Neuropathophysiology Flashcards
Describe the difference between the CNS & the PNS
The CNS are any neurons that are located in the brain and spinal cord (and do not exit) and the PNS are any neurons that are located in the periphery and outside of the CNS
Describe the organization of the Nervous system
The CNS is composed of the brain and spinal cord
The PNS is composed of the cranial nerves and spinal nerves it is further broken down into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system can further be broken down into the SNS, PSNS, and enteric systems
The SNS outflow leaves through the
thoracolumbar spinal cord region
PSNS outflow is via the
craniosacral region
Describe the reflex arc.
Sensory neurons in the periphery bring signal into spinal cord
interneurons provide a place for modulation from the brain
efferent neurons cause a response to the sensory neurons
Describe the meaning of cauda equina.
The spinal cord stops growing at ~T12-L1/L2 and this is known as the conus medullaris. The spinal cord axons however continue to grow and this is known as the cauda equina. This is where a spinal would be placed. An epidural could be placed anywhere
Describe the pathways of the autonomic nervous system.
PSNS: pre–> Ach onto nAChr–> post–> Ach onto muscarinic
SNS: pre–>Ach onto nAcher–> post–> norepi onto adrenergic
Adrenal medulla: pre–> Ach onto nAchr–>epi and norepi released into blood to act on adrenergic receptors
The composition of a nerve is important in understanding that
a lot of information can go in one nerve (receive sensory information and send out motor information)
Cranial nerves can innervate skeletal muscle and autonomic nervous system
The role of interneurons is to
provide an opportunity for modulation by the brain
Interneurons lie entirely within the CNS
Describe the generation of an action potential
The cell is at resting membrane potential
Action potential is generated and VGNa+ channels open and sodium comes into the cell
The second door of the VGNa+ channels close (putting them in an inactivated state) and the VGK+ channels open and K+ leaves the cell
As the cell begins to repolarize the VGNa+ channels move into the ready state
Describe the role of myelin.
Myelin allows for saltatory conduction and allows for quicker propagation of an action potential
Neuronal health and survival is dependent upon
blood delivering O2 and fuel and waste removal
Describe autoregulation in the brain.
Autoregulation in the brain is composed of the myogenic response (response to pressure) and the metabolic response (O2 lack theory)
Cerebral blood flow can be maintained over a wide range of MAP due to autoregulation in the brain
Osmotic pressure is
the pressure that opposes movement of water across the membrane
List the cellular processes activated by ischemia:
- Cellular acidosis
- Cellular swelling (cytotoxic edema)
- Neuroexcitotoxicity
- Enzymatic activation
- Nitric oxide production
- Inflammation
- Apoptosis
- Necrosis
Describe cellular acidosis.
Anaerobic metabolism leads to cell swelling because of lactic acid accumulation, increased intracellular H+, Na+/H+ exchanger protein moves H+ out of the cell in exchange for Na+ into the cell
Cell swells due to increased Na+
RMP becomes less negative, increasing AP probability
Describe cellular swelling (cytotoxic edema).
Reduced function of Na+/K+ ATP pump leads to swelling due to increased concentration of Na+ inside the cell
Describe neurotoxicity.
Brain glutamate levels rise because elevated intracellular Na+ brings neurons closer to threshold causing release of glutamate
Describe enzymatic activation.
Results from elevated brain glutamate levels because excessive glutamate causes Na+/Ca2+ influx into cell
causes neuron membrane damage and mitochondrial injury resulting in cell death
Describe the composition of the cranial vault.
Fixed space brain: 80% blood: 12% CSF: 8% Little reserve and no stretch
Cerebral perfusion pressure is equal to
Describe CSF in the cranial vault.
CSF is made in the choroid plexus. It circulates around the brain and drains via the arachnoid villi. If the arachnoid villi become blocked and CSF is unable to drain, there could be an increase in ICP which compromises CBF
Characteristics of cerebral blood flow
Brain receives 15% of cardiac output
little reserve of nutrients and O2; constant supply of blood is required
CBF remains constant due to autoregulation and other feedback mechanisms (not limitless though)
Cerebral blood flow averages
50 mL/100 g/min.
