Neuropsych Exam Flashcards
Neurotransmitter primarily involved in the reward pathway?
Group of signs and symptoms occurring when a substance is reduced in amount after heavy and prolonged use
Withdrawal state
Lifetime prevalence of alcohol dependence
At least 2 years of alternating depression and hypomanic episodes
DSM -5 Criteria for Manic Episode
DSM-5 criteria for hypomania
DSM-5 criteria for Major depressive episode
DSM-5 Bipolar I
DSM 5- Panic Disorder
Which class of medication is the preferred long term treatment for panic disorder?
Timeline for Acute Stress Disorder
3 days to 1 month
DSM-5 Acute stress disorder
If there is a decrease in the dopamine levels in the tuberoinfundibular area, what will maifers?
Breast enlargement among male patients
Clonazepam relieves anxiety symptoms by…
acting on the GABA receptor complex
What receptor does escitalopram acts on?