Evolution, Genetics And Experience Flashcards
Two questions about behaviour
Is it physiological or is it psychological
Inherited Or learned
Physiological or Psychological?
Conflict between science and Roman church
Truth whatever church decreed it to be
French philosopher Rene Descartes 1596-1650 gave one part to universe one to church
Descartes = Universe composed of two elements
Physical matter , behaves to laws of nature and is thus a suitable object of scientific investigation
Human mind - lacks physical substance , obeys not natural laws and is appropriate object of the church
Inherited or Learned
Same time studying animal behaviour
Ethology = study of instinctive behaviours
Emphasised role of nature, inherited factors in development
Early ethologists assumed inherited
Evidence against physiological or psychological
- Complex psychological changed produced by damage
2. Some nonhuman species possess abilities once assumed purely psychological purely human
Human Evolution
Modern biology began in 1859 with Darwins on the origin of species
-traits associated with survival & reproduction most likely passed on
-adapted to particular environment
-Natural Selection
Evolution of fossil records through geological layers
Striking structural similarities among living species
Mendelian Genetics
=two inherited factors
Two genes for each dichomous trait - alleles
Homozygous organism (possess identical genes)
Heterozygous organisms (possess different genes)
Dominant (brown seed) recessive (white)
1 father 1 mother
1900 genes located on chromosomes in nucleus of cells
Fundamental genetics
Humans have 20,000 genes
Genes 2% of human DNA
Big mistake to attribute control of a behaviour to a single gene
Behaviour the product of many genes interacting with each other
As brain is plastic timing of gene activity in specific neural structure critical
Selective Breeding
Rats trained on a maze , best rat = maze bright breed together;maze dull rats breed together
Cross fostering control procedure
No lap in group performance by generation 8
Maze bright rats got better
Maze dull rats got worse
Maze rats do better than maze dull rats only if both raised in improve rushed environments
When raised in enriched environments differences disappear
Maze bright rats not more intelligent less fearful
Abnormal brain development
1/100 carry PKU gene
Single gene mutation suffers lack conversion of PKU to tyrosine
Levels of dopamine low
Only develops with genetic environment interaction
Treated by phenylalanine restricted diet (newborn) limits mental retardation