EDCs & reproductive toxicology Flashcards
What does EDC’s stand for and what are they?
Endocrine disrupting compounds. EDCs are compounds that interfere with the hormonal (endocrine) system.
Endocrine signaling = signaling substance produced in one place, delivered through the bloodstream and have an effect in another place.
What is the definition of a EDC according to the European commission 2016, based on IPCS/WHO 2002?
“An endocrine disruptor is an exogenous substance or mixture that alters function(s) of the endocrine system and consequently causes adverse health effects in an intact organism, or its progeny, or (sub)populations”
EDCs are very different from other toxicants, why?
Generally in toxicology, we say that “the dose makes the poison”, meaning that anything can be toxic in a high enough dose or that something incredibly toxic can be harmless in a low enough dose. This category of toxicants have clear and immediate effects.
With EDC’s that’s not the case, as they have very subtle and delayed effects (effects can for example apply to progeny but not the exposed individual) and the dose response curves are often non-monotonic, meaning that a higher doesn’t mean higher toxicity. All these characteristics makes them very hard to define and it’s also hard to verify if a compound is an EDC.
Many EDCs also have different modes of action, which make it even more complex!
What is the functions of the endocrine system in adults vs during development?
Endocrine system in adults:
- Regulation of metabolism
- Regulation of water, salt and nutrient uptake
- Stress response
- Reproduction
During development:
- Organ development, e.g. brain, sexual organs
- Growth and organisation
Which types of hormone signaling have been most studied in the context of EDCs?
EAT: estrogen, androgen, thyroid hormone signaling.
What does hormonal signaling depend on? Which of these can be affected by EDCs?
- Hormone production and secretion
- Transport in the blood by plasma proteins
- Receptor availability and activity
- Hormone metabolism and excretion
All of these can be affected by EDC’s! There are over a thousand identified EDCs out there, either stimulation or inhibition of hormonal pathways.
Where does steroidogenesis occur?
Steroidogenesis occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria of hormone producing cells.
Which compound is the basis of all steroid hormones?
Cholesterol is the basis of all steroid hormones. Specialised enzymes
convert precursors to active hormones or one hormone to the other. Very complex!
Where are thyroid hormones produced and what compound is essential for their synthesis?
The thyroid hormones are produced in thyroid follicles, specialized cells in the thyroid gland. The production requires iodide, thyroid hormone
exists as T3 and T4 (3 and 4 iodides, respectively). T3 is much more active than T4.
Hormones often follow certain axis, name the three common axis in the body.
HPG: hypothalamus (GnRH: Gonadotropin releasing hormone) - pituitary (LH: Luteinising hormone) - gonads (FSH: follicle stimulating hormone)
HPT: hypothalamus (TRH: Thyrotropin releasing hormone) - pituitary (TSH: Thyroid-stimulating hormone) - thyroid (T4 & T3)
HPA: hypothalamus (CRH: corticotropin releasing hormone) - pituitary (ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone) - adrenal cortex (Glucocorticoids) Important in stress response.
All with built in negative feedback to self regulate hormone levels.
How are water vs lipid soluble hormones transported?
Water soluble hormones are transported freely in plasma. Lipid soluble hormones are bound to transport proteins like hormone binding globulin (SHBG), thyroxide binding globulin (TBG) or transthyretin.
Concentrations of free hormones in blood are low! E.g. 1-3% free sex hormones, 1% free thyroid hormone.
Which type of receptor does water soluble vs lipid soluble hormones bind to? Explain shortly how that work.
- Lipid soluble hormones such as steroids, thyroid hormones,
vitamin D, vitamin A can diffuse through membranes, so they bind to nuclear receptors. NRs are ligand- activated transcription factors that bind DNA at specific response elements to mediate transcription of
genes. Slower! - Water soluble hormones like insulin, oxytocin, growth hormone and adrenaline bind to membrane bound receptors, either G-protein coupled receptors (GPRs) or ion channels. Both trigger signaling cascade that cause the cell to change function (no change in gene transcription). Faster!
Hormones can interact with each other in three ways, which?
- Permissiveness: One hormone cannot exert its effect without another
- Synergism: More than one hormone can elicit the same effects in the cell
- Antagonism: One or more hormones oppose the action of another one
Does hormones have a monotonic dose-response curve?
No! They have an optimal range, so the dose-response curves are non-monotonic.
EDCs can have different modes of action, give one example of a EDC that have mixed modes of action.
DTT, a pesticide consisting of isomers with different properties:
- p,p´-DDT, metabolized to p,p’-DDE: androgen receptor antagonist
- o,p´-DDT: estrogen receptor agonist
BPA: Bisphenol A can act as estrogenic (which is what it was designed for) and also as an anti-estrogenic compound and has also been shown to act on the glucocorticoid, thyroid, and the androgen receptor.
Give an example of an EDC with non-monotonic effects.
BPA is an example of a compound with non-monotonic effects. In beta islet cells, very low concentrations of BPA decreases Ca 2+ influx into the cells, disrupting insulin release, while higher doses doesn’t have the same effect.
