Neurons, Neurotransmission And Communciation Flashcards
CNS - consists of Brian and the spinal cord
PNS - connects central nervous system to rest of body
Cells of the nervous system
Billions of neurons underlie activity of the nervous system
- electrically excitable cells
- process and transmit information around nervous system
Communication between neurons through dendrites via synapses
-Dendrites pick up and caddy messages to the cell body
Axon carries out going messages from the cell
Group of axons make up a nerve
Some axons covered with myelin sheath
^ made up of glial cells inc efficiently
Neural impulse
At its resting potential higher concentration of negative ions exist inside the membrane surrounding the cell body outside
An ion electrically charged atom that has lost or gained an electorn
At rest a neruon is in a state of polarisation
-Inc message strong enough = electrical charge is changed
-action potential neuron is depolarised
-incoming messages cause grades potentials, when combined, may exceed the min threshold of excitation
-after firing refractory period , only occur if message is much stronger than usual
a link between acetylcholine and Alzheimer’s disease
90% loss in the brain
Drugs to block dopamine used to reduce excess in the frontal lobes linked to schizo
Too little in the motor areas link to Parkinson’s disease
Too little serotonin lead to depression , OCD , suicide
Prozac prevents neurons from vacuuming up excess seratonin
Stress depletes adrenalin
Exercise increase it
Structurally very similar to opioids , opium , morphine and heroin
- allows hibernation
Glutamate -
most common neurotransmitter in central nervous system
MND results from excess glutamate production
Too little suffer aniexty disorders
Drugs like Valium and alcohol enhance GABA
Deficiency can result in epilepsy
Brian PT 1
90% of body’s neurons
Brian area hindbrain , midbrain and forebrain
Oldest part medulla
Controls breathing heart rate , salivation and vomiting
Pons located above the med connects the top of the brain to cerebellum
Chemicals pedicure in the pons help maintain our sleep walk cycle
Divided into two hemispheres & handles reflexes
Receiving and sending msg
Inferior colliculi - auditory processing
Superior Visual processing
RAS controls arousal
Thalmus, hypothalamus , Cerebral cortex
Thalamus relays & translates incoming msg from sense receptors
Hypothalamus governs motivation and emotion- coordinating responses of the nervous system
Limbic System
Critical for Forming memories Experiencing pleasure Motivational and emotional activities System includes hippocampus l & amygdala
Cerebral cortex
Regulates most of the behaviour
Divided into four lobes
Occipital, temporal , parietal and frontal
Occipital lobe
Back of head , receives and processes visual info
At temples , sense of smell , helps perform visual tasks
Top of temporal & occipital , receives sensory info
Part of cerebral cortex , responsible for voluntary movement , attention and & goal directed behaviour
Spinal Cord
Complex cable Of nerves that connect brain to rest of body, made up of long nerve fibres Two functions Permit some reflex movements Carry msg to and from
PNS Somatic Nervous System
Sensory neurons msg to CNS
Motor - from CNS
Interneurons carry msg from one to another
PNS - Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic - acts to arouse body
Parasympathetic - acts to relax and restore the body