduce them)
Name three sources of ionizing radiation.
- Cosmic radiation
- radioactive isotopes in food
- from weapons testing
- power plants
- building materials
- medicine (x-rays, radiation therapy for cancer etc.)
One of the units of ionizing radiation is Becquerel (Bq), what is measured? pros/cons?
Bq is the unit for how much radioactive atoms decay per second. Cons: doesn’t say anything about risk/effect.
Another unit for ionizing radiation is Gray (Gy), what is measured? pros/cons?
Gy measures absorbed radiation energy per kilogram (J/kg). Pros: better estimate of risk!
How can we make use of ionizing radiation? Name three areas of use.
- ## Imaging and treatment in medicine: x-rays
How does ionizing radiation excerpt toxicity?
Ionizing radiation gives rise to free radicals that mainly target the DNA, can cause SSBs and DSBs (most critical).
Can ionising radiation alone cause cancer?
It only increases the risk/frequency of getting cancer by a few percent. A lot has to go wrong to form cancer, that’s why cancer is more common with older age.
What can be done to protect us from ionizing radiation?
- Time - reduce exposure time
- Distance - quadratic reduction of dose
- Shielding - if necessary, use appropriate shielding