This phenomenon can be explained by high receptor specificity at low but not at high doses, in this case by the involvement of the two ER isoforms: at low doses, ERb inhibits expression of the Ca 2+ channel, at high doses ERa increases the channel’s function via Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), balancing out the decrease of ERb-mediated receptor down-regulation.
Negative feedback is also a common explanation for the non-monotonicity.
At what stage of life are documented health effects of EDCs are most prominent?
During development!
- Neurodevelopment: Hyperactivity, Lower IQ, anxiety
- Impaired sexual development: malformation of male reproductive organs, decreased fertility
But also:
- Cancer: Female/male reproductive organs, thyroid
- metabolic function: obesity, diabetes type II (insuline resistance)
EDCs have been known from the beginning of the 1900s but only now are we taking action (side eye)
Reproductive toxicology is tightly intertwined with both EDCs and developmental toxicology, but what is the definition of reprotox?
Reproductive toxicity = adverse effect of chemical on reproductive function or on offspring. This means that reprotox encompasses the whole reproductive cycle, from fertilization to sexual maturity and gamete production.
(Chromosomal aberrations, interrupted pregnancy, altered sexual development, birth defects, Infant death or childhood morbidity, infertility/impotence, decreased libido)
What are the four main structures of the female reproductive system and what are their functions?
-Simple epitelium, cortex and medulla
-Site of folliculogenesis, steroidogenesis
Fallopian tubes:
-Muscle layer and folded mucosa
-Site of fertilization
-Oocyte/embryo transport
-Myometrium (smooth muscle) and endometrium with glands
-Decidualization to obtain receptivity for implantation
-Site of fetal development
-Smooth muscle, mucosa
-Site of sperm delivery, birth of baby
What are the three main components of the male testis and their functions?
Seminiferous tubules
- spermatogenesis
Leydig cells:
- secretion of testosterone
Sertoli cells:
- secretion of inhibin and feed maturing sperm
The male and female reproductive system are developed from the same identical system, what are the main processes that lead to male differentiation?
- sertoli cell activity in males secrete anti-Müllerian hormone which suppresses development of the paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts (female ducts)
- leydig cells produce testosterone that stimulate the Wolffan ducts to form the male genital ducts
what are the differences between female and male reproductive functions in regard to the HPG axis?
It starts the same:
1. Hypothalamus produces gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
2. GnRH stimulates anterior pituitary to produce gonadotropins luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
But then it differs:
3. Stimulation:
FSH and LH stimulate growth of ovarian follicles in females:
- LH stimulates androgen production in theca cells of ovarian follicles
- FSH stimulates estrogen production in the granulosa cells of ovarian follicle.
FSH and LH regulate testicular function in males:
- LH stimulates testosterone production in Leydig cells
- FSH stimulates spermatogenesis and inhibin production.
- Feedback:
In females: The ruptured follicle forms corpus luteum that secretes
progesterone and estradiol, Estrogen and progesterone feed back to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to control their own release (negative feedback loop
In males: Testosterone and inhibin feed back to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to control their own release (negative feedback loop)
At what stage of life does most reproductive toxicants have an effect?
During fetal development, specifically during differentiation of gonads, production of germ cells and differentiation of Müllerian-and Wolffian ducts, which take place quite early in development, week 4-9 which is the time for primordial germ cell (PMC) development. at week nine, we already have the onset of meiosis in females, so toxicant exposure during this time can have detrimental effects for the reproduction system later in life for the individual.
Around week 7 is the time of sex determination, so if toxic insult happen around here it can have effects on males to, which can lead to malformation of internal genitalia. Precence of anti-Müllerian hormone=male, absence=female.
Name a toxicant that had toxic effects during week 4-9 in pregnancy and what effects it had.
DES (diethylstilbestrol) was a synthetic estrogen prescribed to prevent early miscarriages between the 1940’s and the early 1970’s.
In daughters: Structural malformations in tissues derived from the Müllerian ducts: cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes; miscarriages, poor pregnancy outcome, vaginal cancer
In sons: Persisting Müllerian ducts; urogenital
malformations, low sperm counts, testicular cancer.
➔ Müllerian duct and testicular differentiation sensitive to developmental estrogen exposure
➔ Exposure during sex differentiation causes permanent effects
Give examples of reproductive disorders on the rise in humans, two for women and two for men.
Chemical exposures at adult and/or early-life stages could contribute to prevalence of these disorders:
- Premature breast development/puberty
- Uterine fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Decreased fertility
- Breast, uterine and ovarian cancers
- Genital malformations: hypospadias, cryptorchidism
- Low sperm count, low semen quality (leading to decreased fertility): 50-60% decline in sperm count between 1973 and 2011!)
- Testicular and prostate cancer
Name two compounds that we have strong evidence for causing decreased fertility.
– Exposure to phthalates during sexual development have been linked to reproductive dysfunctions in males in both epidemiological and experimental studies
– Exposure of maturing oocytes to human-relevant concentrations of PFAS affects early embryonic development