grey matter averages more than white matter
Cerebral blood flow is equal to
Normal ICP is
<10 mmHg
Normal Cerebral perfusion pressure is
80-100 mmHg
The middle cerebral artery is important because
it carries 80% of the blood to the brain
Cerebral autoregulation is composed of the
metabolic: Co2 and metabolites (increased metabolic rate)
and the
myogenic: VSMC stretch (increased CPP
An increase in CPP will result in
A decrease in CPP will result in
CBF remains constant between MAPs of
60 to 160 mmHg
As the pressure increases, the amount of
vasoconstriction has to go up to keep blood flow constant
In chronic hypertension, the cerebral autoregulation curve is
shifted to the right
When the metabolic demand exceeds cerebral blood flow, we get
release of metabolites that cause vasodilation
When you have uncoupling of autoregulation,
you have an even narrower range where smooth muscle can adjust
Cerebral blood flow can be regulated via
Temperature- hyperthermia increases CBF & CMR
Blood viscosity- decreased hct decreases viscosity and can increase CBF
Anesthetics- increased CBF and decrease CMR
The average CMRO2 is
3 to 3.8 mL 02/ 100 grams/ minute
The movement of substances through the blood-brain barrier is governed by
lipid solubility
protein binding
What can get past the blood brain barrier?
O2, CO2, H2O, lipid soluble, anesthetics
What cannot get past the blood brain barrier?
H+, HCO3-, other small ions, proteins, mannitol
Mannitol can be used to
draw water out of the brain
The blood brain barrier can be disrupted by:
severe hypertension, cerebral ischemia, infection, marked hypercapnea, hypoxia, tumor, trauma, stroke, seizure activity
What is the adult production of CSF/day?
500 mL/day
the total volume of cranial and spinal CSF is 150 mL
The function of the CSF:
Protect CNS from trauma
CSF is found in:
ventricles of the brain
cisterns surrounding the brain
subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord
CSF is produced by:
predominantly choroid plexuses of the lateral ventricles
secreted by the ependymal cells of the choroid plexus
Central venous pressure is a
back pressure that hinders cerebral fluid drainage
Once compensation is exhausted within the cranial vault, the
ICP will increase dramatically
The brainstem is important because
within the brainstem we have the medulla (NTS, VMC, and DRG), pons, and the cerebellum
Discriminating touch pathway
crosses high
afferent to medulla
tracts travel via dorsal column
Pain, temperature pathway
cross low
afferent to spinal cord
travel via lateral column
Conduction velocity of pain is related to
the type of fiber and diameter of the neuron
type C fibers are the aching pain fibers
Persistent pain is composed of
nociceptive pain & neuropathic pain
Neuropathic pain results from
direct injury to the nerves
often have burning or electrical sensation
Nociceptive pain results from
the direct activation f nociceptors in the skin or soft tissue in response to tissue injury and arise from inflammation
With the pain pathways and CNS ascending tracts,
we don’t distinguish between the lateral spinothalamic (fast pain) and the anterior spinothalamic (slow pain)
we just want to block all of the pathways
Enkephalins are
part of the brain’s endogenous opioids and are released at the brain stem and spinal cord
Endorphins are
part of the brain’s endogenous opioids and are released at the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Referred pain occurs when
we have two sensory inputs that synapse at the same interneuron and the brain is unable to distinguish the particular area
occurs more frequently in men>women
Describe the ischemia pathway in the brain.
ischemia leads to low oxygen leading to low ATP leading to cell acidosis and ion pump failure
leads to chemical injury & neuroexcitotoxic injury
A neuroexcitotoxic injury causes
increased RMP and Action potentials–> increased glutamate–> increased calcium—> increased enzymes, ROS–> cell death
A chemical injury causes
damage to endothelial cells–> BBB disruption–> increase in ISF protein, increase in proinflammatory mediators–>inflammation–> cell death
eNOS is
an isoform of nitric oxide that is beneficial in ischemia because it causes arteriolar vasodilation, anti-inflammatory, and anti-thrombotic
iNOS and nNOS are formed from
ischemia and they combine with free radicals to damage cellular proteins, membranes, and DNA
Inflammation causes:
edema, clotting, and release of chemicals that are injurious or degradative
Cell derived chemical mediators such as
histamine, serotonin, and kinin cause disruption of the BBB because they increase the leakiness of the capillaries
Types of cerebral edema include:
cytotoxic, vasogenic, hydrostatic, osmotic, and interstitial
Cytotoxic edema result from
ischemia induced neuronal ion influx–> cell swelling
Vasogenic edema results from
