Neuropathy Flashcards
What are the Tx for radiculopathy?
Contralateral traction Head and C-spine sup-occipital release Unilateral forearm fulcrum forward bending Bilateral fulcrum forward bending OA, AA, C2-7 MET
Unilateral fulcrum towards the elbow is ___ and away from elbow is ___
Towards: contralateral trapezius
Away: C/l posterior scalenes
What are clavicle plexopathy tx?
SC horizontal extension SD MET
SC elevated/ADducted SD MET
AC internal rotation MET
SC horizontal extension MET
Ipsilateral side
Place pt arm on shoulder, grip medial scapular blade and pull anteriorly
Have pt push shoulder inot table
AC elevated/adducted MET
Extend arm and abduct
Pectoralis minor tx
Flex and adduct
How do you treat pronator teres?
Radial head supination SD
Radial head pronation SD
Pronator teres CS
Flex, pronate, adduct
What tx are for carpal tunnel?
Wrist Ex MET Wrist flex MET Wrist add MET Wrist ab MET Figure 8 Wrist isotonic MET Flexor retinaculum MFR Wrist flexion HVLA Wrist extension HVLA
What are cubital tunnel treatments?
Elbow extension SD
Elbow flexion SD
Elbow Add SD
Elbow Ab SD
What are the lumbosacral tenderpoints?
UPL5: superior PSIS
LPL5: on ilium inf to PSIS
PL3: 2/3 lateral from PSIS to TFL
PL4 gluteus: posterior margin of TFL
Neutral lumbar dysfunction
neutral, PTP up, pt force down, lateral recumbent
Extended lumbar dysfunction
modified SIMS
PTP up
Pt force up
extended dys
Flexed lumbar dysfunction
FDDR Flexed dysfunction PTP down Pt force down Lateral recumbant
Piriformis countersrain
Piriformis MET
flex and IR then pt ER
Common fibular head MET
pronate foot, pt will supinate
Posterior fibular head HVLA
pronate foot flex knee and thrust downward on fibular head
fibular BLT
supinate foot
Tarsal tunnel tx
Calcaneal HVLA
Gastroc CS
Ankle figure 8
Talar Tug HVLA
Talar tug HVLA
traction and flex into barrier
calcaneal HVLA
caudad traction