ischemia–> damages endothelial cells–> BBB breakdown
Compare global ischemia to focal ischemia
global–> due to hypoperfusion
focal–> due to thrombus or embolus; discreet area
Types of stroke include
ischemic: thrombotic, embolic
hemorrhage: aneurysm rupture, AVM, intracerebral bleed, SAH
Global hypoperfusion results from
reduced CPP due to decreased MAP (shock) and/or increased ICP (CVA, trauma, infection, tumor)
Hemorrhagic intracerebral bleeds are associated with
hypertension, anticoagulation therapy or other coagulopathy, drug and alcohol abuse, neoplasia (tumors), amyloid angiopathy, infection
Aneurysm rupture can occur from
trauma, inflammation, atherosclerosis, or congenital
Aneurysm rupture typically occurs at
age 35-60
Aneurysms are typically (symptoms)
asymptomatic until rupture
Individuals are more susceptible to formation of aneurysm if they have
structural abnormalities, genetics, atherosclerosis, HTN, coarctation of aorta, or connective tissue disorder
The circle of willis (significance)
allows for collateral blood flow; if one area is blocked, blood can go all the way around and still perfuse other areas
With aneurysm rupture (pathophysiology of rupture)
there will be large increase in ICP decrease in CPP spread of blood--> inflammation cerebral vasoconstriction decrease in CBF (which may help stop further bleeding) loss of cerebrovascular autoregulation
Aneurysm rupture presents as
sudden onset of severe headache
nausea, vomiting, neck stiffness, photophobia
possible loss of consciousness
hypertensive and may have EKG abnormalities
Major sources of morbidity and mortality as it relates to aneurysm rupture include
Neurologic (ischemia from vasospasm and elevated ICP)
cardiopulmonary (arrhythmias, myocardial injury, pulmonary edema)
electrolyte abnormalities (hypomagnesemia, kalemia, natremia)
Many aneurysms occur at the
middle cerebral artery
devastating because it supplies a massive amount of brain tissue
An arteriovenous malformation is
vascular mass where blood flows directly from arteries to veins (no capillaries or neural innervation)
feeder vessels become dilated and shunt blood into malformation at the expense of surrounding tissue (steal)
An AVM manifests as
headache, cerebral hemorrhage, seizure, increased ICP or neurologic signs secondary to cerebral ischemia (steal effect)
An AVM is a result of
a congenital lesion
Anesthetic implications with AVM
can be very bloody surgery
deliberate hypotension may be used to decrease blood loss
avoid rise in CVP
An ischemic stroke is primarily the result of
thrombotic and embolic
The third leading cause of death in the United States is due to
ischemic stroke
An ischemic stroke is
an interrupted cerebral perfusion
creates vicious cycles of cell hypoxia, edema, and metabolic derangements
An embolic stroke is where
fragments from outside the brain break off and circulate and become lodged in intracranial vessels
can be thrombi, fat, air, tumor
There is a relationship between people who have cerebral artery disease and
A thrombotic stroke is the result of
thrombi formed in carotid or cerebral vessels
associated with atherosclerosis, hypercoagulation, sickle cell disease, and polycythemia vera
Conditions that favor a thrombus include
hypercoagulation and decreased perfusion
Risk factors for ischemic stroke include
increasing age, underlying atherosclerotic disease, history of prior transient ischemic attacks, associated with cardiovascular disease (a-fib, valve prosthesis, carotid disease, valve or carotid surgery, bacterial endocarditis)
For patients at risk of stroke, it is important to control
diabetes, HTN, and coagulation therapy
For patients who have already had a stroke, they may have
impaired cerebral autoregulation
Venous air embolism is the
entrainment of air or delivered gas into the venous or arterial vasculature
Takeaway for venous air embolism:
air into vein only occurs if PB> Pvenous (i.e. when the heart is lower then the brain and doing surgery above the heart), vein gets stuck open
The biggest concern with the venous air embolism is the
large volume of gas which can circulate to the lungs and lead to pulmonary embolism causing impaired gas exchange or for patients with a patent foramen ovale who could have a right to left shunt (causing MI & stroke)
The appropriate positioning for a patient with a PFO who has a VAE would be
on the left side
Clinical manifestations of VAE include
cardiovascular: chest pain, bradyarrhythmias, tachyarrhythmias, increased filling pressure, ST segment changes
pulmonary: dyspnea, tachypnea, gasp reflex, hypoxemia, hypercarbia
Neurological: decreased CO leading to cerebral hypo-perfusion
VAE is detected via
abrupt decline in end-tidal carbon dioxide
may also see unexplained hypotension
Subarachnoid hemorrhage risk factors include
hypertension, diabetes, CAD